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Puteri Jasmine Soalan

Is Aladdin and melati, jasmine a good couple?

If so why? What makes them a great couple and what are your kegemaran moments?
 Is Aladdin and melati, jasmine a good couple?
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CuteDiana said:
Ya they are a good couple, not a great one though.
Umm she got interested in him even though she is a princess and he's a poor guy, the same thing other wise, he didn't know that she's a princess, and showed her adventures, he sacrificed his life for her, and she understood when he lied to her about what he is.
One of my kegemaran moments in the movie when he reach his hand and say "Do anda trust me ?" this is my fave line of the movie, and there is when they sing A Whole New World, and my fave moment of all is when they Ciuman the first time, i find it really romantic and i just LOVED his reaction after the Ciuman <3
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Vixie79 said:
Yes they do make a great couple. I think they both were yearning for something in their lives when they first met each other. Both could tunjuk each other what each was missing. melati, jasmine was his missing piece and visa versa. I think Aladdin loves melati, jasmine because she's beautiful of course but going a little deeper, I believe he's intrigued sejak her independence and strong will, guy's do dig that in a chick. I think melati, jasmine loves Aladdin because ofcourse yes he's cute, but also because he was the one to tunjuk her the outside world, he eventually was honest with her about why he wanted to be a prince and he relized she wasn't that shallow and loved him just the way he was. They make a good team.
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PrincesaJasmine said:
Aladdin and melati, jasmine are absolutly a great couple they really Cinta each other they do not exchange each other for anything
they Cinta each other
they spend beautiful moments together
my kegemaran is a new world
they exchange glances of Cinta and bars it shows most of the time
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 Aladdin and melati, jasmine are absolutly a great couple they really Cinta each other they do not exchange each other for anything they Cinta each other they spend beautiful moments together my kegemaran is a new world they exchange glances of Cinta and bars it shows most of the time
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Africa21 said:
melati, jasmine believed marriage should be based on love, chemistry and free will not duty atau obligation atau law and she's absolutely RIGHT!
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lama56 said:
very nice couple.because a couple means Cinta should be there.in this alladin has Cinta to melati, jasmine and melati, jasmine has Cinta to alladin

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jasminelover said:
Their hearts are destined to be together

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