Fanpop sejak June 2009

  • Female, 31 years old
  • Narnia, United Kingdom
  • Favorite TV Show: Friends, Prison Break, Friday Night Lights, Lost, Dexter, Freaks and Geeks, Supernatural, Revenge
    Favorite Movie: Catch Me If anda Can, Walk the Line, Good Will Hunting, Back to the Future, Breakfast Club, Hachi, Midnight in Paris
    Favorite Musician: Phil Collins, Bryan Adams, Bon Jovi, Ariana Grande, Britney Spears, The Weeknd, Justin Timberlake, The Fray
    Favorite Book or Author: Harry Potter, Hunger Games, The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Eragon, The Chronicles of Narnia, Perks of Being a Wallflower, To Kill a Mockingbird
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