Once a pon a Time, there was a young yoshi who lived in the city. "Yoshi, it's time to go." berkata Yoshi's mom. "Where are we going?" asked Yoshi. "Today, We're going to The Kindom of Enchanted yoshis.I am Married to King Yoshitone and we're going to be in the roylal famliy of yoshis And anda get to have step sisters. I'm going to be the Queen of the family. anda get to be the Princess of the family" berkata yoshi's mom. "You mean, I get to be the Princess, mom? berkata Yoshi "Of course. When they put the crown on you, they'll name anda Princess Yoshi." Yay!" berkata yoshi. When they got to the kindom of Enchanted yoshis, Yoshi was the princess. "It's magical to be a princess your magjisty" when they got in the castle, Yoshi said, "this is my room?" "No sweetie, this is your room." then yoshi said,"Hi yoshila,I'm so glad we're sisters" The after a few days of school, it was the hari for the ball, the king took yoshi's hand and danced and they all lived happily ever after.
I also wanna thank my family and Friends to whom without you, none of this is possible. Remember fanpoppers, YOSHI POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!