Bolts biggest peminat Of bolt ever In history of all fans! XD

Fanpop sejak November 2012

  • Female, 24 years old
  • Texas, United States of America
  • Favorite TV Show: Dose bolt count?
    Favorite Musician: Myley cyrces
    Favorite Book or Author: Bolt buku XD
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BoltsHugestFan berkata tentang Bolt Disney
Heyo telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
boltz dikomen…
hei boltie :D hampir setahun yang lalu
No1fanofBOLT dikomen…
Hi! :) hampir setahun yang lalu
no1BOLTfan dikomen…
Oh, really? That's fun to know >.< hampir setahun yang lalu
BoltsHugestFan berkata …
I'm the one who took over the #1 be fan! :D LOL telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
OnyxChubbyDog berkata …
thanks for adding me to your fanlist atau whatever, nice to meet ya. i'm Onyx the chubby canine :'D telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
BoltsHugestFan dikomen…
Your welcome! I've herd of anda and I'm Sammie a wolfdog LOL I'm yet to be discovered hampir setahun yang lalu
OnyxChubbyDog dikomen…
well ive discovered anda now at least ^--^ hampir setahun yang lalu
BoltsHugestFan dikomen…
How much for the bag and pens for USA hampir setahun yang lalu