Yugioh Club
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added by BlondLionEzel
Source: Me and Duel Network
added by BlondLionEzel
Source: Google
posted by BlondLionEzel
Monsters x25:

Constellar Zubeneschamali x1
Constellar Virgo x2
Constellar Siat x2
Constellar Rasalhague x2
Constellar Leonis x3
Constellar Acubens x3
Constellar Kaus x3
Constellar Alrescha x2
Constellar Antares x2
Honest x3
Marshmallon x1

Spells x20:

Constellar bintang Chart x2
Constellar bintang buaian x1
Constellar tali pinggang x2
Celestial Transformation x1
The mata air, air pancut in the Sky x1
Card Trader x1
Magical Stone Excavation x1
Xyz Energy x2
Mystical angkasa Typhoon x3
Limiter Removal x2
Generation Force x2
Xyz Unit x2

Traps x15:

Utopian Aura x1
Damage Diet x1
Xyz Reflect x2
Negate Attack x2
Xyz Reborn x3
Draining Shield x2
Xyz Effect x3
Call of the Haunted x1

Extra Deck x7:

Constellar Hyades x2
Constellar Pleiades x1
Constellar Praesepe x3
Constellar Ptolemy M7 x1
added by BlondLionEzel
Source: Me and Duel Network
added by BlondLionEzel
Source: Me and Dueling Network
added by BlondLionEzel
Source: Google
added by BlondLionEzel
Source: Me and Duelist Network
added by BB2010
Source: found it
added by Cathy121
Source: The pic was made sejak TheTrainTicket on deviantart
added by BlondLionEzel
Source: Me and Dueling Network
added by BlondLionEzel
Source: Me and Dueling Network
added by BlondLionEzel
Source: Me and Dueling Network
added by BlondLionEzel
Source: Me and Duel Network
added by BlondLionEzel
Source: Me and Duel Network
added by BlondLionEzel
Source: Me and Dueling Network
added by BlondLionEzel
Source: Me and Dueling Network
added by BlondLionEzel
Source: Me and Deck Builder
added by BlondLionEzel
Source: Me and Dueling Network
posted by BlondLionEzel
Monsters x25:

Evilswarm Heliotrope x3
Evilswarm Zahak x2
Evilswarm Ketos x1
Evilswarm O'lantern x2
Evilswarm Mandragora x2
Evilswarm Hraesvelg x1
Evilswarm Castor x2
Evilswarm Obliviwisp x1
Evilswarm Azzathoth x1
Evilswarm Thunderbird x1
Evilswarm Salamandra x2
Evilswarm Golem x2
Evilswarm Coppelia x2
Gishki Avance x2

Spell x20:

Infestation Pandemic x3
Dark World Dealings x2
Allure of Darkness x2
Dark Eruption x3
March of the Monarchs x1
Xyz Gift x1
Nightmare's Steelcage x2
Book of Moon x2
Enemy Controller x2
Monster Reincarnation x2

Traps x15:

Lightforce Sword x2
Dark Scheme x2
Dark Deal x2
Dark Bribe x3
Sakuretsu Armor x3
Malevolent Catastrophe x3

Extra Deck x13:

Evilswarm Nightmare x3
Evilswarm Bahamut x3
Evilswarm Thanatos x3
Evilswarm Ophion x2
Evilswarm Ouroboros x2
added by BlondLionEzel
Source: Me and Dueling Network