chey "PEACE begins with a smile."

Fanpop sejak October 2007

  • Female, 57 years old
  • The Great White North, Alberta
  • Favorite Movie: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotlessmind,Winter's Bone
    Favorite Musician: billie holiday.
    Favorite Book or Author: shake hands with the devil the romeo dallaire story
mozek senarai

Kelab Saya

Dedicated Fan in 18 clubs Dedicated (18) Die-Hard Fan in 5 clubs Die-Hard (5)

dinding saya

TheCountess berkata …
...just want to wish anda a Happy Birthday, dear friend! ♥❤♥ telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
ineedcoffee dikomen…
thanks alot wasn't anything special but going away in a few weeks for a birthday present to myself on a caribbean cruise :D hampir setahun yang lalu
TheCountess dikomen…
That ought to be a nice change! I hope anda have nothing but sunny skies down there. ;) hampir setahun yang lalu
TheCountess berkata …
.( =´y'= ) ............ Here's wishing anda a
░(,,)░(,,)░ ....... MEOWY CHRISTMAS
░░░░░░░ .. & PURR-FECT NEW YEAR! telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
TheCountess dikomen…
...and wishes for the same again. ;) hampir setahun yang lalu
ineedcoffee berkata tentang Fanpop
something about the Fanpop bintang has been bugging me and it hit me today, it looks like the who say symbol, atau am i going telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
DarkSarcasm dikomen…
Oh wow, it really does. O.O hampir setahun yang lalu