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Mrs. Weasley If anda didn't have a mom (like Harry) & Molly wanted to adopt you; would anda let her?

19 fans picked:
yes; i'd Cinta to have her as a mom.
no; she'd drive me crazy.
 ecpjll posted hampir setahun yang lalu
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ncis-2885 picked yes; i'd Cinta to have her as a mom.:
Of course, she is one of the most cearing mothers, maybe she would drive me a little crazy with her worry but that would be only out of love.
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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NerdyNinja49 picked yes; i'd Cinta to have her as a mom.:
She's such a sweetheart, and I don't get in trouble as much as the twins.
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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ecpjll picked no; she'd drive me crazy.:
I've lived a life with parents who let me pretty much do what I want. I had rules until about 12 or 13, then I didn't need them, so I didn't have them. But my parents have never bossed me around; they knew they couldn't get away with it. I'd end up killing Molly.
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mandali picked yes; i'd Cinta to have her as a mom.:
she's a sweetie and is very caring :)
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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x-menobsessed26 picked yes; i'd Cinta to have her as a mom.:
She's like my parents already.
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Lady_Rebel picked yes; i'd Cinta to have her as a mom.:
My mom is a mixture of McGonagall and Mrs. Weasley!
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.