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added by pranavilatha
added by pranavilatha
Life is changing in the coastal city of Calicut. Known for spice trade in history ever sincethe Royal Zamorin Kings welcomed the Portuguese to the Indian soil, it hasbagged the credibility as the City of Truth over time, thanks to the loyalpeople of Calicut. Soon, the capital of Malabar will be crowned with the gloryof housing innovative IT companies, making it a brand new IT hub in Kerala. Itis only fair that Calicut, with its premier educational institutions like NIT-Cand IIM-K has its own hi-tech employment hubs for deserving graduates.
HiLITE Business Park, agiant initiative sejak the HiLITE...
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Meeting jay Shafer of Tumbleweed Tiny House Company sejak Merete Mueller & Christopher Smith - for the complete interview series w/ this SXSW 2013 official selection & Merete and Christopher, please visit: link
jay shafer
tiny house
merete mueller
christopher smith
documentary film
added by gower_mae
added by armstrongvillas
added by pranavilatha
added by pranavilatha
added by pranavilatha
added by armstrongvillas
Some students are privileged to have the freedom to have their own angkasa either provided sejak their parents atau availed at their own will and means. Yet, either way, being a student would usually mean owning a studio-type apartment as a start – except of course if anda are already overly fortunate to own a house. It can be rented atau purchased.

Like professionals atau even mature adults, decorating a room can be very challenging for these young adults. In fact, it can be lebih challenging since they can still be in the phase where they don’t have the exact preferences yet on what they specifically...
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Westhill’s property management team works around the clock to ensure your investment property is getting the attention it needs. We will help anda find quality tenants as quickly as possible, maximizing your rent roll while maintaining the property.

We ensure anda are getting maximum return on your real estate investment so anda can focus on the things in life that the matter most!

Why Choose?

Every landlord has two basic needs: filling a vacancy and managing the property. We excel at both!

Over the last 32 years our team has refined processes of securing quality tenants for our clients. We will...
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added by torivica1989
Supertech Limited is one of the best builders present in Noida. It has changed the face of Noida real estate in such a manner that a rural economy changed into something ultramodern striped with skyscrapers. This premium developer has a reputation to keep delivering the finest of quality stats to the best of developers. With 25 years of effectively developing infrastructures, the company now provides its township project known as link. This township is all set to satisfy with the living desires of all potential predators of places. As it provides modern way of lifestyle to all with all high-class...
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