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Kereta Sport do u even own a sports car!?!?(DON'T LIE)!!!

26 fans picked:
i&# 39; m not old enough to drive
i'm not old enough to drive
i don&# 39; t have enough money
i don't have enough money
no but i want 1 :(
no but i want 1 :(
(added by dina_ichigo93)
i don&# 39; t got no money LOL
i don't got no money LOL
NO, but i will like to have one.
NO,but i will like to have one.
(added by twolf601)
 shadow--2222 posted hampir setahun yang lalu
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keithharkinlove picked yes:
i dont know if a chevy camero is considered a sports car but if it is then i thats the car i have it was a gift
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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i&# 39; m not old enough to drive
GoldnSnitch_96 picked i'm not old enough to drive:
It is a muscle car, which is a different branch of sport car, but still falls under the sports car family, yes. :P
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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no but i want 1 :(
carsfan picked no but i want 1 :(:
I CANT DRIVE!!! yet...

BUT I SOOOO WANT A SPORTS CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.