Royal Satanas

Fanpop sejak November 2011

  • Male, 40 years old
  • United Kingdom
  • Favorite TV Show: TNA Impact, South Park, Simpsons, Crystal Maze, American Chopper, Dog The Bounty Hunter, Young Dracula,
    Favorite Movie: Armageddon, Waterworld, Speed, Pirates Of The Carribean I-IV, Saw I-VII
    Favorite Musician: Fear Factory, Deathstars, Dimmu Borgir, Rob Zombie, Nightwish, Static X, October File, Bathory, Kreator, Cannibal Corpse, Drain, Rammstein,
    Favorite Book or Author: The Satanic Bible,The Satanic Rituals, sejak Anton Szandor LaVey. Church Of Satan sejak Blanche Barton, The Satanic Scriptures sejak Peter H. Gilmore.
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Dedicated Fan in 5 clubs Dedicated (5) Die-Hard Fan in 10 clubs Die-Hard (10)

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RoyalSatanas berkata tentang Burt Reynolds
R.I.P. Burt Reynolds, such a shame this had to be the first komen on this fanpage with this unfortunate untimely passing of a true movie legend, and of probably one of the most gifted actors in living memory. On behalf of all of us peminat-peminat here on this page Mr. Burt Reynolds, anda will be sorely missed. telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
kingcesar67 berkata …
How are anda doing? telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
RoyalSatanas berkata tentang The Four Elements
hei I'm the FOURTH element here lol. telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu