Zim Wow!

123moo123 posted on Jun 19, 2010 at 06:11PM
the icon and the banner look great! how'd you make the banner? it looks awesome!

Zim 3 balas

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hampir setahun yang lalu ManicMainia said…
Thanks ^_^ My sister actually made the banner. I think she used GIMP, which is like photoshop. I'm not sure how exactly she did it, though.
hampir setahun yang lalu OneFoggyNight said…
^ Chaaaaaaa it's GIMP. The way I made it, though, is SECRET :P

And, I've noticed, we've gotten more fans with the icon and banner. XD
hampir setahun yang lalu 123moo123 said…
big smile
oh yeah! congrats!