Wendy Long
Fanpop sejak November 2011
- Female, 59 years old
- Evansville, Indiana
- Favorite TV Show: Supernatural, Lucifer, The Originals, Miranda BBC,CharmedFavorite Movie: Elvis 2022 Biopic,Jersey Boys, Cadillac Records,Favorite Musician: The Monkees, Little Mix, Buddy Holly, Rick Nelson, drake Milligan, Elvis Presley, Frankie Valli and The Four SeasonsFavorite Book or Author: The Sookie Stackhouse Series,The Stephanie plum Series,The 50 Shades Triology, The Returned, Janet Evanovich, Bertrice Small, Tess Gerritsen
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thanks for adding me back 🙂🌼🌺
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berkata tentang Emily Dickinson …
I just found out that Emily is my seventh cousin 4 times remove.
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