TDI's GwenxDuncan Club
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posted by koalagirl9
Kayla:(Gwen's oldest Daughter)Wow mom anda look so tense
Gwen:Duncan Senior just got out of Jail and Now Duncan Jr. is in Jail
Kayla:What did he do now?
Gwen:He robbed a bank
Kayla:what how does he rob a bank??? hes 10!!
Gwen:Heck if i know..
Duncan:the babes up
Gwen:What i put Jen down for a nap 5 minit ago!!!!!!!!!!
Duncan:I berkata babe not baby
Gwen: Ugh can anda be any less of a...
Kayla:MOM WATCH YOUR MOUTH!!!No wonder your son is in jail,
Gwen:Kayla go to your room
(Gwen and Duncan Make out)
posted by xRainbowNinjax
Gwens POV
Its been a week since Duncan left and believe atau not, i kinda miss him, DON'T tell Courtney. And, OK i dont kinda miss him, i Really miss him!!!! Ugh... Hes my best friend, not crush......
Duncans POV
Stupid Chris Kicked me out of the plane, i landed in a Cactus. Yea wasn't pretty. I Kinda, Killed the cactus. I Miss Courtney. Hmm, No im not a softie... Well now im at vegas im staying in London :D Im a punk band. So i was watching TDWT and Saw Courtney and Gwen.. Ah Gawd whats wrong with me, OK ill admit it I Miss Gwen.......... :( Shes pretty, Sexy, Hot, But Courtney is, well, Shes Crazy,...
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posted by poptrop300
Gwens P.O.V.
A few months back I signed up this tunjuk called Total Drama Uni (Universty). I knew half the people who are going. My two bffs LeShawna and Bridgette plus my Friends DJ, Cody, Owen, Tyler, Courtney, Sierra, Katie, Sadie and Noah. We were a week away from going and I was already getting my not so important yet important things. I started talking to myself " 12 pencils, 3 sketchpads, 14 rubbers, my laptop, solar powered laptop charger, a pic of my family what else" I was interupted sejak my twerp of a brother Joey. " Twerp" " Is that the best anda can do" I retalliated and berkata "I can...
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added by iDxG101
Source: meeeeeee
added by bakes2389
Vid from XxofficialduncanxX. Woohoo! They kissed again and Courtney gets whacked!!! WOOHOO!
added by gwuncanfan
Source: Me
added by Gwendolynx3
Duncan: -thinking- -sigh- Man I can't belive I'm back in this shithole of a place. :/ Man I knew performing tonight was a bad idea. Oh great Courtney's walking toward me. Here come's the yelling. Great.....

Courtney:.... And why did anda think it was ok to just leave like that?!?! Do that again and it'll not be pretty!!! -sigh- Aw I'm not really mad! I just missed you!!!!

Duncan:-thinking- Um wow? Dude how do I get outta this? Ugh.. -sees Gwen- Damn I totally forgot! I have to talk to Gwen! Agh Courtney needs to let go atau she'll ruin it! Quick, gotta think if something to say so Gwen will...
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added by Judith144567809
(Gwen's pov. )
Gwen:crying doorbell rings Gwen:c c c come in. Trent:Gwen I'm sorry. Gwen:Trent get out. Trent:I can't saw good sejak to my black angle. Gwen:Trent please leave now. Trent:but Gwen........ Gwen:LEAVE NOW!!!! Trent:fine but I'll be back. Gwen:sees Trent leave and continues crying. Hears door creek open Gwen:Trent leave me alone. Duncan:Gwen it's me Duncan are anda okay? Gwen:no I'm not okay Trent cheated on me with the dumb blond Lindsay. Duncan:HOLY CRAP!!!!! Gwen:w-w-what?!??! Duncan:your crying anda NEVER cry!! Gwen:why are anda here? Duncan:to support anda :). Gwen:Awww thanks Duncan...
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posted by saphire1031
The Kids Don’t Know

Chapter 11

Fight to the Finish

    “The verdict is… Duncan is not their father, and Trent earns the custody of the Gray’s.” The judge finished. “No!” Me and Dominic screamed. “Your Honor, I have proof that this was rigged!” I was ready to face the consequences. I pulled my phone out of my purse, and showed the judge the banking file picture and the test result. “Evelyn, where did anda get these?” The judge asked. “Dominic and I…” I started. But I was interrupted sejak Chris McLean, my principle. “I gave them clearance!” I stood...
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posted by starlabair
thanx for all the comments! like i promised anda all get a cupcake.*gives each person a cupcake*
Gwen's POV:
The bus got really quiet really fast. I looked to the back of the bus and there was a bunch of other high-schoolers. As i was looking around I saw a punk with black hair with a kapur, limau nipis green Mohawk. He was sitting seterusnya to a girl with dark brown hair, clothes that looked like she was a goody-goody two shoes. Then I looked back at the punk: in his black and tan skull t-shirt, green army pants, and red converse. I thought to myself: why are those two sitting together? I kept thinking about it...
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posted by colecutegirl
*aww dude* geof berkata putting his hand on my shoulder as a sign of sympathy. we talked for a bit then he went utama to ask bridge as she went out hen she got a phonecalll from a friend while geoff was going out.

gwens ben gone for a whole 24 hours but i cant call the police to lapor that she is missing cause what would i say i broke my promise to my bestfriend and she ran off to god knows where oh yeah she has cancer an she lives with me... i dnt think so.suddnly the phone rang i answered it*ey man* it was geoff *hey dude wts up?* i asked *i think bridge nows something cause she came back humming...
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posted by HappyBunnyGirl
Chapter 1
[Gwen's POV]
Sixth season of Total Drama.
I give up.
I tried my hardest to win. I even came in saat place. Last season, I was in third.
It was a stupid distraction, but at least Courtney didn't win.
She caused my loss last season.
She kissed Duncan.

"Go Gwen!" Cody shouted. The final three challenge was a race to the bahagian, atas of the 'haunted' house. We got to bring one person to help us, and of course I chose my boyfriend, Duncan.
Courtney chose Trent, thinking I still like him. I don't.
And the winner, Noah, chose Heather.

I Lost Duncan when he fell into a hole. Chris told us to watch...
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Gwen's POV
I packed my things for school, walked to my bus stop, and waited for the bus to come. No body else was there except for me. There were only 5 days until it was time for the big move. I'm going to miss so many of the awesome Friends I made, especially Duncan. I started to shed small tears and closed my eyes. Before I could open them, I felt a hard slap right across my face. I opened my eyes and to my surprise, nobody was there. It was like my mind was playing tricks on me. I looked around, nervous. Then, I felt I figure sneak up on me. "Boo!" It screamed. I jumped up, obviously terrified....
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posted by gwenlover15
I woke up and remembered the wonderful dream i had...could it be true..does duncan really Cinta me? Theres only one way to find out. I streatched my arms and legs and let out a yawn. My brother jake came in "what do anda want jake!" I yelled while looking at him. Jake looked at me stragely and berkata "someones at the door, I think its duncan" he grined as he berkata duncan. I slowly started to smile noticing it could be the Cinta of my life at my door. I ran downstairs and opened the door and it was duncan I smiled when I saw him. Duncan smiled at me "hey babe can I come in?" duncan said...
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added by bigpurplemuppet
posted by starburst-rock
Everything was going famously as I got back from the long weekend in March, I was feeling a bit… different. My roommate (her name was Celine. She had light skin and light brown hair matched with ocean blue eyes and was my dream roommate) starting noticing it too. She was majoring in economics. Duncan, meanwhile, was at universiti of Pennsylvania and studying to become an engineer. He was staying at our apartment. Anyway, I wasn't feeling great. But never the less, I was going to classes. A few days into my weird feeling, I walked back to my room after classes and hurled into the toilet. "Gwen?"...
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Gwen's POV

That bullhorn is going down. I jumped off my bahagian, atas bunk like a ninja, throwing on my clothes as fast I could, then rolling on some teal lipstick as I went outside with everyone else. Chris was standing at his usual clearing.

"Alright, everyone's here, challenge time!" He sang, much to our annoyance. "Today, we're going to have a sort of different challenge." He berkata smugly.

"What are anda going to not try and kill us?" Noah asked with his arms crossed.

"Of course I am." Chris replied.

"Ugh! Shut up everybody so I can hear what the lame-o host is going to say!" Heather screamed.

"I'm just...
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