
Fanpop sejak September 2008

  • Male, 32 years old
  • Sydney, NSW
  • Favorite Movie: The Three Musketeers,Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings, Narnia, What a girl wants. Favourite TV Series': Stargate, NCIS, Dr Who
    Favorite Book or Author: Narnia, Redwall, The Bible
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Sololo148 berkata …
hi telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
Stevey711 berkata tentang Doctor Who
Bow ties are cool telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
Elistia dikomen…
100% agree! hampir setahun yang lalu
devilishtease dikomen…
yes they are! hampir setahun yang lalu
DrJohnHWatson dikomen…
I forgot stetsons. hampir setahun yang lalu
Stevey711 berkata tentang Lucy Pevensie
Great to see that this club has grown, and is going well since I was last on here :) telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
RassenRassen dikomen…
Please, Somebody knows if exist an oficial peminat-peminat club? hampir setahun yang lalu