Jack Holloway-smith

Fanpop sejak August 2011

  • Male, 28 years old
  • Killmore, Australia
  • Favorite TV Show: Family Guy
    Favorite Movie: King kong vs Godzilla
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Jackzilla64 berkata tentang Gigan
Go gigan telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
Jackzilla64 berkata tentang Minecraft
These are my ideas for new mobs
zombie pigman riding a ghast
Half creeper half ghast
Half skelton half zombie
Bring giants & humans back
Red back spiders
And Jaws telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
Jackzilla64 berkata …
I have a lot of monster Filem becasue my pa was a peminat of monster Filem the first godzilla movie i watched was the first the first gamera movie was gamera vs barugon & the first other monster movie i watched was varan when i first wacthed rodan i only watched about 20 mintunes of it when i was six i watched all monsters attack when i was six i wacthed loved untill i was ten i first wacthed king kong vs godzilla when a was 8 telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu