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added by Violet_Eve
Source: Nuri
added by Violet_Eve
Source: Nuri
added by Violet_Eve
Source: Nuri
added by Blue85
 Green Screen Studio Kit
Green Screen Studio Kit
Chroma keying refers to the process of replacing a solid background (key) with animated atau static background. This process is also known as green screening. One can also substitute the green screen with blue screen. Although any other color can be used if it is not present in the elements of the foreground, blue and green are most popular. For proper green screening, there are some tips telah diberi in this artikel which shall be followed to obtain best footage. Otherwise, there can be many problems while making green screen video atau images. These problems include color spill, shadows, reflection...
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added by greyswan618
added by RemindMe
added by paniclover21
added by TwilighterSabby
Source: TwilighterSabby
added by RemindMe
added by KanonKyu
Source: Sweet Cat Fotografi
added by KanonKyu
Source: Fotografi peminat art made sejak me- KanonKyu
added by KanonKyu
Source: Fotografi peminat art made sejak me- KanonKyu
added by KanonKyu
Source: Fotografi peminat art made sejak me- KanonKyu
added by KanonKyu
Source: Fotografi peminat art made sejak me- KanonKyu
added by KanonKyu
Source: Fotografi peminat art made sejak me- KanonKyu
added by RemindMe
added by Rodz
Source: Rodienne Vee (Myself)
added by cleavisde
Source: cleavisde
added by cleavisde
Source: cleavisde