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Which Type of Dream Are You?



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Vixie79 said:
"Out there" Dream

You are the dream that no one really understands where it has come from. Usually it has factors in it that does not happen in real life or could not happen in real life. They could have things happening in them such as a house in the air, or being kidnapped by aliens that liked to eat cupcakes. They usually don't make sense. Sometimes it is from what you had subconsciously heard and remembered throughout the day and that you didn't realize you remembered. Those subconscious thoughts could show up later in the dreams with no explanations as to how or why it had got there.

Wow! That's true no one gets me.
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kayla97 said:
Fantasies/Lust Dream
You are the dream that makes your heart beat faster. These dreams usually have a sensual element, or some other type of intimacy. It does not necessarily have to be sensual, it can just be a really intense moment with your dream guy/girl or a real life crush or lover. Sometimes it could be as much as just cuddling in their arms as long as you're close to them. Usually the dreams makes you feel closer with the person you are dreaming about, or wanting something, especially when it can't happen at the moment or ever.

....i guess..yes. exactly.
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Vixie79 said:
You're the greatest dream ever Kayla. I love those dreams A LOT!
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kayla97 said:
Me too!!! I love it when the seem so real :) Guess who I dream about?? lol
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Vixie79 said:
*scratches head* hmmm, I wouldn't have a clue at all on who you would be dreaming about. XD XD XD! Bettcha you couldn't guess on mine either.
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kayla97 said:
Well, from looking at your icon.... Hmmmm that's a hard question. Hmmm....
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Vixie79 said:
I know it'a a mystery isn't it. LMFAO!!!
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big smile
kayla97 said:
The world may never know. HAHA
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"Out there" Dream

You are the dream that no one really understands where it has come from. Usually it has factors in it that does not happen in real life or could not happen in real life. They could have things happening in them such as a house in the air, or being kidnapped by aliens that liked to eat cupcakes. They usually don't make sense. Sometimes it is from what you had subconsciously heard and remembered throughout the day and that you didn't realize you remembered. Those subconscious thoughts could show up later in the dreams with no explanations as to how or why it had got there.

Oh. God. Yes. That is SO me. the first dream I can remember involves my house being on a volcano, my dad dieing because he went back in to save all the books, and a fancy banjo called "Rattle" in a wheelbarrow. The latest dream I can remember is about two guys from a TV show playing video games in an ancient pyramid, nearly drowning in a tsunami, and a giant wearing black saving them. No, really.
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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"Out there" Dream

You are the dream that no one really understands where it has come from. Usually it has factors in it that does not happen in real life or could not happen in real life. They could have things happening in them such as a house in the air, or being kidnapped by aliens that liked to eat cupcakes. They usually don't make sense. Sometimes it is from what you had subconsciously heard and remembered throughout the day and that you didn't realize you remembered. Those subconscious thoughts could show up later in the dreams with no explanations as to how or why it had got there.

Yep thats me :P being sucked down to the earth and lies down on a fire and , some weird looong mushdashed guy playing guitar and im drinking a barrel of beer -_- , in a flash i can go to japan or some thing and its very making me dizzy like one second you go to your home then one more second you go to white house or some place all over the world , and me in some armor in a "war" wait .. that dream is the most funnest dream i had ever have :P ... yea like that .... and some ancient woman playing my Xbox ..
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.