Percy Jackson and The Olympians Club
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posted by futeranabeth
remember my story about duffy?well if anda dont shes introduced in no lebih clarrise(this being no lebih clarrise 2)well in my story duffys a new half-blood at claimed sejak apollo.clarrise teases her about it.duffy shoots go read it.back to the took me a minit to prosess what jusst hapend.i felt mad,sad,happy,confused either way i didnt like it.(hate feelings)aphrodite girls gasped hephestus kids lauged (really jean?)(jeans a hephestus freind with yellow eyes)i looked at duffy."w-what"i asked duffy looked frigtened at what she had done "i-i-"she stamered chiron trampled over "what happend here?" he boomed seeing clarrises dead body."who did this?"he screamed.duffy slowly raised her hand.duffy he berkata sadly."are anda sure apollo is your father?"she smiled up at him "no"
Okay! Lemme explain: I am Penulisan a series of episodes of capture the flags, starring various users from various websites. Basically, hantar yourself and become a camper in capture the flag!!

Oh! Nakki and Percy are at a duel! Percy’s wielding riptide and-OH! NAKKI IS DOWN! REPEAT: Nakki is down!

That is just a excerpt. It is narrated sejak the host, "Stella". THIS IS IN NO WAY SHAPE atau FORM AN RP. THIS A STORY THAT I ALONE WRITE. So, if you. Wanna be a camper, fill out this form!:

First name:
Hair color:
*preferred weapon:
Bonus: preferred cabin(I might not put anda in this cabin,...
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added by Natbr
Source: percy-jackson
added by Natbr
Source: lovepercyjackson
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added by Natbr
added by Natbr
percy jackson
lightning thief
annabeth chase
added by Natbr
Source: percyjackson-br tumblr
added by Natbr
Source: Tumblr
Chapter 13

After the attack all I could do was cry. I wasn't able to help Katie and she died. Believe me, I didn't like her, she was a jerk but I couldn't take away the thought that she was dead.

For about 2 hours of sobbing, Nico told me to calm down. He gave me a hug and explained what we needed to do. I liked Nico's hug surprisingly. It was warm and it made me feel protected.

After we cleaned off ourselves we took the dead Katie and buried her on a hill. Nico berkata he would personally put her in the fields of Eluthesium. (is that how anda spell it?)

Soon after it was really late and we used...
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added by Natbr
Source: lovepercyjackson
added by Natbr
Source: percyjackson-br tumblr
added by Natbr
Source: percyjackson-br tumblr
added by Natbr
Source: lovepercyjackson
added by orppersephone
added by summer2987
added by Natbr
Source: lovepercyjackson
added by Natbr