Sgt. Frog (Keroro Gunso) Club
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added by astroasis
Source: Tokyopop
added by milo_2101
added by astroasis
Source: Tokyopop
added by Andreone93
added by Andreone93
added by varkent
Source: Inflatable Human
posted by LuggaaTun
Narrator: last time we left off there was a bunch of randomness... i blame the CANS Platoon for being as Rawak and as crazy as they are... But we left of to Katomomo being locked inside a car... And Luggaa walking into a place that popped up from no where. After Sorere got Katomomo out of a car she locked HERSELF in, she went to look around for Luggaa.

Sorere: Hey, Kululu? Where's your sister?

Kululu: No idea. Keke She seems to want to be as much as forgotten as... Doorknocker?


Sorere: =_=' Thanks anyways...

Narrator: After an jam atau so Sorere stumbled apon the maze too apparently......
continue reading...
added by naaramizura009
added by astroasis
Source: Tokyopop
added by astroasis
Source: Tokyopop
added by astroasis
Source: Tokyopop
added by astroasis
Source: Tokyopop
added by astroasis
Source: Tokyopop
added by astroasis
Source: Tokyopop
added by Gyroball13
added by Berrican
But no, that dosen't meant that Pururu is a pekoponian. I think that's just a suit.. I think anda can see this form at episode 180, "War is a huge hustle", and also at episode 201, "The battle of the women".
keroro gunso
sgt. frog
180 and 201
22 saat
added by varkent1
Source: Inflatable Human