The TDI Fanpop Users! ...Why Is There A Duplicated Club?

taytrain97 posted on Jan 18, 2010 at 11:08PM
Now, I haven't been in this club for months, but I'd just recently discovered a new club that's called "Fans of Total Drama".
The club is getting a lot more updates than this club does, and it's really ticking me off.
People use the original TDI spot as the home base for all Total Drama subtopics; not only TDI, but also TDA and Total Drama, The Musical. Why do we need a club that allows us TD fans to talk about things that might not necessarily have to do with the TD series when we've got this club right here?
PLease reply your opinion, because it could decide on whether we should delete the extra club or not.
FanPop doesn't need duplicate clubs!
 Now, I haven't been in this club for months, but I'd just recently discovered a new club that's calle

The TDI Fanpop Users! 2 balas

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hampir setahun yang lalu TDIlover226 said…
That picture is made of win XD
I agree.
hampir setahun yang lalu taytrain97 said…
IK,R? xD

I'd like to know who created the Fans of Total Drama club. =/