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Anger is the Best Remedy for Love- Chapter Four

She knew that Serena and Nate thought that they had gotten away unscathed for what they had done to her, but they were very wrong. Blair still didn’t care that they had slept together, all she cared about was that they had the nerve to act like they didn’t do anything wrong when they had betrayed her in the worst way.
She smoothed her dress down her legs and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was going to stay with Nate for the time being, but he was going to realize what he was going to be missing if he screwed up again. She had dressed accordingly to make sure her plan would work.
The swirl of red material loosely brushed the bahagian, atas of her thighs as she walked. The tali pinggang she had thrown around herself only drew the eye down to her small waist. As did the deep cleavage that she was currently sporting. And for once she didn’t have a headband in her hair. She had let her hair fall loose around her shoulders, and she had to admit that it looked much sexier that way. She would have to do this lebih often.
But this was all part of the plan to get back at Nate and Serena. They would have to learn that Blair Waldorf didn’t take shit, and they couldn’t just walk all over her. She really did need a plotting partner for what she was about to do though. She always worked better when she had someone sejak her side. But who was as calculating, devious, and manipulative as she was?
The answer came to her in a heartbeat, but she tried to block him out of her mind. She was starting to get worried, he was always in her head at some part of the day. That would have to be remedied because she didn’t even like Chuck Bass! Did she? She wasn’t even sure anymore. And that scared her lebih than anything else. She was supposed to hate him. When had everything changed?
Again the answer came easily to her. When she had found out that he had stuck up for her against his best friend, she came to realize that she had misjudged him. There was a lot that she didn’t know about a certain Bass, and she wanted to find out. But that was impossible, and wouldn’t be happening anytime soon.
She forced a certain dark haired scoundrel out of her mind and instead focused entirely on her plan of revenge. After she was done, Serena and Nate would be sorry that they had ever crossed her. Serena was dead in her mind and she had the perfect plan to make her understand this. The target of this revenge plot? Dan Humphrey.

Every eye in the school was on her as she sashayed her way past everybody until she reached Nate who was talking to Serena.
“I see anda two are still together. I thought that anda decided that anda were staying with Dan?”
Serena’s nervous eyes darted between the both of them. “I am staying with Dan, B. We were just having a friendly conversation. That’s still allowed, right?” She added sarcastically.
Blair’s eyes turned even colder than they already were. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that Nate couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of her. The dress was having the desired effect. “I would watch how anda talk to me, Serena.” Her voice had taken on a menacing tone. “You have no idea what I’m capable of and I’m going to be menunjukkan anda that.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” She clutched both hands in fists and tugged at the material of her skirt.
Blair couldn’t help keep the smile off of her face. She loved being the cause of Serena’s nervousness. “It doesn’t mean anything, it’s just a fair warning. anda just better watch your back is all. Nobody fucks around with me and gets away with it. anda should know that better than anyone.”
She whipped her head around, shaking it violently. “What are anda planning on doing?”
“Oh S, a girl has to keep some secrets. anda will find out soon enough. Now if you’ll excuse us, I would like to talk to my boyfriend for a moment. In private.”
Serena gnawed at her lip, and glanced at Nate but he was still staring at Blair in amazed silence. She quickly took off and left her alone with Nate. When that was the furthest thing that she wanted right now.
Nate finally opened his mouth to speak. “You look amazing, Blair. anda never dressed like that before. What’s with the big change?”
She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, maybe I just wanted to feel desirable for once. Because anda as hell sure didn’t make me ever feel that way.”
He sighed and gently touched her arm. “I know what I’ve done with Serena has hurt anda deeply.”
She opened her mouth to let out an unladylike snort of disbelief, but he hurriedly plowed on, “But now that I see anda standing there I’m realizing that I don’t want Serena. I just haven’t seen what’s been in front of me for years. I want you, Blair.”
She would have telah diberi anything to hear that a couple of years ago, but she hadn’t loved Nate in a long time and she knew that she never would again. She wanted to be done with him once and for all. “You can’t just expect me to believe you, Nate.” Blair shook her head in dismay. “This is what anda do after you’ve done something wrong. anda beg and grovel for me to take anda back, and anda say that you’re sorry, but then anda did the same shit again to me. It’s not going to happen this time, I‘m done with you.”
She started to walk away, but he grasped on to her arm and wouldn’t let go. He had a surprisingly strong grip. “Blair, I know that I have done that in the past, but not this time. anda have every right not to believe me, but I don’t want Serena anymore. She’s my past and you’re my future. And when I saw anda today something finally just clicked and I realized that I’m supposed to be with you. Not Serena. You.” He clarified again.
“I’m not going to take the bait this time. anda had sex with Serena a couple of days ago, and you’re always telling Chuck how you’re supposed to be with Serena instead of me. Why the sudden change of heart?”
He plowed a hand through his hand while he thought about her question. “I really can’t explain it. I just got this feeling of overwhelming forces for you, and I want to try again. We don’t even have to be around Serena, I just want to be with you. Will anda give me one lebih chance?”
Her mouth dropped open. Blair could tell that he was being truthful. The sincerity in his voice was unbelievable, but it didn’t change her feelings at all. “No, we can’t. I told anda last week that we would stay together until one of us found something better. We can’t go on living this lie, Nate. And I know that someday I will find somebody who is so much better for me than you. I deserve better, and don’t tell me that I don’t.”
Nate was muttering some sort of inane apology again when a sudden movement across the courtyard drew her eye. She focused her eyes past Nate’s shoulder only to find a dark, brown, and sensuous gaze staring back at her. She swallowed hard as the feelings of not just hate started to invade her body. Chuck. He was standing against a pokok with an arm wrapped around some floozy whore she would guess. She found her eyes connected to his sejak something powerful that she couldn’t name, but all she knew was that she couldn’t tear her eyes away from his. He continued to look at her as his hand drew circles on the woman’s arm that he was with. Blair felt that touch even though it was desgniated for someone else.
The intensity that she felt astonished her. Chuck bass made her feel lebih things than with one look that Nate had made her feel her entire life. He got to her like no one else could, and she was beginning to think that she didn’t hate him as much as she proclaimed to. His eyes turned hot as he took in her appearance and what looked a lot like lust appeared in his eyes. She grinned at the thought.
He continued to stare at her while giving her the piercing gaze of hers. She vaguely heard Nate calling, “Blair? Blair, are anda listening to me?”
She finally found the willpower to look away from him, but she was disappointed that she had too. She was getting a tad too comfortable around Chuck. “What?” She snapped.
Nate gave her an odd look. “What were anda just thinking about? anda seemed so far off.”
“Nothing. I was just thinking about how I wish that anda would leave me alone. If I have a necessity to be around you, I will let anda know.”
His face instantly took on a look of hurt, but Blair didn’t feel bad about it. Just the opposite. “Blair…” He began but he never finished. “No, we are not going to discuss this anymore. It’s becoming quite repetitive anyways. We will continue to be a couple for now, but as soon as I say that will be over. I’m done taking your shit. Maybe when anda go over to screw Serena this afternoon, anda can tell her the same thing.”
She quickly walked away, leaving him speechless. She liked that fact much lebih than she should have.

Blair didn’t get far before she spotted Dan and Serena. A secret smile tipped her lips, and she figured she might as well watch them for a few minutes. After all she still had to put her plot for revenge into motion, and there was no time like the present. She watched as Dan lightly placed his hand on Serena’s knee, and she seemed to be a million miles away, she was probably still thinking about Nate.
Dan whispered something into her ear and she smiled encouragingly. Blair continued to watch their exchange and she wondered they were even together. At one time they had seemed to click and understand each other on every level, but that time was long gone now. She had never understood what Serena had seen in Cabbage Patch, as she liked to call him, but maybe she had been wrong. Maybe it was Dan who had gotten the short end of the stick. After all how easy was it to please even whim of Serena’s?
Her eyes locked on Serena’s and she gazed warily back at her. All of a sudden she grabbed Dan’s hand and bolted towards the auditorium. That brought an even bigger smile to her face. Serena was obviously scared of what she was going to do, and she would delight in that fact for quite a while.
She suddenly felt someone behind her and before she had a chance to turn around, a set of lips brushed her ear and whispered, “Who are anda spying on?”
Blair willed the Rama-rama to go away, but that was not going to happen. His voice was so raspy and seductive all at the same time. She turned her head slightly to look into his hooded gaze. “Chuck.” she berkata with a smile.
He gave her a weird look. “Are anda actually smiling at me, Waldorf?” Now his entire face broke out into a grin. “Did hell just freeze over?”
She quickly composed her face into a grim line. “Of course not. Why would I ever smile at you? I hate you. Remember?”
“Just keep telling yourself that sweetheart.”
She sighed dramatically. “Was there something anda wanted?”
He chucked her under the chin. As soon as his fingers touched her face, it sent her body on api, kebakaran and she hurriedly batted his hand away. “What’s with the sex symbol look today? Who are anda trying to impress and why aren’t anda wearing your uniform?”
She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before looking at him again. His eyes never left her face. “Nothing really, I just felt like changing things up a little bit and I felt like being rebellious for once. Is there something wrong with that?”
“You’re so touchy, B. There is nothing wrong with that. I was just wondering why there was the sudden transformation in you. Back to the original question. Who were anda spying on?”
She gnawed on her lip while debating whether atau not to tell him.
“Don’t anda trust me?” He asked in little lebih than a whisper.
A grin spread across her lips. “No.” She berkata immediately. “And how do anda know that I was spying on anyone?”
Chuck chuckled while he looked down at the pavement. “Give me some credit, Waldorf. I think I know anda a little better than anda think I do. I bet I know anda better than anyone else that is close to you.”
She bristled instantly at the accusation. “That’s a damn lie.”
“Is it?”
“How is it possible than anda know anything about me when at every chance you’re telling me how much anda hate me?”
“I don’t hate you.” He admitted, and it cost him quite a lot to say that.
Blair’s eyes widened in shock. “What?”
“I’m not going to say it again.” He shoved his hands in his pockets, thinking that he had made a mistake in telling her. “Once was lebih than enough.”
“Was it?” She found herself whispering seductively and she cursed herself for doing it. She knew that Chuck would think it would be a come-on and it had sounded that way too.
To her surprise he ignored it. Blair found herself looking into his face because she couldn’t resist it. What had happened? She hated him, didn’t she? Now all these different emotions were coursing through her and that had to stop. “You really don’t hate me?”
He lifted his eyes to hers. “I just told anda that I didn’t. Don’t ask me again atau I might have to change my answer.”
He decided to change the subject. Things were getting much too personal for his liking. He didn’t like feeling so vulnerable around Blair. “Are anda ever going to tell me who anda were spying on?”
“What the hell for? Don’t tell me anda want him now? Are anda and Nathaniel going to be switching partners now? And anda told me that I’m sick, disgusted, and perverted on lebih than one occasion.”
To her absolute shock he sounded quite jealous. “You forgot to mention twisted.” She berkata with a teasing smile.
“It’s true then? You’re going after Humphrey?”
“How can anda even ask me that? anda just claim that anda know me better than anyone, yet anda think that I’m going after Dan. I would never do that, he is beneath me. A Waldorf never trades down and as much as I hate Nate right now, I could never do that to him.”
He breathed a sigh of relief that he didn’t know where it came from. He was just happy that Blair wasn’t going after him. He couldn’t say why.”What are doing spying on him then?”
She shuffled her feet and moved around in a circle. She couldn’t look at him while she berkata this, it was just too embarrassing. “I’m planning on getting revenge on Nate and Serena. They need to know that they can’t keep walking all over me and getting away with it. I just figured that getting back at Dan would be the best way to hurt Serena. I know it’s childish, but I’m still going to do it.”
Chuck place a hand under her chin and forced her to look at him. “What are anda going to do?” He berkata nothing about how immature she was being, atau how it was stupid, he just accepted that she was going to do it because she had too. And it a way she did.
“I was planning on revealing that Serena and Nate slept together at the perfect opportune moment. Dan has to be around when I reveal it though. And I know that I will totally fuck myself over because everyone will find out that Nate cheated on me again, but I don’t care. I’ll be glad to have a reason to dump his sorry ass. I don’t want him and I’m not sure that I ever really did.”
“You’re really willing to do that to yourself?” He asked softly.
“Yes, I am. I was thinking of sneaking into Nate’s house later and waiting to see if Serena came over, and if they did anything. I could record it if they did. There would only be lebih evidence that way and they wouldn’t be able to deny it then. It would all be caught in the act.
“Do anda want some help?”
Blair took a step closer to him and gently touched his hand. “Why would anda even consider helping me? I know that anda berkata anda don’t hate me, but I’m not entirely sure that I believe that yet. And Nate is your best friend. anda would be willing to do that to him?”
He suddenly realized that he had let his defenses around her down and he couldn’t afford to let that happen again. She was getting to him. He snatched his hand away furiously. “Fuck, Blair! I offer my help and anda start with the whole soalan brigade. Either anda want my help atau anda don’t. Which one is it going to be?”
“Talk about testy,” she muttered under her breath and she was rewarded with a ferocious glare from him. “If anda want to help me, I will take it.”
“What’s wrong with anda now?”
“Don’t lie to me. I know anda quite well myself, Bass.”
“Get the hell out of my way,” he pushed his way past her. “I’ll see anda later.”
“Oh, I look ke hadapan to it.”
Her snide and sarcastic tone only sent him lebih on edge. “Fuck you, Waldorf.”
“What the hell is wrong with you?” She caught up with him at the door.
“Just that anda acted like I would be the last resort for help. It’s not like I want to waste time with you, I could be doing numerous other things.”
“I do want your help, Chuck. I would have refused anda otherwise. There is no better schemer then you, right?”
He managed to grunt out a yes. “Alright.” And with a swish of his heel, he was gone, leaving Blair to wonder what the hell had just happened. And how was she going to spend time with him if they couldn’t stop arguing for five seconds?

She met him outside of Nate’s house. His penetrating stare was back and it was starting to get to her already. “Are anda sure that anda want to do this?”
“I’m here, aren’t I?”
She nodded while bending down and taking out the key that she knew Nate kept hidden underneath the mat. When she stood back up, she noticed that Chuck was staring at her ass. She wanted to say something, but she decided that it would be best if she kept her damn mouth shut. “Did anda bring the video recorder?”
“Okay, let’s do this,” Blair unlocked the front door and went inside and he followed her. She quickly inspected the living room and found that Nate was nowhere to be seen. Which was what she needed, she would never be able to explain to him what she and Chuck were doing in his house together, when they were supposed to hate each other.
She quickly gestured to Chuck. “Are we just going to hang out here in his living room so he can find us?”
She rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Of course not. We just need to find a hiding spot. Do anda have any suggestions?”
He pursed his lips as he continued to look around the room. His eyes lighted on everything in the room, and he was just about to let out an aggravated sigh when he found it. “There.”
Blair followed his gaze. “Where?”
“The closet,” he began to alih towards it, but stopped when she didn’t alih with him. “Blair, it’s absolutely perfect. It’s the perfect distance from the living room so that we would absolutely see what Serena and Nate were up too if they came in here. Plus they wouldn’t be able to see the closet because they would be facing the other way. We can leave the door opened a crack, and start filming them if anything suspicious starts going on.”
Blair laughed bitterly. “Oh believe me, something suspicious will start to happen between them. They just can’t help themselves when their in the same room together. Common sense just goes out the window. sejak the way this has been one of your worst suggestions ever.”
“Would anda like me to leave then?” He placed a hand on his hip in an annoyed gesture.
A fake smile came over her face. “No, I just would like a better plan Chuck.”
He waved her words off with a hand, and grabbed her other hand in his. “Come on.” He started to lead them towards the closet again.
She closed her hand around his and marveled at the warm and solid feeling that started to shoot up her chest. He held the closet door open for her and they scrambled inside. He left the door open a crack.
She ripped one of Nate’s coats down from the floor before sitting down on bahagian, atas of it. Chuck smirked at her. “You can’t get dirty now, can you?”
Blair chose to ignore the question. “What are we supposed to do now?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “This was your bright idea coming here not mine,” he muttered softly. He quickly took off his suit jacket, and threw it on the floor before sitting beside her. “What do anda want to do?”
“I don’t know.”
His eyes lighted on hers, and she began to feel a touch uncomfortable. “What?” She finally snapped.
“You’re still wearing that dress.”
“I like it.” He whispered seductively.
She looked into his face, but she couldn’t really see it in the dark closet. “Well as much as anda would like to think so, I didn’t dress for anda Chuck.”
“No?” He questioned. His voice was full of thick lust.
Blair shook her head rapidly, sending her thick curls all over his chest. He pulled a ringlet before bringing his face close to hers. “Are anda sure?” His breath whispered across her lips.
She swallowed hard. “Y-Y-Yes.” She finally managed to get out.
“Admit that anda want me, Waldorf.”
“I don’t.”
Chuck moved his body against hers, and slid his hand up her thigh while he gripped her white and creamy thighs. “Then it doesn’t bother anda when I do this?”
As soon as his hand came in contact with her skin, he set it ablaze. She had to bit her lip from groaning out loud. “No, it has no effect on me whatsoever.”
He chuckled out loud. “Yeah, right,” he berkata in disbelief. He continued to caress her thigh while his other hand traveled up the bahagian, atas of her body and finally stopped when he reached her collarbone. “What about when I do this?” He asked, as he continued to stroke her.
Her breath started to come faster, but she still resisted him. “I already told anda it doesn’t, Bass. Don’t anda get it? I just don’t want you!”
“I guess I’m not trying hard enough then.” Ever so slowly he lowered his lips to hers, and lightly placed a Ciuman there. She held her breath in anticipation. Then he traced his tongue along the seam of her lips, and she couldn’t hold back her groan any longer. “Chuck.”
Her voice set him on api, kebakaran like nothing else had. There was so much longing, desire, and passion in that one word. “What about now?”
She moaned with irritation as he lifted his lips from hers. “Chuck!”
“What?” He didn’t know what he had done now, but she seemed awfully angry. Even through the dark he could see the sparks shooting out of her eyes and boring into his chest.
Blair continued to look into his eyes, as she gripped his neck and hauled him down to her mouth. She slanted her mouth over his, and Chuck’s hands immediately went to her hips and he hauled her into his lap. Ever so lightly he bit down on her lip until they parted and he slid his tongue utama inside of her mouth. She gasped at the sensation of his tongue. It was so warm, wet, and slick, and boy could he kiss. Never had she been kissed like this. She threaded a hand through his hair, as his mouth continued to eat hers. In and out, his tongue continued to mate with hers and gave overwhelming pleasure. The sensations continued to unwhirl in her stomach and she began to wonder why she had never felt this way before.
Chuck groaned deep in his throat, but he finally broke the kiss. He looked into her eyes for what felt like hours, before asking in a voice constricted sejak lust and haze, “Are anda wet?”
The sensuous undertone to his voice basically had her dripping. “Yes,” she admitted in a daze. “Are anda hard?”
For an answer he dragged her hand slowly down his chest, until she reached his engorged penis. She closed her hand over the bulge and began to stroke it slowly.
His eyes rolled back in his head, and the feeling in her chest exploded, knowing that she was pleasuring him so much only added to her only pleasure. He felt rock hard and about ready to break the fly of his pants. Blair delighted in this. “Am I making it better?” She purred.
His eyes snapped back to hers and he growled, “Oh yeah, baby, anda are making it so much better.”
She let out a girlish laugh, and that’s when he pushed her back down on the floor and crawled on bahagian, atas of her body. Chuck silenced her with another kiss, and she still was stroking his erection, but now with long and quick strokes.
“Blair,” his voice was so full of lust and sexual tension that it astounded her.
Instead of answering her, he slammed his pelvis into hers with short and heavy thrusts. She felt like she could black out from the feelings. And then his hand found her breast and he rolled her nipple between his fingers. Her back arched up at his manipulations. “So good.”
“Yeah, it is,” he choked out as he continued to thrust against her clothed body. “Do anda want me, Blair?”
Just as she was about to answer that she did, she heard voices coming from the living room.
And then a very audible Nate’s voice said, “We can’t do this, Serena.”
Blair quickly pushed Chuck off of her and went over to the door which was still opened a crack, and she saw Nate and Serena standing together in the center of the room. “Get the camcorder.” She hissed at Chuck.
He placed a hand on his throbbing erection and growled with frustration. He threw it at her.
Blair managed just to catch it before it hit her in the face. “What the hell is your problem?”
“Nothing!” He snapped.
She didn’t push him any further. She tried to focus her attention to the conversation that was obviously going on in the living room.
“I know that we can’t, Nate,” Serena’s voice wafted through the living room. “But don’t anda still feel it between us? I can’t keep hurting Blair and neither can you, but can anda deny this attraction between us? I’m beginning to think that I want anda lebih than I want Dan.”
Blair listened eagerly to the conversation and was waiting to see how Nate would respond. After all only a couple of hours lalu he had been begging her for a saat chance. She waited with bated breath as she held the camcorder as close to the door as she could. But she couldn’t help thinking about Chuck. She had almost had sex with him in a closet! He never ceased to amaze her. She pushed that thought quickly out of her mind though because she couldn’t focus on him right now.
She pressed her ear closer to the door and heard Nate say, “I do feel it Serena atau I did at one point, but I don’t think I do anymore. I really want to try with Blair again. I told her today that I really wanted her this time and I meant it. I’m not going to hurt her anymore and that’s it. I’m going to win her back.”
“Where is this coming from?” Serena asked with a confused expression. “I thought that anda berkata that anda never wanted her.”
“You were wrong.” His tone started to sound a little harsh. “I don’t think I’ve ever really truly seen Blair before today. I just realized that she was who I’m supposed to be with. Whatever we had is now in the past and anda would do well to forget about it because that is what I’m going to do. I still do feel it Serena, but I really do want to be with Blair now.”
Chuck let out a gasp of disbelief, and she shushed him before turning her attention back to her boyfriend and best friend.
“Are anda sure? Because there is no turning back now.” Serena continued to look at him like he had Lost his ever loving mind.
“I’m positive, Serena.” Nate told her gently. “I think it would be better if we spent some time apart now and anda should probably leave.”
Blair saw Serena gulp and a disappointed expression flashed across her face, but she left without another word. Nate stared at the door for a few lebih minit before making his way upstairs.
She sat back down on her heels and tried to process everything that she had just heard. She couldn’t believe what Nate had just berkata to Serena. Things she had wanted him to say all those years ago, but now she could have cared less about it.
She felt rather than heard Chuck behind her. She turned to meet his gaze. He berkata nothing, but gently laid a hand across her back.
She gripped his hand and leaned back into his embrace.
After a time he spoke. “You’re not actually considering taking him back again, are you?”
“Why shouldn’t I? He admitted to Serena that he wanted me instead of her. I’ve never heard him say any of those things before.”
“Don’t go back with him, Blair.” Chuck pleaded.
She pushed herself off of him. “I don’t understand. Why not?” She had never heard such sincerity in his voice and that scared her a little. “Give me a reason, Chuck.”
He hastily stood up and walked around the closet in circles. Finally he said, “Because he’s a fucking asshole and anda deserve better than that.”
“What?” Blair sputtered. “Where is this coming from? Why are anda talking about him like this? He’s your best friend.”
Chuck finally turned around to face her. He hauled her up off her feet and brought her back against his chest. Never taking his eyes off of her face, he said, “I don’t care if he’s my best friend. I don’t want anda to go back to him because I want anda instead.”

To Be Continued…

A/N: I’ve had this written for a while and I finally decided to post it. Thank anda to everyone who has shown me so much support over the last week. I am overwhelmed, but it’s good to know that I have made so many good friends. Thoughts on the chapter?
added by Michellebob
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added by hallemay550
Source: gossip girl insider
added by hallemay550
Source: gossip girl insider