AN: Over the past few days, I have witnessed, watched and even read about racism and people being prejudice towards others for how they look and anything on that matter. In this article, I will tell anda how I feel on this matter.
(Note:This artikel was written sejak lovebaltor and originally telah diposkan on Gretsel's winxhug spot.It has been telah diposkan here with full permission from lovebaltor.I do not own this article)
All eyes on me in the center of the rink just like a circus!
This, is exactly how most African Americans, heavy and self-conscious people feel almost everyday in this cruel society. In the 30's, almost everyone down in the South owned slaves. This was awful, inhumane and just disgusting. The ways these people were treated, could be berkata the same as though their "Masters" were taking care of a dog, atau a sickening animal. They were beat, abused, woman raped, children killed and even lebih terrible things that I don't want to even mention. This just doesn't happen for salves, of even African Americans for that matter, hundreds of people feel as though they are being beaten, and tortured verbally atau even physically at times today.
Kids and teens are the most vunerable. Kids at school may make fun of them because they have a disease, a different look atau style, atau even how they talk. They are bullied at school at the most, atau even being "Cyber Bullied." Teens commit suicide even because they can't take it all. Kids are moved from school to school, ruining there chances of making life long Friends from the haunting experiences from their pasts.
Please, before anda even judge someone on how they look, give them a chance. Give them a break. They probably deal with lebih hell at utama than you'll ever experience in your life time.
You are beautiful, no matter what they say!
Those, are one of the best lines off of Christina Aguilera's powerful song: Beautiful. The whole song is just brilliant, and peminat-peminat of her have even berkata that that song has helped them get through tough times. Hm, I really think that we need lebih people like Chis out in this world.
We don't exactly have very "encouraging" selebriti in this world. An average girl, (As myself) find most selebriti to be really pretty, but, really fake at the same time. Even though I Cinta her, Britney Spears is a prime example. Loads of make up, making a pretty stunning face. Beautiful, flowing, (Yet dyed) blond hair, perfect body and every man atau boy wishing that they could meet her. Every girl wishes to be like that. But, in life, no one can ever be so perfect, unless they're famous. That is why, I Cinta Christina, P!nk, and Madonna so much. Those 3 are are perfect examples of people who have had hard pasts, are very beautiful (With and without make up) don't have perfect bodies (But worked to earn them. Such as hours of dance practicing for Madonna and her concerts.) They all know what it feels like to be in the position on most girls and people today.
Really, listen to Christina's "Beautiful" and I'll bet, that you'll start to feel better about yourself.
Pretty pretty please, if anda ever ever feel, like you're nothing, you're fucking prefect to me!
Seriously, this has to be the most important thing. If anda ever feel like no one cares for you, just look around anda and see you're family, those who care for you, Friends that actual care and Cinta anda and even teachers and staff members that will help anda out in any situation. Even though anda might think that anda aren't at all important, trust me, I think your Friends and family would tell you, that their lives would be totally different if anda never came to be. Just shows anda how really special anda are. Remember, anda are the only on on this planet, and no one will ever replace anda if anda ever die atau leave this place. Don't let words bring anda down, trust your voice withing and the light will be sure to shine a little brighter every day.
When there's no one else, look inside yourself, and like your oldest friend, just trust the voice within!
This, once again, is a section taken from a another all inspiring and brilliant song sejak Christina Aguilera. Yes, she is too, a great insparation to me and hundreds of others around the world who is having problems. Really, if anda don't trust yourself, than, that really is a problem. I really believe that anda should trust yourself, no matter the situation. It helps your earn courage, self confidence and much more. It will help anda make hard descisions in life, that anda could never do on your own. Trusting yourself, of your voice within, could be the best thing anda ever do.
I'm so glad that I'll never fit in, that will never be me. Outcast and girls with ambition, that's what I want to see!
Excellent point P!nk! I totally agree. I am not like any of these so called "Stupid Girls" (As P!nk would say) who follow trends and have to be dependent on other people and hot fads to be popular. I earned Friends for who I am. Being a fun, one of a kind girl, who loves things that most people don't even care for, and hate things that most people love. My Friends Cinta me for that, and of course I'll never be one of those girls who follow trends just to earn friends.
Anyway, I believe that every girl should be like this. Cinta her own things, and hate her own things and not have to act like others to earn friends. Being your own person is important, and it what gives our planet Earth its diversity. If everyone was the same, this planet would be as boring as hell.
She's not me, she'll never have what I have, we'll never be the same!
Too true Madge! Of course, this is my conclusion where I shall be finally, wrapping up. Really, most people don't understand how important it is to view everyone the same way as anda view your kegemaran pop artist, atau your own parents. View everyone as equals, no matter their color, no matter how they talk and no matter how they think. Everyone is one is the end.
Well, that's just pretty much it for here.
I hope anda think well of all this.
Thanks for reading!
Aurelia M.
(Note:This artikel was written sejak lovebaltor and originally telah diposkan on Gretsel's winxhug spot.It has been telah diposkan here with full permission from lovebaltor.I do not own this article)
All eyes on me in the center of the rink just like a circus!
This, is exactly how most African Americans, heavy and self-conscious people feel almost everyday in this cruel society. In the 30's, almost everyone down in the South owned slaves. This was awful, inhumane and just disgusting. The ways these people were treated, could be berkata the same as though their "Masters" were taking care of a dog, atau a sickening animal. They were beat, abused, woman raped, children killed and even lebih terrible things that I don't want to even mention. This just doesn't happen for salves, of even African Americans for that matter, hundreds of people feel as though they are being beaten, and tortured verbally atau even physically at times today.
Kids and teens are the most vunerable. Kids at school may make fun of them because they have a disease, a different look atau style, atau even how they talk. They are bullied at school at the most, atau even being "Cyber Bullied." Teens commit suicide even because they can't take it all. Kids are moved from school to school, ruining there chances of making life long Friends from the haunting experiences from their pasts.
Please, before anda even judge someone on how they look, give them a chance. Give them a break. They probably deal with lebih hell at utama than you'll ever experience in your life time.
You are beautiful, no matter what they say!
Those, are one of the best lines off of Christina Aguilera's powerful song: Beautiful. The whole song is just brilliant, and peminat-peminat of her have even berkata that that song has helped them get through tough times. Hm, I really think that we need lebih people like Chis out in this world.
We don't exactly have very "encouraging" selebriti in this world. An average girl, (As myself) find most selebriti to be really pretty, but, really fake at the same time. Even though I Cinta her, Britney Spears is a prime example. Loads of make up, making a pretty stunning face. Beautiful, flowing, (Yet dyed) blond hair, perfect body and every man atau boy wishing that they could meet her. Every girl wishes to be like that. But, in life, no one can ever be so perfect, unless they're famous. That is why, I Cinta Christina, P!nk, and Madonna so much. Those 3 are are perfect examples of people who have had hard pasts, are very beautiful (With and without make up) don't have perfect bodies (But worked to earn them. Such as hours of dance practicing for Madonna and her concerts.) They all know what it feels like to be in the position on most girls and people today.
Really, listen to Christina's "Beautiful" and I'll bet, that you'll start to feel better about yourself.
Pretty pretty please, if anda ever ever feel, like you're nothing, you're fucking prefect to me!
Seriously, this has to be the most important thing. If anda ever feel like no one cares for you, just look around anda and see you're family, those who care for you, Friends that actual care and Cinta anda and even teachers and staff members that will help anda out in any situation. Even though anda might think that anda aren't at all important, trust me, I think your Friends and family would tell you, that their lives would be totally different if anda never came to be. Just shows anda how really special anda are. Remember, anda are the only on on this planet, and no one will ever replace anda if anda ever die atau leave this place. Don't let words bring anda down, trust your voice withing and the light will be sure to shine a little brighter every day.
When there's no one else, look inside yourself, and like your oldest friend, just trust the voice within!
This, once again, is a section taken from a another all inspiring and brilliant song sejak Christina Aguilera. Yes, she is too, a great insparation to me and hundreds of others around the world who is having problems. Really, if anda don't trust yourself, than, that really is a problem. I really believe that anda should trust yourself, no matter the situation. It helps your earn courage, self confidence and much more. It will help anda make hard descisions in life, that anda could never do on your own. Trusting yourself, of your voice within, could be the best thing anda ever do.
I'm so glad that I'll never fit in, that will never be me. Outcast and girls with ambition, that's what I want to see!
Excellent point P!nk! I totally agree. I am not like any of these so called "Stupid Girls" (As P!nk would say) who follow trends and have to be dependent on other people and hot fads to be popular. I earned Friends for who I am. Being a fun, one of a kind girl, who loves things that most people don't even care for, and hate things that most people love. My Friends Cinta me for that, and of course I'll never be one of those girls who follow trends just to earn friends.
Anyway, I believe that every girl should be like this. Cinta her own things, and hate her own things and not have to act like others to earn friends. Being your own person is important, and it what gives our planet Earth its diversity. If everyone was the same, this planet would be as boring as hell.
She's not me, she'll never have what I have, we'll never be the same!
Too true Madge! Of course, this is my conclusion where I shall be finally, wrapping up. Really, most people don't understand how important it is to view everyone the same way as anda view your kegemaran pop artist, atau your own parents. View everyone as equals, no matter their color, no matter how they talk and no matter how they think. Everyone is one is the end.
Well, that's just pretty much it for here.
I hope anda think well of all this.
Thanks for reading!
Aurelia M.