Purebloods Pureblood Comman Room

newbetomfan posted on Jan 06, 2011 at 08:41PM
pure bloods rule because were better than you!
blood pure? pureblood!
no mudblood fiends pure blood

become a pureblood today!if your a pureblood!
 pure bloods rule because were better than you! blood pure? pureblood! no mudblood fiends pure blood

Purebloods 5 balas

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hampir setahun yang lalu newbetomfan said…
big smile
yay purebloods so waz up?
hampir setahun yang lalu Ninja-Kitten said…
I know this is nitpicky, and it doesn't matter because no one's here anyways, but how the Tartarus do you "become a pureblood"?!
hampir setahun yang lalu newbetomfan said…
oh just stuff it will you do you have something aginst me do you? leave me alone will you it's relly getting on my nerves!so just get lost if u cant say something nice 2 me just dont say anythink ok!good now scram!
hampir setahun yang lalu Ninja-Kitten said…
I'm not stalking you or anything, I've been a member of this club ever since I joined, a substantially longer time than you. I'm not treating you any different than anyone else, if I see something that doesn't make sense (become a pureblood!) then I'll ask about it!
hampir setahun yang lalu newbetomfan said…
leave me alone will ya i keep asking u nicely or at first i did but now i'm just getting f-offed now if u mess with me again u will have 2 listen 2 my bezzie bobbycowshy and cant u just leave me be thats all i'm asking ignore me if u have 2 just please go awiay and u dont think i no your NOT stalking me.