Paul McCartney Club
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The word "Love" means different things to different people and also it is used to connote different shades of meaning in different Beatles songs. For example on The Beatles classic hit 1965 album "Rubber Soul", the word "Love" in the song 'The Word' as used in the phrase 'Say the Word and you'll be free', "Have anda heard the Word is Love' bears no relation to freedom from Slavery as connoted sejak Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in his famous "I Have a Dream Speech". But, rather, it simply tries to point out that fact that sometimes through marriage, Cinta between two people, can often lead to bondage...
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posted by estudioso
Alright I just went through the Rolling Stone's senarai of the 100 Greatest artists of all time and Paul wasn't in there. That is appalling. Statistically he should be in the bahagian, atas five. It is an outrage. Why would Rolling Stone do something like that. John Lennon made it and he only did a few albums. My theory is that the panel Rolling Stone assembled to make the senarai is incompetent, which is shown sejak that mistake as well as many numerous other wrong and weird rankings. Also, I have heard that Rolling Stone magazine never really liked Paul McCartney and never took his Muzik history, but still he should have been on that list.
Sir Paul McCartney was one of the many famous faces to take the stage during the opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics. With him, the legendary Beatle brought a chorus of cheers and beaming smiles to Danny Boyle's "Isles of Wonder."

McCartney opened with "The End," one of the classics from the Beatles' decorated catalogue. "And in the end. The Cinta anda take is equal to the Cinta anda make," McCartney crooned, before launching into a sing-a-long version of "Hey Jude." At his piano, McCartney, now 70, managed to light up the entire Olympic stadium, as athletes from every country -- and the...
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posted by thrillergirl18
Well Paulie's getting married again it's in the paper. I just hope that this one is better then the other ones he had. But what I truly think is that Paul should just be single for a while I mean I Cinta Paul but. He has been abused and got cheated on before. I don't know what her this women's name is but like what I berkata before I just really do hope that she's kind and gentle. I heard that his first wife wasn't that great in fact I heard that neither of The Beatles wife's were abusive. I did heard that Patti Boyd cheated on George for Eric Clapton and sh also had hitted him and so on.
posted by blau-7
Kennt Ihr dieses völlig verrückte Fanbuch "Paul ist schuld", das die Jagd zweier peminat-peminat auf ihr Idol schildert? Zum Brüllen komisch, völlig skurril und schräg, Witzig, traurig, verrückt. Ich habe es geliebt, als es Ende der 80er Jahre erschien. Jetzt habe ich gehört, dass der Verlag wieder an den Start gehen will und das Buch wahrhaftig wieder regulär zu haben sein wird. juhu! Denn bei Ebay wird es momentan für 40 euro angeboten. total verrückt.
chriscross schreibt in ihrem Blog auf blogspot: „Paul ist schuld...
... war nicht nur der Titel eines lustig-ironischen Taschenbuchs zur Geschichte...
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My main purpose of Penulisan this artikel is to present my Interpretation of the hit 1993 Paul McCartney song "Off The Ground".

I will go through the entire song line sejak line, and will discuss, my interpretation of them. I will also make use of the Sigmund Freud book, "The Interpretation of dreams", which was a ground breaking Masterpiece in the field of Psychology, Philosophy and Thought.

I am a huge Beatles peminat and have a large collection of Beatles Memorabilia. I have seen Paul McCartney live in konsert three times, and everytime I hear the classic song "Off The Ground", it fills me with great...
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