An Athlete is always up before the crack of dawn. There are no excuses no if ands atau buts. There is no off seson for a good athlete,its just lebih opportunity to trane. Dont bother asking us whats on telavision we wont know. Three to five days a week plus weekends are devoted to practice. Dateing is erelavent we dont have time.
This is the life of a swimmer. The feel of a suit straps cutting into your shoulders. The goggle marks that last 14-24 minuts after a race. Waiting 7 hours at a time before eating. All for the rush seeing your opponent on the block beside anda when the starting timer goes off and to shake their hand after a victory.
This is the life of a swimmer. The feel of a suit straps cutting into your shoulders. The goggle marks that last 14-24 minuts after a race. Waiting 7 hours at a time before eating. All for the rush seeing your opponent on the block beside anda when the starting timer goes off and to shake their hand after a victory.