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William Moseley Soalan

What kindof dress should i wear when William and I marry????? LOL

Considering we will meet and Cinta each other dearly
 Lizzie_Moseley posted hampir setahun yang lalu
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William Moseley Jawapan

MaryMcGear said:
Go for a lebih cream colour... atau light blue, i personally think light blue would be best...
And even if it were a joke, don't let people shatter your dreams. Use any negative things they say for ambission to reach your full potential. And if anda can't get to him, make him come to you.
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yeah i agree with the colorand people can't just say "like anda will marry him" it is just mean
iamsuper posted hampir setahun yang lalu
GoTeamSkipper said:
Besides the fact that this is honestly scary, do a green pastel lol.
Man, I'd be embarrassed if Will would ever come on this sight!
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