Sleepy Hollow (TV Series) Club
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added by iceprincess7492
added by iceprincess7492
added by iceprincess7492
added by iceprincess7492
added by karlyluvsam
Source: oliviabamfdunham@tumblr
added by _voldy
Source: tumblr (daeserys)
added by _voldy
Source: Oh No they didn't
added by lilyZ
Source: fox
added by lilyZ
Source: fox
added by iceprincess7492
added by karlyluvsam
Source: webbhaley@tumblr
posted by matchesrulezu
So I'm sure I'm not the only one that was left frustrated and mind-blown at the end of the most baru-baru ini episode.

A couple of things keep swirling through my mind, though.

1) The women of the coven. The Four who speak as One atau whatever. They berkata Katrina broke their law, but I don't understand how. Ichabod is the First Witness. Isn't he supposed to be around to fight all the demons and stuff? The way it always seemed was that this was how it was meant to work out. But the four women were saying otherwise, basically saying that Katrina should have let Ichabod die. Which I don't understand because...
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I wanted to like the season one finale. I really did. And I know a huge part of finales like this is to leave us with a big cliffhanger so we're all on the edge of our seats going "OHMYGAWD, what's going to happen next?!" and start crossing the days off the calendar to count down the days to Season 2, Episode 1.

They accomplished that. Definitely.

But why this way? It kills me that Henry turned out to be Jeremy. On one hand, cool! Ichabod's son is still alive! Except there's a big problem: Jeremy is the saat Horseman. So basically none of it really matters. Jeremy struck a deal with Moloch...
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10 Reasons Why I’m Watching SLEEPY HOLLOW


1- Tom Mison. I need not say more.
2- I like the chemistry between Tom Mison and Nicole Beharie. It’s fun watching Ichabod and Abbie work together.
3- Watching Ichabod learn all about the 21st century is very entertaining.
4- It’s fun to see the many layers of the tunjuk being peeled away with each episode.
5- There’s a great mystery surrounding Katrina.
6- anda really don’t know who anda can trust in Sleepy Hollow.
7- The twist on who the Headless Horseman really is grabbed my attention from the beginning. In the original legend, he was...
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added by KarinaCullen
Tom Mison and Nicole Beharie talk about karaoke and how Ichabod falls in Cinta with Hawley's ride - a Ford Mustang.
sleepy hollow
season 2
tom mison
nicole beharie
added by jlhfan624
Source: fox
Brennan and Ichabod have a scientific debate.
sleepy hollow
season 3