Avery Hayek

Fanpop sejak January 2019

  • 24 years old
  • Tha' 510, California
  • Favorite Movie:
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SombraLyf berkata tentang Rawak
They hate you, they Cinta you, they need you, they judge you.
They say that anda suck but continue to watch you.
The snakes, the jealously, the envy, betrayal,
I wanna follow my dreams but, I'm so afraid to fail. telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
SombraLyf berkata tentang Rawak
I have balls stashed all over Ponyville. telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
SombraLyf berkata tentang Rawak
A unicorn and an earth pony... TOGETHER?! telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu