Tivotee's Club
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posted by Lie_to_Me_123
Just thought it'd be nice to celebrate everyone's birthdays, considering we're all friends. So, just me your birthday, along with your name in the komen-komen and I'll add it! I don't know what else to write, but it keeps telling to write a longer article, so that is basically just a bit of gibberish!


Aurora [Plenilunio] - 5th



Dannii [Lie_to_Me_123] - 20th


Rima [rimasters] - 18th


Joyce [ziva_rocks] - 1st
Michi [Ms_Montana] - 23rd
Katie [crazy_frog222] - 27th


Tegan [freshfunkpride] - June 18th :)



Maddy [maddy12] - 23rd
Lauren [smileandnod] - 29th


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posted by mossheart1235

NCIS starts in two DAYS from the tarikh I post this article. No one has been on this spot. It's the Tivotee Awards NOMINATIONS going on right now!

I'm Penulisan the saat Tivotee's fanfiction, but I want anda to ALL prove to me that anda are awesome fans.

I'm making another Tivotee's ikon iconspam. This time, anda are going to send me the best Tiva ikon in your foto gallery. Post it to the forum with the same name as this article. PLEASE NOTE: If I don't receive an icon, your current ikon will be used, whether atau NOT it is Tiva.

Please, please, PLEASE, give me something to do on this spot, a reason why this spot should even still be up. I'm starting to lose faith in it.

But never Tiva, of course.
posted by Lie_to_Me_123
Who sit at utama being good kids. Who aren’t drop dead gorgeous like the girls staring back at us off the covers of fashionable teen magazines. Who don’t drink, don’t party hard, and would rather read buku atau hang out and talk with Friends than hit up some party joint and jump into pools and whatnot.

This is for the girls who choose their own genre of music, who don’t simply listen to the mainstream pop blasted from radios. This is for the girls who bite their nails, who feel self-conscious about every single thing about them, who tug on their hair while they’re nervous.

This is for...
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added by tonyziva1234
jack and sam
added by tonyziva1234
Source: me )
added by tonyziva1234
Source: me )
added by tonyziva1234
Source: me )
added by tonyziva1234
Source: me )
added by tonyziva1234
Source: me )
added by Lie_to_Me_123
added by Lie_to_Me_123
added by Lie_to_Me_123
added by Lie_to_Me_123
added by Lie_to_Me_123
added by tonyziva1234
Source: me )
marykatekumar07 @ youtube.
Maroon 5
tiffany alvord
boyce avenue
posted by mossheart1235
Okay, so I copied this from the Tiva spot to here, bacause, let's face it, it's a fanfic about the Tivotee's!

[Dannii enters]
Dannii- Of course I'm the first one here!
[enter Mikella]
Dannii- Mikella! [they run to each other; hug]
Mikella- It's so great to see you! Wait, where is everyone?
Dannii- We're early. [as she speaks, enter Joyce]
Mikella- Joyce! Hi!
Joyce- Hi Mikella. Am I early, atau late?
Dannii- Don't worry, you're early
Mikella- How many other people are coming?
Dannii- I think the guest senarai had... 18 other people on it. But Dee and Michi couldn't come. So there are going to be nineteen of...
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added by mossheart1235