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Critical Analysis of Twilight Soalan

What do anda think about Stephenie Meyer?

I was wondering - there are various opinions about her among anti's. Some hate her and some think she's insane.
I've noticed that there are a lot of anti's that can be really nasty - swearing at her and all.
Personally, I don't really mind HER necessarily. It's the buku that annoy me. If that makes sense. Twilight, in my opinion, is a bad book, but I don't like bagging her for it.
I don't think anda can really blame her for Penulisan (what is in my opinion) a bad book. There are much worse out there.
Because this is turning into a rant, I'll just get to it. What do anda think?
 PMT posted hampir setahun yang lalu
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Critical Analysis of Twilight  jawapan terbaik

nuxi said:
I don't like her from what I know about her. I feel bad for her fans, I think they deserve better.
She has zero tolerance for criticism, even from peminat-peminat who just don't like everything she does.
When things get leaked, she tells her peminat-peminat they've "broken [her] heart" and threatens to stop Penulisan because she's so depressed now. Things get leaked all the time. It's not right for her to emotionally manipulate and punish her true fans, making them feel guilty for something they had nothing to do with.
I also really don't like how often she brushes soalan off with "it's fantasy/fiction" atau "you're Membaca too much into it." All fiction has deeper messages. She may not be a decent enough writer to control the messages, but she still needs to take responsibility for the values her buku are teaching her young audience. She has an opportunity to encourage young people to be critical and look for meaning beneath the superficial, but she's doing the exact opposite.
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posted hampir setahun yang lalu 
YES. AMEN. Couldn't have put it better myself. I applaud you, sir! (Or m'am. atau whichever anda are, lol...) XD
Dearheart posted hampir setahun yang lalu
it's ma'am XD thanks!
nuxi posted hampir setahun yang lalu
missracoon posted hampir setahun yang lalu
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Myf_1992 said:
anda have a fair and vaid point about her, not blaming her for her book. Personally, I don't mind the book, its mediocre entertainment, so is the film, but Stephenie Meyer gets under my skin.

a) sejak Membaca some of what she has said, she has an air of arrogance about her, she compares her characters to Pride and Prejudice and Romeo and Juliet.

b) peoples adoration for her bugs me, saying she is the seterusnya Anne Rice/ Shkespeare/Bram Stoker etc. She is not even close to them.

c) She says indeotic and illogical things, and she lives sejak her own hyporacy. sejak that I mean she says tht femanism is choice for woman, and woman being able to choose, and there for Twilight isn't anti-femanist, yet if anda read an artikel here about it, you'll see that Bella had no choice at all. She has also criticized other plots for flaws which are in her plot.

d) I Cinta Anne beras and her books, and Stephenie Meyer berkata "Eww" and "yuck" in response to the film.

e) she doesn't explain herself, and then blames the audience. Its obvious Bella is Stephenie Meyer, but she denies it, I'm ok with Bella being Stephenie Meyer, most authors base characters off themselves, its the easiest and most used tool. But she denies it so it bugs me. The theres the sparkly vampires. Again got no problem with sparkling vampires. But when Stephenie Meyer was aproached about it she came up with an illogical explination, then she changed that explinationto an even lebih illogical one, and then turned around with "Its not my problem" - Honey, its your ill-explained book, it is your problem. She could have berkata it was magic, I would have accepted that.

f) Her book subtley gives out all the wrong messages about what is an healthy relationsip. The tweens are very impressionable and especially as Bella is their age and is a girl(in school in psychology lesson we learn what kind of people are impressionable on us, Bella is a perfect role model for tweens). There are the anti-femanist messages, there are the abusive spouse messages, there is the throw a strop to get what anda want, theres the drama Queen messages. These tweens are too young to disregard a lot of this behaviour as just fiction.

So there are my reasons. I don't hate the woman, hell no, but I do dislike her =D

p.s. sorry forthe bad spelling didn't spell chack a lot of it as Im in a rush, hope its understandable.
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posted hampir setahun yang lalu 
I reckon anda made some great points and I'll say that I agree with anda even if this contradicts what I berkata in the question. Since I put the soalan up, I was Membaca some Stephenie Meyer Petikan and you're right. I'm not going to go into a big rant now but she's berkata some really arrogant and hypocritical things. So I guess I've changed my opinion in a way. I just didn't know she could be so arrogant. Great answer, if I haven't already berkata that.
PMT posted hampir setahun yang lalu
*Claps enthusiasticly* Great answer.
Free_Spirit posted hampir setahun yang lalu
Plenilunio said:
I don't think she's insane and I don't care enough about her to hate her. However, I think she's an anti-feminist that belongs in the 19th century, yet she insists upon saying Bella is a strong independent woman. Excuse me? Deciding whether you're cooking spageti atau ikan on your own is not being independent in my book. Apart from that, I think she's smug and arrogant and that, instead of trying to provide solid, adult arguments to defend her work, she'll just whine as if she was Bella (she is, but anda know what I mean) and say things such as "it's fiction, it doesn't have to make sense!" or, one of the Twihards' favorites, "you don't understand". Apart from that, how come she is not to blame for her poor writing? She wrote the book, it is surely not Stephen King's fault. Of course, there are editors and people at the publishing company who should have berkata "Woman, WTF?", but Meyer, not somebody else, wrote the books. So, to sum up, I don't hate her, I just absolutely dislike her, which is completely different.
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posted hampir setahun yang lalu 
People did say WTF, I'm not sure about the book, I think it did get refused a few times, but I know for certain that the film got refused a fair few times, but she atau her editors atau publicist dunno which kept pushing the idea. And yes it is her fault for the bad writing, putting a smart adjective in between each word doesn't make it good. And I agree, I don't hate her, I dislike her, hate is so strong, in the dictionary the definition of hate is to dislike something so much it demands immediate action, I don;t feel I need to take action against SM, there for I do not hate her. As for her God complex I blame her brother who filters her letters and e-mails, so anything negative is not put ke hadapan to her, so that must make her deluded, she must have an idea that some people don't like her, but because of her brother she doesn't need to confront her faults, which will make her lebih arrogant.
Myf_1992 posted hampir setahun yang lalu
Sorry for the rant :/
Myf_1992 posted hampir setahun yang lalu
Actually the book was edited, they edited it a bit to make it lebih apropriate for the targetgroup (tweens) atau so they think, so they made it a little less sexual and stuff. Not too sure on the details though. But , yer they did sunting it, but nothing to help it in anyway.
Myf_1992 posted hampir setahun yang lalu
Mrs-Grint said:
Hrm... I HATE HER SO MUCH. If I could say anything to her I would scream "Thanks, Stephenie Meyer for F***ING UP OUR YOUTH!"

I. Want. To. Kill....
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posted hampir setahun yang lalu 
kayleebabee said:
I must say that Stephanie meyer is a gifted writer although the thre main words she uses instead of berkata are (murmered, whispered and muttered) but she has brought a little ray of hope into peoples lives sejak bassically saying nothing is out of your leaugue i.e Edward and Bella because in reality Edward and Bellas social circes should not even touch but they do and she writes it in a captivating dreamy style which is really good. I like the style of writing. just to clarify that. ph and does anyone think that sm is trying to brainwash us all?
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posted hampir setahun yang lalu 
Uhm, a lot of people (including me) disagree with anda fhere.
renrae posted hampir setahun yang lalu
I'm sorry to say but I disagree with you. There is so much wrong with Edward and Bella's romance, it represents so much which is wrong, and gives all the wrong messages to the wrong people.
Myf_1992 posted hampir setahun yang lalu
I don't think using words that come from Latin without even knowing for sure what they mean atau how to use them just to look smart doesn't automatically make anda a good writer
Plenilunio posted hampir setahun yang lalu
I'm sorry but i disagree
Free_Spirit posted hampir setahun yang lalu
vampiressJazz said:
she's a nutter
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posted hampir setahun yang lalu 
Myf_1992 posted hampir setahun yang lalu
Faith-Rulz posted hampir setahun yang lalu
hahahaha good answer
Free_Spirit posted hampir setahun yang lalu
Chandlerfan said:
I wouldn't say hate exactly...just a very, very strong dislike.

So many reasons why...

1. Lack of creativity in the Twilight series. A good writer does not have a load of Mary Sue characters as the protagonists (i.e. Bella and Edward) but creates a few flaws here and there to add lebih depth to the characters. Something that people can really relate to. The fact that she lacks this creativity and doesn't even realise it, is fairly worrying for me in itself.

2. Her brother not allowing her to hear any criticism is damaging her and making her incredibly arrogant. This is lebih Seth's fault than her's but there are times when Seth can't censor everything and she starts getting all depressed and coming up with stupid jawapan to intelligent soalan about her work. People in her line of work need some kind of criticism because others will be able to see errors that she can't. I'm sure some people can be nice about it when criticising her to her face and she should just say 'Thank anda for your input, I'll consider it in the future' rather than 'You don't understand'.

3. Thesaurus rape. What twat uses 'verbose' in the first person?! If she wrote in third person, the buku may have been a little lebih bearable. The problem with using a thesaurus is that some synonyms just don't work in the context. They look out of place. She doesn't need to continuously use 'big words' to tunjuk that she's intelligent atau whatever. anda can still be a good writer without using these words - but she doesn't seem to realise this.

4. She thinks she's awesome. She compares herself to famous authors and also mocks the ones she doesn't like. She has a right to an opinion, sure, but she has no right to compare atau mock others based on absolutely nothing.

5. She's making me type a freaking list. Yeeesh.
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posted hampir setahun yang lalu 
^ Agreed ><
Myf_1992 posted hampir setahun yang lalu
^^totally agree with anda there especially the part about accepting criticism, I mean learning from your errors to become better, right?
newmixgirl posted hampir setahun yang lalu
We all know she isn't perfect, yes shes a successful author, but she's not the best, and she needs to listen to criticism and learn to be better. She has potential, but she needs to learn, and if she continues on this path of self delusion she will never be able to full fill her potential.
Myf_1992 posted hampir setahun yang lalu
Great argument. I agree one hundred percent
Free_Spirit posted hampir setahun yang lalu
Free_Spirit said:
Well Stephanie Myer doesn't put any thought into her book. I mean it doesn't provoke thought in people and maybe thats why people like it so much because they simply have to read. The thing i don't like is all the happy endings. Also the characters have no depth, they have one emoticion and thats it. And they all basically the same. All shy etc. I don't think she should be swore at sejak the utmost anti twilighters, but she should be nicer to her fans. I just believe they're sre better writers. I don't like her much, but i can't base her on the little i know, because i don't know her personally

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posted hampir setahun yang lalu 
Oh, well berkata *claps* I agree, especially with the first part about SM not putting thought into her books, no deeper meaning, and I agree, that's why it's so popular, because it doesn't take much effort to read,while the big words makes some feel intelligent, ok Im ranting now, sorry. So, yer I agree :D
Myf_1992 posted hampir setahun yang lalu
lo, your not ranting
Free_Spirit posted hampir setahun yang lalu
Faith-Rulz said:
I have been thinking about it for awhile but i cant help but compare her to other authors ive read and think that SM's is totally lacking and ive read everyone's else komen-komen and i agree.

But heres also what i think:
Theres no history to any other characters other than Bella, Edward, Carlisle, Rosalie, Esme and Renesmee...the rest are sidelined and anda only know little things, whereas anda go to other buku series such as Harry Potter: everyone HAS a backstory, anda pretty much know who they are (maybe not right away but anda get clues) where they came from, their reasons on why they do the things they do, etc but for twilight nada...lack of creativity and imagination.

I agree if she actually took on critism she could actually improve her Penulisan and storytelling and think lebih about what kind of messages she is sending out to teenagers who take things are little too literally (not all of course) but theres too many hidden messages and messages that are quite clear im defiantly not comfortable with: phedopile (jacob-renesmee), anti feminism, men supermacy (how edward controls bella: who controls who she sees, etc) sexual abuse (when edward hurts bella in BD) and that there are no consquences in life to your actions.

Soz for my rant...but i just think she should have fleshed out the series alot lebih before publishing it and then maybe so many pplz and myself might actually enjoy it alot lebih than we are. thanks
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posted hampir setahun yang lalu 
Agreed haha, the first point anda made, the fact JKR gave everyone a back story, a meaning, atau a reason for being where they are to why they do what they do made the whole series lebih realistic and believable. Thats just one reason why I prefer Harry Potter to Twilight.
Myf_1992 posted hampir setahun yang lalu
Faith-Rulz posted hampir setahun yang lalu
excellent point
Free_Spirit posted hampir setahun yang lalu
shriekingshack said:
I don't like Meyer and I think she can't really write. Twilight is not a good book(that's my opinion only) and i'm honestly not a fan. To be honest i dont know how Twilight even became that popular..
And i heard that her brother atau whoever deletes hate mail atau letters that criticize her atau something and i dont like it. I mean as a writer she's supposed to accept those and use them to make a better story! It's just not right. For me the fact that she does not accept criticism shows she can't handle it and she's not a great writer.
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