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added by girly_girl
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added by SBTA81
Source: various, just jared
added by girly_girl
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added by Costa
Source: http://finchelhudsonberry.tumblr.com/
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added by girly_girl
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added by girly_girl
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added by Nicky23
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posted by girly_girl
 The lovely Lea!
The lovely Lea!
Just a magazine artikel I found about
The A-z of Lea Michele:

A is for acting:
Lea began to perform on stage at the tender age of nine, despite the fact that she doesn’t come from a showbiz background. ‘ I Cinta the theatre,’ she says. ‘It’s the air that I breath!’

B is for Broadway:
Its where she started and while she loves being on tv, Lea’s hati, tengah-tengah belongs to the New York Stage. ‘I want to play every musical role there is!’ she declares. Ambitious much?!

C is for Cory Monteith:
Lea is rumoured to be cultivating a comance with Cory, the hottie who plays Finn, but in reality, she’s...
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added by Nicky23
added by girly_girl
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added by girly_girl
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added by girly_girl
Source: falsealarm715.livejournal.com
added by girly_girl
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added by girly_girl
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added by girly_girl