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 The Tournament turns out to be a boring Maleficent coronation, for the most part, but Grimhilde makes things exciting for the audience, sejak getting barbequed
The Tournament turns out to be a boring Maleficent coronation, for the most part, but Grimhilde makes things exciting for the audience, by getting barbequed
The Disney Villainesses Battle Tournament - Round 2 - The Fights

**NOTE: These would have been telah diposkan sooner, but a death in the family held things up.**


The Players:
Cruella de Vil vs. Queen Grimhilde (Snow White)
Yzma vs. Mother Gothel
Ursula the Sea Witch vs. Lt. Helga Sinclair
Lady Tremaine vs. Maleficent

Cruella vs. Grimhilde –
The Queen reappears in her hag form, entering the arena on the arm of Humbert the Huntsman, and both barely miss getting run over sejak Cruella, who crashes what’s left of her sports car in an attempt to “run over granny,” square into Horace & Jasper’s Jeep. Humbert descends on Cruella’s goons with his knife, conking Horace out in a single punch, and proceeding to face off against (or just chase around) Jasper who wields a poker. Cruella gains traction again sejak utilizing the hag’s weak lung capacity, puffing cigarette smoke in her face, while hurling every insult at her, most of which cannot be repeated in civilized conversation, and pushing her excessively, blinding her wildly with her assortment of furs. Grimhilde eventually gains footing sejak holding Cruella off with a stick and pelting her with apples until Humbert is free, having handily finished off Jasper. Cruella throws another tantrum over her henchemen's ineffectiveness and takes her frustrations out on Humbert, smacking him and hollering “idiot” at the bahagian, atas of her lungs, giving Grimhilde time to unleash her various potions smuggled in her basket; the blast of wind, the dark of night, the scream of fright, and the thunderbolt. Cruella, sejak this time, has grabbed Jasper’s poker and is swinging it wildly at Humbert while the winds and rains heighten. Unfortunately, metal has a funny way of attracting the elements, and the poker Cruella wields attracts lightning during the storm. Game over for Cruella, whose entire head is now white “as snow”. Grimhilde lets out an insane laugh and tips Humbert some emas coins for his service and exit the arena, leaving the unconscious bodies of Cruella, Jasper, and Horace to be removed sejak arena staff.

Winner: Queen Grimhilde

Yzma vs. Gothel –
    Yzma still is able to count on the support of her guards (or Kuzko’s guards, depending on how anda look at it), and considers a private citizen fairly easier to defeat than a queen, so she doesn’t even bother to experiment in her laboratory. Gothel, meanwhile, realizing her lack of any henchmen poses a problem, bribes the Stabbington Brothers to come to her aid with the promise of Incan treasure. Whether atau not Gothel actually thinks Yzma has any is beside the point, the Stabbingtons fall for it. So the fight essentially begins with the Stabbingtons facing off against Yzma’s palace guards while Yzma and Gothel stand on the sidelines arguing over who has the wittier repertoire. Gothel’s barbs generally include attacks on Yzma’s physical appearance, Gothel being sure to drop the term “scary beyond all reason” as many times as she can. Yzma, likewise, attacks Gothel’s parenting skills, citing that she can’t even control her own daughter, how can she expect to defeat the Queen of an ancient kingdom. Yzma crosses the line sejak negatively comparing Gothel’s hazelnut sup with Kronk’s bayam puffs – fighting words. Both ladies draw their knives, but Yzma, as usual, seems convinced Kronk can perform murder assignments and so dispatches him to finish Gothel off. Kronk, of course, calls on his conscience to Debat over right and wrong, giving Gothel the opening to knee him in the cherries, punch him between the eyes, swipe his knife, and kick him over to the Stabbington Brothers, who drag him off in the scuffle with the guards hooting and screaming for his mommy. Gothel and Yzma proceed to descend upon one another, going fisticuffs. After about an hour, a physically exhausted Gothel tells Yzma it isn’t necessary to descend into a catfight, prompting Yzma to ask Gothel if, perhaps, she’d like to see how “cat-like” she can be. Yzma morphs into a cat and literally scratches Gothel’s eyes out. Yzma morphs back into her human form and cackles wildly in victory before realizing that the Stabbington Bothers have murdered Kronk. She pauses for a moment, takes about ten saat to mourn ("crap," she says), and then proceeds to gloat some more. The audience begins booing at Yzma for her insensitivity and Yzma shakes her fist at the audience, accusing them of rooting for Gothel. She proceeds to storm out of the Arena, with her guards collecting Kronk's battered and bloofied remains and carrying them out.

Winner: Yzma

Ursula vs. Helga Sinclair –
Sinclair arrives in a hot-air balloon and casts a harpoon directly into Ursula’s arm from the selamat, peti deposit keselamatan distance. An angered Sea-Witch fires at the balloon and Sinclair narrowly dodges the first three blasts from the Trident with an impressive mid-air -sailor moon leap (directly from the balloon as it explodes). Before landing, she takes a clean swipe across Ursula’s face with a round-house kick, giving the Sea Witch a bloody nose, and pissing her off royally. Still, Sinclair dodges each blast from the Trident with incredible ease and, once at a selamat, peti deposit keselamatan distance, gains points sejak firing successively at Ursula with a rifle. Her precise aim results in the Sea Witch getting shot in the arm twice, at least before the Witch is able to shield herself sejak creating a force-field with the Trident. Flotsam and Jetsam attempt to utilize the Atlantis Heart, having raided Sinclair's wrecked wrecked balloon, against Sinclair and approach at just about the moment when Ursula and Sinclair begin struggling with each other for control of the Trident. The Trident accidentally ends up firing in a way-ward direction and fries the two eels again. Ursula briefly stops to mourn her “precious” pets before going into a manic, bloodlust frenzy and frying Sinclair to ashes within fifteen seconds. The battered and bloodied Sea Witchh then proceeds to collect the remains of her eels and flees the Arena to see that they are tended to.

Winner: Ursula

Tremaine vs. Maleficent –
    Lady Tremaine is about as bold as she could be in dealing with the inapproachable Maleficent. Her daughters and Lucifer turn on the heel and flee upon mere eye contact with Malef, tripping over each other like red-headed stepchildren, which one of them is anyway. Tremaine calls on all the forces of the universe with the wand, until Diablo swipes the wand out of Tremaine’s hand to deliver to Malef, but she orders that he return it to her for a fair fight, much to Tremaine’s surprise. She proceeds to tap into all the wand’s power once lebih in an attempt to overpower the wicked fairy, and for a moment it appears to be working as the Mistress of All Evil appears flustered. But, this fatigue is quickly overcome and, with the help of the Heartless, she absorbs the wand and its entirety, including Tremaine herself, into the orb of her staff. Upon completion, the staff emotes a green spark of energy (very cool, btw), perhaps a mystical form of a belch, while Diablo flies to rest on Maleficent’s shoulder as she stands, proudly, with this creepy grin on her face - before commenting that Tremaine sounded vaguely familiar, and that they could have been sisters, metaphorically speaking, because they seeemed so much alike.

Winner: Maleficent


The Players:
Yzma vs. Ursula the Sea Witch
Maleficent vs. Queen Grimhilde

Yzma vs. Ursula –
    The audience is pretty dead set against an Yzma victory, still pahit over Kronk's death, and she shakes her fist at the audience, this time accusing them of not accepting strong Latinas into their elite circles, but it’s clear that she’s mainly nervous about Ursula and what she is capable of. Her strategy is to use her palace guard and staff, which she has transformed into sea creatures, and set them on Ursula. But, when Ursula appears before Yzma with the Trident, her entire unit either flees on the spot atau bows down to Ursula, who possesses the most valuable artifact in the sea. Yzma, also, falls to her knees begging for mercy, morphing back into her cat form in an attempt to win sympathy. But, Ursula, still pahit over the death of her eels, isn’t having any of that, atau even any bargaining attempts on Yzma’s part – she raises her Trident, game over for Yzma.

Winner: Ursula

Maleficent vs. Grimhilde –
    The Queen consults her Mirror to discover that Maleficent’s weakness lies in the power of the Three Fairies, so she kidnaps them sejak drugging them with the poisoned apples while in her hag form, and then returns to her laboratory to experiment with them in an attempt to abah-abah their magical power. She manages to extract a celestial force, telah diberi enough time, which she secures in her infamous “box.”
The fight turns out to be a disappointing one, prompting a series of boos from the audience, as Grimhilde emerges in her regal queenly form, and as Maleficent appears in her mortal form, as opposed to the dragon form. From a distance of about twenty paces, the two trade mystical blasts; Grimhilde shooting lightning bolts and wind blasts charged with the fairies’ magic , Maleficent trading blasts from her staff. Grimhilde’s raven and the vultures face off against Diablo, and fare reasonably well, but ultimately prove no match for Diablo’s flight prowess and they fall sejak the wayside. The Queen finally loses her patience and charges toward Maleficent to physically combat her, something that Malef is lebih than ready for. Knocking off her crown, Maleficent grips Grimhilde sejak the hair plants her face into the ground. Grimhilde reacts in kind, forcibly shoving Maleficent’s face into the box, which prompts Maleficent to react to the magic sporadically, morphing into the dragon and setting the entire box, and Grimhilde, ablaze, her plan backfiring horribly. The dragon roars in triumph and crushes the box, and what is left of Grimhilde, with her foot as the crowd goes wild.

Winner: Maleficent


The Players:
Ursula the Sea Witch vs. Maleficent, Mistress of All Evil

Maleficent vs. Ursula –
The crowd grows to a point where the Tournament finale has to be relocated to a body of water near Bald Mountain, where demons obviously congregate, most of whom try to coerce Ursula to morph back into her Vanessa form. Ursula humors the crowd for a few minit sejak doing so, and she does look stunning in this form with the Crown and Trident. But, she reverts back to her witch form after attempting to admire her reflection in Grimhilde’s Magic Mirror, with predictable results. Jafar selects Ursula to be his champion for freedom, and attempts to rig the fight sejak advising her that Maleficent can be brought down with a stab to the heart, a factor Ursula understands quite well. She waits for Maleficent, who has chosen to tunjuk up fashionably late, confident that this will be another walk in the park. Hades waits above in the wings, observing from the shadows, also confident that Maleficent will walk away with the fight. He’s content to sit back and slurp worms that would probably make Ursula’s stomach growl if she weren’t busy plotting her strategy with Flotsam and Jetsam, who have been reanimated since Round 2. The crowd, at this point, has grown to insane proportions with everyone and his brother jeering, hooting, and hollering sexist rants, mocking Ursula for her wait and Malef for exhibiting a flat surface, otherwise ranting about things that cannot be repeated in civilized conversation.

Maleficent finally does appear in the form of a Will o’ the Wisp, ready to get down to business, surrounded sejak green flames as she stands on the rocky pantai before Ursula. Before she has the chance to do much of anything, though, Ursula, always quick to the draw, uses the Trident to summon Monstro the Whale, who runs Malef down fairly quickly and swallows her briefly before having his intestine set ablaze. Monstro, accompanied sejak Tick Tock the Crocodile, Brutus, Nero, and TLM yu, ikan jerung (all under Ursula’s control) intend to drown her and then make her dinner. Flotsam holds Maleficent long enough for Jetsam to separate Maleficent from her staff and bring it to Ursula, while the sea creatures begin nipping at the Mistress of All Evil’s queenly garments. The Sea Witch proceeds to enhance her size to gigantic proportions, entrapping Maleficent in a whirlpool and, exhibiting remarkable aim, zaps her from point-blank range, laughing obnoxiously in the process. Maleficent, needless to say, is fairly pissed about all of this, and morphs into the Dragon before anda can say “the powers of Hell,” but not before shrinking Monstro down to the size of a guppy, much to the pleasure of Diablo, who makes prey out of him. Neither Ursula, nor Jafar, were counting on this, but - “whaddya know” – Malef doesn’t need the staff to morph into the Dragon.
The Dragon doesn’t hesitate to fry Ursula from the tentacles upward, withstanding the Trident’s blasts with remarkable durability and control. She morphs back into her mortal form, retakes the staff fairly quickly and doesn’t hesitate to send a sunken ship hull clear through Ursula’s stomach, proceeding to reduce her to a polyp of her own creation. During all of this, Morgana appears and attempts to intervene sejak “avenging” her vanquished sister, but Malef takes her on fairly easily, and Morgana almost willfully joins her sister as a polyp (a pleasant alternative to whatever the hell Maleficent would have done to her). Ursula learns quickly that the lebih anda poke a Mama Grizzly, the angrier she gets.

Winner: Maleficent, Mistress of All Evil

Jafar is reduced once again to his “dead” form, talking trash all the way, demanding a rematch, and Maleficent wins her mortality back. Despite this, she’s mad as hell about having been reduced to a spectacle for thousands of male demons, undead souls, and cretins, for sheer sexist entertainment purposes and refuses to return the Trident, which she has taken as a souvenir. She tells both King Triton and Hades, who gives his new “leading lady” “two thumbs up,” to get bent, in her own dramatic, Shakespearean verbatim, and shoots back to her castle, after giving Hades a finger of her own. Mad as hell, she plots revenge and decides to give all the “sexist, egotistical, lying hypocritical” villain “bigot” punks a taste of their own medicine.

STAY TUNED: Disney Villain Battle Tournament Series Narratives, COMING SOON
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