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Pi Do anda have pi memorized to lebih than 20 places? Please, be honest.

47 fans picked:
 maybeastarbucks posted hampir setahun yang lalu
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johnpettey3 picked Yes:
dude i tried undoing my pick and the percentages plumated
nobody must come here, HAHA!!! suckas
i do know it to like 30 somethin' places so in ur face
stupid people
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maybeastarbucks picked Yes:
I know it to 70 places, "so in ur face stupid people"
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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michael picked No:
Not anymore... just 16 nowadays. Just out of curiosity, when did you guys memorize pi? I did it in high school when I was obsessed with pi and the golden ratio.
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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maybeastarbucks picked Yes:
I memorized what I know on one very very long weekend.
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TweenaCat picked Yes:
I learned it gradually because my sister is obsessed, both with reciting and with pi dancing and with using it for formulas. You will know her as ilovemaths.
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cents4spence picked Yes:
i know 7,812 so WHAT NOW BIZNITCH!!!
o yea, i'm a genius!
first 30 right here-
after that I get too bored
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purple_algae picked No:
Nope, only 16.
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rachell_32 picked No:
ehh, i used to.
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hellgirl223 picked No:
uhhh...... i dont memorize pi :S except that um 3.14..
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jeminelenafan99 picked Yes:
53 really!! we r having a contest so yeahhhhhhhh!!
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POPclogger216 picked Yes:
First 78. 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971­693­993­751­058­209­749­445­923­078­164­062­862­0.
~not off internet, from memory~
Edit: Now first 86. 89986280.
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lollipopszx3 picked No:
Right now, I'm just working on memorizing the banner.
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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x-menobsessed26 picked No:
Not at this moment, but I will when I get bored enough. I promise.
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.