Stormclan Members of StormClan

KatieK102 posted on Sep 12, 2015 at 03:22AM
Falconstar-(KatieK102) - handsome black tom with dark gray chest and dark green eyes (Mate: Sweetbriar)

Wrenflight (TeamPeeta649) - dark brown tom with a golden chest and underbelly with amber eyes (Mate: Shiverwind)

Medicine Cats:
Slightfeather (KatieK102) - dark gray tom with darker patches and green eyes (Temporary mentor) (Mate: Creedstorm)
Swamppaw (Tanglebelly) - black and orange tom with a white freckled face and gold eyes
Pebblepaw (KatieK102) - tan and white tom with blue eyes

Creedstorm (TeamPeeta649) - dark brown she-cat with patchy black stripes all over, a white chin and seafoam green eyes (Mate: Slightfeather)
Redshadow (TeamPeeta649) - massive reddish-brown tabby tom with black stripes, paws, ears and muzzle and lavender eyes (Mate: Mistybreeze)
Duskstorm (KatieK102) - large, creamy-colored tabby tom with a white chest, underbelly, two white paws, and dark blue eyes (Mate: Frecklenose) (Apprentice: Buckpaw)
Berryfrost (KatieK102) - ginger she-cat with white nose and pretty green eyes, and a large scar across her shoulder (Mate: Strongbreeze) (Apprentice: Driftpaw)
Sunheart (Tanglebelly) - orange tom with white flecks and green eyes
Darkmist (TeamPeeta649) - white and black tom with gold eyes
Shiverwind (KatieK102)- pretty white she-cat with pale gray patches and frosty blue eyes (Mate: Wrenflight)
Strongbreeze (Tanglebelly) - black tom with white paws and tail tip, and amber eyes (Mate: Berryfrost) (Apprentice: Badgerpaw)
Sweetbriar (TeamPeeta649) - white she-cat with brown spots and amber eyes (Mate: Falconstar) (Apprentice: Flamepaw)
Frecklenose (TeamPeeta649) - orange tortoiseshell she-cat with a black freckled nose with brown eyes (Mate: Duskstorm)
Flintstripe (tanglebelly) - orange tabby tom with a large fluffy white chest and underbelly and white toes with brown eyes (Mate: Treetail)
Treetail (TeamPeeta649) - brown tom with large black stripes, long legs and blue eyes (Mate: Flintstripe) (Apprentice: Cloudpaw)
Foxclaw (Tanglebelly) - ginger tom with a white muzzle and pale green eyes (Mate: Bloodmoon)
Ambershade (KatieK102) - golden tabby she-cat with white on her muzzle, chest and paws, green eyes
Tanglewhisker (Tanglebelly)-black tom with golden tabby stripes, green eyes, and a single white paw (Apprentice: Ivorypaw)
Bloodmoon (TeamPeeta694) - dark brown she-cat with reddish paws and muzzle and green eyes (Mate: Foxclaw)
Dewspots - pure white she-cat with pale blue eyes
Thundersky (KatieK102) - muscular stone grey tabby she-cat with tan stripes and paws, and piercing hazel eyes
Blacksun (TeamPeeta694) - orange tom with black legs and green eyes
Sunflowernose (TeamPeeta694) - orange tortoiseshell she-cat and a white mask and green eyes
Pantherleap (TeamPeeta649) - grey, white and tan calico she-cat with hazel eyes

Buckpaw (Tanglebelly) - dark brown tom with grey stripes and blue eyes
Badgerpaw (TeamPeeta694) - grey and tan tom with a long tail and hazel eyes
Driftpaw(Tanglebelly) - white and brown tom with a light grey freckled muzzle and green eyes
Cloudpaw (KatieK101) - fluffy white she-cat with bright blue eyes
Flamepaw (Tanglebelly) - orange tabby tom with blue eyes
Ivorypaw (TeamPeeta694) - creamy white tom with brown eyes



Scorchgaze (TeamPeeta649) - large, muscular orange tabby tom with amber eyes
Hushpool (TeamPeeta649) - muscular light tan she-cat with dark brown paws and green eyes (Mate: Skyheart)
Skyheart (Tanglebelly) - lean grey tom with blue eyes (Mate: Hushpool)
Featherwing (TeamPeeta649) - light grey tom with white stripes, a long fluffy tail, and icy blue eyes (Mate: Crowtail)
Crowtail (Tanglebelly) - muscular jet black tom with blue eyes (Mate: Featherwing)
Mistybreeze (KatieK102) - slender gray tabby she-cat with one white paw, tail tip and blue eyes (Mate: Redshadow) retired early


Current Season: New-Leaf
last edited on Jun 01, 2022 at 02:46PM

Stormclan 31229 balas

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hampir setahun yang lalu TeamPeeta649 said…
Thought maybe some mischievous apprentice was just trying to cause trouble and get under your fur? *flicks her tail in amusement* -Sweetbriar
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
You're gonna eat that whole rabbit yourself alright big strong warrior *laughs a bit then looks over to Freckle and Scorch* Morning family -Brownnut

What's brings you here Freckle usually you're off with sunheart *purrs taking another bite* -Sheepfluff

She's all yours she's been nipping at my tails for days *laughs a bit as Dapplekit scrambles after her dad* -Flaxenrose
hampir setahun yang lalu KatieK102 said…
*takes a bite of the rabbit but doesn't say anything, simply listening* ~ Duskstorm

"Not nesscarily. But maybe that one day you and Berryfrost were talking and the subject of single toms came up, my name was mentioned, and you're mechiviois friend pushed it and pushed until you thought," *shrugs* "maybe she's onto something." ~ Falconstar
hampir setahun yang lalu TeamPeeta649 said…
*sits down beside his friends* -Scorchgaze

Well I needed to tell you something important. You guys are going to be grandparents. -Frecklenose

*scoops up Dapplekit in his paws* Having you been practicing on your mother's tail? *purrs and licks his head* -Darkmist
hampir setahun yang lalu TeamPeeta649 said…
*laughs* That sounds like something she'd do, but no. Actually, the first day we really started becoming friends we started a discussion about any interest we might have and I told her that I admired you. She did help me realize it was more of a crush than just admiration. -Sweetbriar
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
Maybe... *says batting her cute little gold eyes* -Dapplekit

*nears drops her mouthful of prey but swallows* Oh StarClan that's wonderful honey *says nuzzling her daughter lovingly* -Sheepfluff

Now we really are old *laughs* -Brownnut
hampir setahun yang lalu TeamPeeta649 said…
*purrs happily* I just had Merry take a look. It's early, but I've definitely got symptoms. -Frecklenose

I've been old. *jokes lightly and licks his daughter's head* I'm so happy for you sweetie. And I get to be a grandpa! -Scorchgaze

*nuzzles her* You know just how to tug on my heartstrings don't you? You adorable little kit. -Darkmist
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
Mom says I got you're eyes daddy *purrs nuzzling him back* -Dapplekit

Well I'm sure you're sister will take care of you just fine darling *smiles* I'm very happy for you I assume you and sunheart are doing alright then -Sheepfluff
hampir setahun yang lalu TeamPeeta649 said…
*nods* He's been working so diligently to get our relationship back on track and show me he cares. He's just as excited for these little ones as I am. -Frecklenose

As long as he's supporting you and making you happy that's all we care about. -Scorchgaze

That you did. But you got your beauty from your mother. *purrs* -Darkmist
hampir setahun yang lalu tanglebelly said…
•shrugs• beats me as long as they don't bother me I don't care. •grooms his pelt catching Flaxonroses glare•

•nods at his mother and takes a bite from the mouse•

•nods• two peas in a pod eh?

I'm going to be a father! •says getting off him•
hampir setahun yang lalu KatieK102 said…
"Congrats," *pipes up, pausing from eating his rabbit* *Shoots a sly glance at Scorchgaze* "Maybe Sweetbriar'll be next?" ~ Duskstorm

"I just know he's out. Maybe if we get lucky we'll stumble across him." *nudges her* "Come on, let's go!" ~ Shiverpaw

"Ah," *nods* "So I'll make sure that Berryfrost is assigned to the dawn patrol for the next moon." ~ Falconstar

*Pads out of the den with a yawn* "What are we talking about?" *asks, coming to sit beside Wrenflight and Strongbreeze* ~ Berryfrost

*Huffs and leans against him* "I don't want more kits." *Grumbles lowly* "Tanglekit and Dapplekit are annoying enough..." ~ Thunderkit
hampir setahun yang lalu tanglebelly said…
Ah we were talking about becoming mentors. •purrs up at her•

I know we don't need anymore kits around here the nursery is full enough with annoying kits. •licks the top of her head• You and Bloodkit are the only ones not annoying.
hampir setahun yang lalu KatieK102 said…
Raises an eyebrow* "You think you'll get to mentor one?" ~ Berryfrost

*Purrs* "I agree. Although Foxkit isn't so bad. Neither is Mousekit." ~ Thunderkit
hampir setahun yang lalu tanglebelly said…
Oh you like Foxkit and Mousekit now? •chuckles• that's good that you are making friends that aren't to annoying.

•shakes his head• probably not but it would be exciting wouldn't it? Plus don't you think I'd make a good mentor?
hampir setahun yang lalu KatieK102 said…
*Shrugs* "They're alright. I don't mind them." ~ Thunderkit

*Grooms her pelt* ~ Mousekit

"I think Wrenflight would make a good mentor, but you? I'm not so sure," *teases* "You would probably push your apprentice into the lake!" ~ Berryfrost
hampir setahun yang lalu TeamPeeta649 said…
At this point and time I hope not! -Scorchgaze

Oh come on! She's not that much of a troublemaker. *purrs softly* -Sweetbriar

That's wonderful Sunheart! Congratulations! When did you find out? -Featherwing

I can battle practice with the new kits right? *grins up at her father* -Bloodkit
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
Thanks dad *smiles and looos down at Tanglekit* Don't eat it all big brother I'm coming back for more -Dapplekit

I'm glad you're happy sweetheart *smiles* -Sheepfluff

Where should we hunt? *says following her out of camp* -Rainpaw
hampir setahun yang lalu TeamPeeta649 said…
*sets her down next to his brother and starts grooming his mate* -Darkmist

*purrs* You'll have to teach me how to be a mom as good as you so I can make them happy. -Frecklenose
hampir setahun yang lalu tanglebelly said…
•purrs• Yesterday.

•shrugs• only if you don't hurt them I guess. •looks back at Thunderkit• Well if they ever get to annoying just tell me okay?

•nods• don't worry I won't!

I would not! Plus that was only becuase you splashed me!
hampir setahun yang lalu TeamPeeta649 said…
I don't know, Strongbreeze. You seem like you'd be the type of mentor to try feeding your apprentice to the fish. *jokes lightly* -Wrenflight

You both must be so excited. *purrs happily for him* How far along is she? -Featherwing

*leans her head against her father's leg* -Bloodkit
hampir setahun yang lalu tanglebelly said…
Well we arent quite sure about that...But we know she is having kits! *purrs*

*looks down at Bloodkit* What is it Bloodkit?

*huffs* Come on i wouldnt do that! Id be like the best mentor.
hampir setahun yang lalu TeamPeeta649 said…
*chuckles* I'm only teasing. You'd be a great mentor. -Wrenflight

That's wonderful Sunheart. I'm sure Darkmist was so happy when you told him. -Featherwing

Nothing dad. *yawns slightly* Just kind of bored. -Bloodkit
hampir setahun yang lalu tanglebelly said…
*nods* Yea he was! He gets to be an uncle now and he loves kits.

*puffs his chest out proudly* Thats more like it!

Why dont you go play with your friend Foxkit? You always like to play with him.
hampir setahun yang lalu TeamPeeta649 said…
*rolls his eyes in amusement* Don't get too full of it. *cuffs him playfully* -Wrenflight

Well I'm certainly excited to be an uncle to two litters now! -Featherwing

I know, but he says I fight too much sometimes. -Bloodkit
hampir setahun yang lalu tanglebelly said…
*purrs* I bet you are! You better spoil my kits though.

*ducks away* Full of it? Please im always full of it.

What about Mousekit then?
hampir setahun yang lalu TeamPeeta649 said…
So I can tell! -Wrenflight

I always spoil kits no matter who they belong to. *Chuckles* -Featherwing

Can't I play with you? -Bloodkit
hampir setahun yang lalu tanglebelly said…
*laughs* Yes you can play with me. I will allow that but what do you want to play?

Well good then i wont have to worry about bribing you.

So what are you plans for today?
hampir setahun yang lalu TeamPeeta649 said…
*shrugs* I've got a patrol later today. I told Shiverpaw and Rainpaw I'd help them with whatever they needed, but they've already taken off. -Wrenflight

I'll still take the bribe, I just don't need it. *grins* -Featherwing

Show me some fighting moves! *bounces excitedly* -Bloodkit
hampir setahun yang lalu tanglebelly said…
Oh more fighting moves? *purrs* Come on lets get out of the nursery first. *pads towards the entrance of the nursery*

*Chuckles* ill think about it.

Ah so you are stuck with us until then?
hampir setahun yang lalu TeamPeeta649 said…
*nudges him* Don't put it like that! -Wrenflight

So have you talked about any names yet? -Featherwing

*follows him happily* -Bloodkit
hampir setahun yang lalu tanglebelly said…
*nods* But they are top secret!

Well thats how you make it sound you know.

*sits down* okay how about i teach you the chest kick for when you get pinned down
hampir setahun yang lalu TeamPeeta649 said…
I'm sorry, that's not how I meant it. Of course I enjoy spending my time with you, you're my closest friend after all. -Wrenflight

Top secret, huh? Well I look forward to finding out what they are in two moons. -Featherwing

*nods eagerly* Yes please! -Bloodkit
hampir setahun yang lalu tanglebelly said…
Thats more like it! *cuffs him playfully*

*nods eagerly* I think you will be happy with them.

Okay you might need another kit for this one though why dont you go find one of your friends.
hampir setahun yang lalu TeamPeeta649 said…
You're so troublesome. *teases* -Wrenflight

Of course. Whatever you two decide I'm sure will be wonderful. -Featherwing

*runs back to the nursery* Foxkit come practice with us! -Bloodkit
hampir setahun yang lalu tanglebelly said…
*grumbles and gets to his paws tiredly* Im comming..

*sits watiing for them to return*

Am not im like the most responsible cat ever!

*nods* So how have you been lately?
hampir setahun yang lalu KatieK102 said…
"Wrong," *says inmediately* "You're definitely not. That would probably go to Darkmist." ~ Berryfrost

*follows them out to watch* ~ Thunderkit

"Let's go deep into the forest. Well find mice and squirrels there." ~ Shiverpaw

*shrugs, smirking slightly* "You don't know what they're doing on that date." ~ Duskstorm
hampir setahun yang lalu TeamPeeta649 said…
Good. Crowtail and I waiting for when we can have more kits. -Featherwing

I'd have to agree with her on that one. Darkmist, Merryberry, some others. -Wrenflight

Don't start insinuating things. *wrinkles his nose at the thought* -Scorchgaze

So, is it time to move on to the next stage since it's past dawn? -Sweetbriar

*returns to her father* Okay, we're ready! -Bloodkit
hampir setahun yang lalu tanglebelly said…
*sighs* i guess you two are right im not the best choice but im up there right?

*sits down in front of him*

Okay Foxkit pin Bloodkit down.

*nods and does as he says*

Ah yea i almost forgot!
hampir setahun yang lalu TeamPeeta649 said…
We want to give Hushpool the time with her kits she deserves before we start pestering her for kits. -Featherwing

Absolutely. But it all depends on the apprentice. One warrior could be the best mentor for one apprentice, but the worst for another. -Wrenflight

Okay so what do I do? -Bloodkit
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
You'll be a wonderful mom in your own unique way you don't have to be just like me *smiles gliding her fluffy tail over her daughter gently* -Sheepfluff

I heard Falconstar wanted Applethorn to catch a squirrel for her warrior testing I bet he'd be impressed if we caught big squirrels -Rainpaw
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
*squirms from her dad's paws and goes down to eat more of the mouse* Hey Tanglekit do you want to play after this? *smiles* -Dapplekit

*whisper to Darkmist* Did you know Skyheart is forbidding her daughters from playing with Tanglekit? Do you think I need to have a word with him? -Flaxenrose
hampir setahun yang lalu KatieK102 said…
"I bet," *agrees, starting to smile. Stops walking when they reach a forest clearing* "Smell any squirrels?" ~ Shiverpaw

*shrugs, satisfied with himself and goes back to eating his rabbit* ~ Duskstorm

"Exactly. Like you probably wouldn't assign Sunheart to mentor Thunderkit because she needs someone a bit more mature and responsible, who will hold her to her actions." ~ Berryfrost

*nods and stands to his paw, blinking awake* "Sure. Next stop is swimming." ~ Falconstar
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
*sniffs the air honing her senses for a moment* In the trees a few foxlengths that way *says flicking her tail in that direction though she wasn't the greatest fighter she was a great hunter her senses sharp* -Rainpaw
hampir setahun yang lalu TeamPeeta649 said…
Now I definitely agree with that. -Wrenflight

Maybe a dip in the cool water will get you awake. *nudges him lightly as they start to walk* Or we could always climb a tree and I can corner you again. *teases* I bet that would get you wide awake. -Sweetbriar

Well I think I have the best mom, so I'd like to be like you. -Frecklenose

You and your brother both seem to get some kind of sick enjoyment out of making me concerned for my daughter's innocence. *flicks his shoulder lightly with his tail* -Scorchgaze

I'm not sure if I'd be comfortable with that situation. I wouldn't want him to get in your face with what a hot head he is. But we can talk to him together. Tanglekit seems to get along with Bloodkit and I don't want him losing a friend. -Darkmist
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
Let him get in my face I'm not afraid of him. What is he going to do hurt a queen in his Clan? He doesn't seem to listen to you or Hushpool maybe some stern words from me will set him straight. If not perhaps I'll have a word with Falconstar I'd hate to bother him but I know he values Clan unity maybe he'll remind Skyheart of that very value *says flicking her tail* -Flaxenrose
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
That's very kind sweetheart *smiles* Well anytime you need a kitsitter id be happy to look after the little ones you just say the word *purrs* -Sheepfluff

Now Sheep don't steal your daughters kits from her espechially since they aren't even born yet *chuckles a bit teasing* -Brownnut

I am not you knucklehead *says flicking her tail in his face playfully* I was just offering -Sheepfluff
hampir setahun yang lalu tanglebelly said…
Okay so when they have you pinned down on your like he does you Bloodkit I want you to hook your paws around be him and use your back legs to kick him off.

Wait what I'm getting kicked?

•nods sitting back to let her have the rest• Yea is like to play.

Ah I get it now! So then I would only work well with certain apprentices then.

Makes sense wouldn't want them to be on your tail about you guys bugging them.
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
What should we play? *says taking a final bite* -Dapplekit
hampir setahun yang lalu TeamPeeta649 said…
*nods* Assigning apprentices their mentors is a very important process. -Wrenflight

*purrs* I'll be sure to let them harass you plenty too, uncle. -Frecklenose

I think when Bloodkit and Thunderkit are closer to apprentice age is when we'll start trying. -Featherwing

*purrs* You're so sweet and adorable sometimes I forget what a fierce mama bear you are. -Darkmist

*grins* Don't worry, I won't kick you too hard. *suddenly braces her hind paws against him and boots him off* -Bloodkit
hampir setahun yang lalu tanglebelly said…
*nod* I get it now i get it. *stretches* Well if i dont get made a mentor there is always next time!

*Nods* Well best of luck to you then!

*yelps in surprise getting flung off*

*Chuckles watching* Yup just like that!