Princess Belle Club
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posted by moulan
Belle is a fictional character and one of the two protagonists of the Disney animated film, Beauty and the Beast and its two direct-to-video sequels, Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Krismas and its several spin-offs, including Beauty and the Beast: Belle's Magical World. She is also an official Disney Princess.
She also appears at the Walt Disney Parks and Resorts as a meetable character and in various shows and parades. She also makes a cameo appearance in Disney's 1996 animated feature The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Belle also appears in many episodes of the Disney's House of tetikus television...
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posted by moulan
The story of Beauty and the Beast has been around for centuries in both written and oral form, and lebih recently in film and video. Many experts trace similarities back to the stories of Cupid and Psyche, Oedipus and Apuleius’ The Golden keldai of the saat century A.D.

The tale of Beauty and the Beast was first collected in Gianfranceso Straparola’s Le piacevolo notti (The Nights of Straparola) 1550-53. The earliest French version is an ancient Basque tale where the father was a king and the beast a serpent. Charles Perrault popularized the fairy tale with his collection Contes de ma mere...
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posted by lilylove89
Belle is a young book-loving woman living in a small French town. Her father, Maurice, is on his way to a fair, and goes missing. When their horse Phillipe comes back without him, Belle rides to a mysterious istana, castle in possibility of finding him. She finds her father locked away in a dungeon, and begs the dungeon master to free him, offering her own freedom in exchange for her father's. On the condition that she stay with him forever, the dungeon master, a hideous beast, frees Maurice from the dungeon. However he is deeply moved sejak her beauty and affection towards her father, and can't help...
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