Repo! The Genetic Opera Club
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posted by designer_heart
She stared into the vanity before her. A woman with long, wavy, brunette hair looked back. Magdalene Defoe, atau Blind Mag, was preparing for her final konsert before "officially retiring" from GeneCo, the biotech company she had been contracted to for the past 17 years. Being GeneCo's Voice had taken its toll on the soprano. A commodity, free advertisement that Rotti Largo, GeneCo's head, flaunted about as it suited him. Suddenly enraged, the singer thumped her fist against the oak top, upsetting a few cosmetic items. Well, she was damned tired of it! Mag wanted to be freed of her cage to spend time with her recently discovered goddaughter Shilo Wallace.


It was only this afternoon that Rotti decided to introduce Mag to the girl at the Sanitarium Faire put on sejak GeneCo to honor Mag. Mag could not help but stare at her; she was the miniature version of Marni, her best friend. Later, Mag had snuck away from her rehearsal to visit the young girl. She begged Shilo to not make the same mistakes as she did, but instead to follow her dreams and chase the morning. Moments later, Nathan Wallace, had appeared to tell Mag to leave Shilo alone. An argument ensued, with Mag discovering Nathan had hidden her goddaughter, and ending with Nathan pushing her unceremoniously out the door; but not before she caught a look of pain on his lined face. Mag had returned to her tent, stopping sejak her deceased friend's mausoleum to leave a flower.


Mag sighed and blinked twice. Her digital corneas (a gift of sight from Marni) activated, and a hologram of Shilo appeared. Her long dark hair and brown eyes were definitely those of Marni's. But she did have her father's puzzled look. Mag blinked again. This was no time to dawdle! She had a final song to sing. She rose from the bench and went to the clothing rack. She carefully removed a black korset, daripada reka bentuk doodle adorned with red and black feathers on bahagian, atas and bottom. Mag had this costume specially designed for her song, "Chromaggia". She had specifically chosen this song as her finale; a story of a fatal bird, believed to be chased sejak an archer's arrow. She paired it with sheer black tights and thigh-high boots. Mag pulled out a few accessories for the costume: two spiked bracelets, a spiked choker and two silver finger claws**. Mag dressed swiftly and carefully. Mag gingerly pulled back her curled tresses from her face, securing the front ends behind her head. She applied her make-up and feathery eyelashes. Mag took one lebih deep breath. She was ready. To sing her final song.

**A/N: I really have no idea what they are called, but menanggung, bear with me. anda know what I mean…
added by Cinders
Source: Cinders, Lionsgate
added by duncanxgwen4evr
Source: ...
added by Drakkoholic's the infamous deleted scene with Amber/Graverobber smexing it up in the alley.
added by twilight0girl
making of
Sarah Brightman
alexa vega
rock opera
repo man
repo the genetic opera
blind mag
nathan wallace
added by homosexulaityx
added by Capng
added by Cinders
Source: Cinders, Lionsgate
added by TheJoker29
added by BellaDefoe
added by Capng
Source: Capng
added by Capng
added by Capng
added by BeautifulN
credit to xBlackKissx
repo the genetic opera
repo man
nathan wallace
amber sweet
added by Capng
added by Capng
Created sejak AliceLargo
repo the genetic opera
the devil's carnival
hollywood undead
been to hell
credit to ThetaPiSistersDie
repo the genetic opera
amber sweet
added by TheJoker29
added by Capng