Pokémon Lets Do A Pokemon Rp

misshedgehog posted on Sep 01, 2013 at 07:28PM
here you can be a trainer or a gym leader or Elite Four
you start off with one pokemon it can be from the professor or others ways
what do they wear:
what do they look like:
anything else you want to add

rule 1: this rp can have mature thing in it like a character death but ask the person first
rule 2: if there going to be mature romance like love making please use this -------------CENSORED------------- or skip it
rule: you can say bad word but not too bad or too much
rule 4 have fun

oc aka real pokemon on character like red are now alone
last edited on Dec 09, 2013 at 01:32PM

Pokémon 73514 balas

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Showing Replies 11201-11250 of 73514

hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
"Say what do you think of girlpower shipping ?"Mordo asked
hampir setahun yang lalu thetankmoment said…
DragonAura15 is sick, so she is not going to be on.
misshedgehog commented…
who are anda hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
(Aw man.. I hope she gets better soon)
"What?" Magia asks "Never heard of it"
hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
"The CynthiaXDawn one"Mordo said
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
"I certainly don't like it" Dawn says.
hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
"Not you, the other Dawn"Mordo said
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
"She doesn't" Dawn says "She's told me"
hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
"Oh I see but it's just a shipping"Mordo said "Now what can we do ?"
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
"Ooh, I know!" Magia exclaims getting up "Since the plane isn't coming yet, we have plenty of time!"
"You mean we can...?" Danae asks with her smile growing.
"Yep! Let's go!" Magia replies and runs off, with the girls and Hert following.
hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
"Wait up!"Jace and the others ran after them
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
They run out of the airport.
"Do you know where it is?" Claire asks.
"Yep, I saw it on our way here" Magia replies and continues running
hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
"Where are you guys going ?"Jace asked running behind them
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
"The plane isn't arriving soon so we can go skating 'till it does!" Magia replies.
"A new skating center (or whatever it's called) has opened in Hearthome for two weeks and we've been wanting to go for a while" Danae says
last edited hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
"Sweet I've always wanted to skate!"Mordo said
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
"And it's close to the aiport so when the plane arrives we'll get there fast" Claire says.
hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
"Alright then"Jace said
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
"And there it is!" Magia says pointing at a skating rink.
hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
"Awesome!"Mordo said "I hope the music is funkalicious"
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
"We'll leave that to Vegeta" Dawn says as they arrive at the skating rink.
hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
As the enter the ring Gimme more is playing
"I can dig it"Mordo said
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
"It's not my style but I okay" Magia says.
hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
The music switches to Music sounds better with you by STARDUST
"Oh I can dig this one"Jace said
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
"I guess this'll do" Magia says.
"Sounds better" Claire says
hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
(I'm listening to it right now while running over some people)
"Lets go our skate on"Mordo said
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
(I listened to it too, it sure works for a skating rink X3)
"Alright!" Danae says and runs off to where the skates were.
"It'll be so much fun watching you guys falling down" Magia says with a snicker following her and takes a pair of skates.
hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
"Yes it will"Jace said "Can you skate well Dawn ?"
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
"I don't have much experience about skating" Dawn replies "But that is why I'm going to try it" and takes a pair of skates.
hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
"Guess we're gonna learn it together then"Jace said taking a pair of skates
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
"Alright" Dawn says with a smile and wears the skates.
"We're going in first" Danae says and she and Magia walk to the skating rink, already wearing their skates.
hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
"Wait up"Mordo said walking to the skating area sporting an afro
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
"Alright let's do it!" Danae exclaims arriving at the skating rink and starts skating like a pro.
"Here goes!" Magia says and starts skating also.
hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
Mordo gets on the rink and starts skating like it's 1988
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
"Are you ready?" Dawn asks the others trying to stand on her skates.
"This isn't going to be that hard" Hert says walking to the rink, also wearing his skates.
"Oh, gosh, how can people stand on these things?" Claire asks trying to stand on her skates.
hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
"Well it's all about balance"Nuzi said and started skating
"Balance yeah"Jace wobbling a bit
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
"Let's do it like this" Dawn says and holds on to Jace "If I fall you'll catch me or we'll fall together and then the opposite"
hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
"Sure we can do that"Jace said smiling
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
"Come on, you guys!" Magia yells from the other side of the skaing rink.
"Here goes..." Claire says and starts skating hesitatly.
"Let's go too" Dawn says and enters the skaring rink.
hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
"Calm your jets"Nuzi said skating around her
"Okay now we push or what ?"Jace asked
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
"How come you can skate that nicely?" Claire asks Nuzi trying to stand.
"I'm pretty sure we push.." Dawn says and holds Jace's hand, then starts skating slowly.
hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
"Ever hear of 80's night ?"Nuzi asked
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
"No" Claire replies a bit confused.
hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
"Well where Mordo and I from once a month we have something called 80's night at our skate rank"Nuzi said "That's where we learned to skate"
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
"Ah, I see" Claire says wobbling a bit.
"Come on, it's not that hard" Hert says skating on the ice with no problem "Magia, let's help her a bit"
"Fine, I'll do her the favour" Magia says and skates towards them.
last edited hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
"And now they're helping each other"Nuzi said doing a pirouette
"Okay I think we're getting the hang of this"Jace said skating slowly holding Dawn's hand
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
"Alright" Magia says and holds Claire by the shoulder as Hert holds her from the other.
"Let's go" Hert says and they both start skating, pulling Claire along.
"This is fun" Dawn says giggling as she skates slowly.

(g2g, be back in a few minutes)
hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
"Yeah, although I can thinking I'm gonna make you fall"Jace said
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
"I'm having the same thoughts, to say the truth.." Dawn says nervously.
"Don't think like that" Danae says skating backwards "Just enjoy it"
last edited hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu vegeta007 said…
"Well okay then, I won't worry that much"Jace said
hampir setahun yang lalu DragonAura15 said…
hampir setahun yang lalu Nojida said…
""I guess I won't either" Dawn says.
Danae nods with a giggle "I'm sure you'll learn how to skate fast"