Stormclan Club
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added by ghas_ram
Source: Cinta spells specialist 91-9501556880 canada
added by segafan
~ chapter 2 ~

"your mentor will be stripemoon!" flame put on paw out and tapped flashstars shoulder. along with jelatang, melukakan hati and leaf, she and bintang were now claws! she shook with happiness and let the thought that flashstar would not let her become a claw drift away. bintang nudged her and smiled, clearly thinking that this was the best thing ever. as the tribe finished cheering flame saw bintang being pulled aside sejak his mentor, hissclaw and found herself left in the clearing along with leaf. she glanced at leaf, but the she cat didn't not seem in the mood to talk and walked away to her mentor. suddenly...
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added by Tigerslily
Source: Me!
posted by Moonstorm100
 Parchpaws determination
Parchpaws determination
"You cant be serious!" Wavestorm exclaimed, the bulu on her neck bristling.
It was a crystal clear night in StarClan and all the past StormClan Kucing had gathered on the prey-rich healthy green rumput to speak of somthing Parchheart had announced earlier.
"Why shouldnt she?" Thistletail, the moody grudge of StarClan, challenged. "after all, she left StormClan way to early! Think of what she left behind! Her clan, her life, her loved one......" Thistletail trailed off as his memory flashed back to Moonwing and Fernflight, the two she-cats that had loved him lebih then life, but he hadnt been around...
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added by ilrwgmwf
added by poophead4837ext
Source: Pokemon, Me
I ran, my breath coming in fast gulps as I raced through the forest.
Horror flashed through in my eyes as I remembered what had occured only moments before. I had returned utama after seeing Nightstar, only to find my father waiting for me. I had realzied for the first time, that I was expecting kits, and now my father Ozone, was heading strait for my mate, Nightstar!
I have to save him, I thought desperatly, but how can I? The forest seemed to engulf me, dark shadows seemed to creep beside me as I ran.
Then I herd a shriek, my ears prickled up and my eyes widend with fear, as I reconized...
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posted by Moonstorm100
 A kit n danger? i must either chose; fight atau flight?
A kit n danger? i must either chose; fight or flight?
Stormstar led a border patrol made out of Skyheart, Owlwing, Dreampaw, Bluepaw, Parchpaw, and Foxpaw, around the MidnightClan border. They were about to menyeberang, cross over in the dry lands of StormClan territory, for at the moment they were over the soggy lands of the small swamp at the MidnightClan border. Then Owlwing lifted his nose and scented the air, his eyes widened with fear as my mates brother turned to me, and whispered, "I can badgers and sejak the strong scent, theres alot of them!" His voice cracked with fear.
"Should we check it out?" Bluepaw asked, her voice was steady, yet i noticed her...
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I walk into camp, my head and tail high, as many curious faces stair from the dens of StormClan camp. My deputy, MysticHeart, follows along with our medicane cat, Falconwing. I notice Fernstar appear from her den, followed sejak her deputy Sweetpetal and StormClans medicane cat, Greenpetal comes to stand beside them. "What are anda doing here, Leafstar?" Fernstar asked curiously, "I thought you'd be busy tending to your clan, JayClan." I dipped my head in respect to Fernstar, then spoke "greetings, I have somthing to say that is not for all ears." Fernstar flickered her ear in acknoledgement before summoning Leafstar alone, into her den to talk in private.

Not long after both Fernstar and I appeared but neither of us gave away nothing we just dipped our heads to each other then I began the long walk, back to JayClan territory, followed sejak my trusted deputy and faithful medicane cat.
 Silvercloud visits Stormstar
Silvercloud visits Stormstar
"Stormstar" a voice called, "Stormstar wake up!" Stormstar's eyes flew open and she found herself, standing on an open moor. The rumput under her paws felt fresh and newly grown, the dark blue sky above her head was lightend sejak the shining star's and the bright moons reflection in the river, that was only inches away from her. She jumped to her paws.
Last Stormstar remembered, she was in her den, shifting uncomfertably in her nest. The cold wind leaf-bare wind was sending chils through her skin. Now, she was here, on a moorland in new-leaf.
Then Stormstar saw one of the stars brighten, she...
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posted by Mistyflower
To Fernstar and Kucing of the Clans;

I must say that everything is falling apart in the Clan world. There are too many conflicts and battles *eyes NightClan, BoneClan, and her Clan for a half saat and looks away* between the forty-something Clans. Most of the Clans *looks at StormClan and OceanClan* are very eager for the conflict to end. We want peace and freedom beyond StarClan. I now admit that the battle between SolarClan and NightClan was not truly won sejak SolarClan; but there was no victory over either Clan. We want no further discussion of it; just peace and harmony. This is very important to my Clans, and I hope anda consider our offer.

Mistystar, Shadestar, and Honeystar.
added by smartone123
Source: me
I ran through the forest, my limbs aching, my hati, tengah-tengah pumping! I could have sworn I had heartburn! Two wild Anjing were on my tail, they were gainging, faster and faster, until...........POW! The bigger wild dog male leaped on me and i found myself crashing down!
"Ha! I got anda Wing!" One of the wild Anjing exclaimed in victory.
"Shut up Azulan!" I growled at him. Azulan was my idiot brother, who never stopped worshipping himself for two seconds.
Then my other littermate, Rain, caught up with us, her breath heaving. It didnt surprise me for one saat that she was last to arrive, after all she...
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posted by brownstar
Ok since anda people wanted to ignore me in the forum i'll post it here. i have decided to leave this clan, for the leader stormstar rarely comes on to help her clan atau stop them from fights. she only comes on to me when she makes warriors, apprentices, etc. i have gotten tired of the way she leads, no one ever get's in trouble here when they should because it teaches them about respect and shows them how they need to behave so they don't get in trouble again. i also feel like sometimes it isn't a clan because of the Rawak things that go on, this clan sometimes acts like it's a twoleg group,...
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added by Starrox
Source: chilldude
added by smartone123
Source: me
added by KatieK102
added by Fadingechoes
A few moons have past since Sprucepaw, Brushpaw, and Pinefrost had joined StormClan, and Sprucepaw has gotten used to Clan life, although, she wondered where her father has gone, and if he would ever find them. Meanwhile, Sprucepaw and Brushpaw went out to get some water. Sprucepaw noticed that Brushpaw had stopped and was examining some red berries. “Umm, Brushpaw, I don’t think anda should eat those. We should just go and get some water as we told Stormstar we were.” Sprucepaw was worried when Brushpaw picked up a couple of berries and almost tried them. He dropped them when she spoke...
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