Victorian Era Wall

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Greville berkata …
And still others state that the Victorian era begins in 1824, the tahun Lord Byron dies. What do anda consider as Victorian era? And yet another question, which is your kegemaran year(s) of the Victorian era? telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
Greville berkata …
Hello everybody! I just found this place. I've been interested in the Victorian era for quite a while now. Now, as I am just so unbearable, let me start off sejak saying...
A literal Membaca of the term implies that the Victorian era begins with the accession of Victoria to the takhta in 1837 and ends with her own demise in 1901. Yet the first generation of authors we now call "Victorian" were born around the end of the 18th century and the first two decades of the 19th century. telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
AudreyorIris berkata …
I Cinta the era, I only wish their was some club Slash group to dress and drink teh with. telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
TheRatKing1 dikomen…
maybe u could help with that. i'm into all that stuff... well not so much teh parties, but i'd KILL to live back then hampir setahun yang lalu
TheRatKing1 dikomen…
^ i... not u hampir setahun yang lalu