A Book Comes to Life Club
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posted by AislingYJ
Pairing/fandom: Young Justice. Main pairing is Bluepulse (Impulse (Bart) and Blue Beetle (Jaime)) but there's a bit of TimRoy too.
Warnings: Smut. And everything that goes along with that.
Background: Semi-AU but based around S2E12: True Colors.
Rating: M. What do anda expect? It's smut!
Jaime sat slumped over the closed toilet seat, staring upward at the tight walls of the cubicle-like stall and the high tiled ceiling above. He heard a soft tapping in the stall seterusnya to him, and knew it was probably another Alpha squad member, probably Roy atau Bart, grown restless. His scarab had told him they’d been staked out in the stalls for two and a half hours, and he was itching for some action. He wished Tim would just give the command already, so he could leave this claustrophobic stall. If only M’gann was here, then they could at least communicate through the psychic link. He groaned inwardly, wishing he could have some form of entertainment.
    A small whine from the stall on his left. “I have to peeeeee...” That would be Impulse. On his right, Jaime heard Tim curse under his breath, and Jaime sighed. “Well you’re in luck, Bart. There’s a toilet right under you.”
    Bart whined again. “But you’re all gonna hear me. And that’s just weird.”
“Bart, you’re in a bathroom,” Roy berkata sternly, trying in vain to mask the frustration in his voice. “That’s what they’re meant for.
    Bart sighed, and Jaime sunk his head in his hands, rubbing his temples in an attempt to ward off the headache that was beginning to set on. Bart’s endless chatter, which had started up again--probably to hide the sound of him urinating--wasn’t helping either.
    “Look at that huge labah-labah on the ceiling!”
    Jaime groaned. “I don’t see a spider.”
    “But it’s there!” Bart insisted. “It’s kinda brownish, really big, with like eight legs and--”
    “Eight legs?” Roy exclaimed sarcastically. “Who would’ve guessed? Now shut up Bart.”
    The flush of a toilet, and Bart finally fell silent. Jaime closed his eyes, the throbbing of his head lessened slightly sejak the quiet that once lebih filled the room. The only sound was the soft hum of the fluorescent lights on the ceiling, and the faint drone of breathing from four bored, restless teens. Jaime didn’t even realize that he had drifted off until he was jolted awake sejak a loud crash. Immediately he sprung to his feet, ready to burst through the door of the stall at any second. Roy cursed loudly.
    “Who’s there?” Tim called out. “What happened?”
    A loud coughing came from Jaime’s left, and Bart’s shaky voice rang out. “Uh...oops?”
    Roy cursed again. “Seriously? anda could’ve destroyed our mission!”
    “Calm down, calm down. No one’s there. Nothing’s wrong. Except the toilet might’ve--”
He was cut off sejak a loud noise that sounded like rushing water--the toilet must’ve overflowed--and a blast that shook the whole floor of the bathroom.
    “You alright in there?” Tim cried out. Bart didn’t respond. “Jaime! You’re the closest! Can anda crawl under and check it out?”
    Jaime nodded, before remembering that they couldn’t see him, but dropped to his belly and wormed his way under the dividers to Bart’s stall. When he reached it, he was surprised to see that the floor was completely dry, and the toilet looked completely fine. He pushed himself to his feet, noting that Bart didn’t look at all surprised to see Jaime standing in his stall. Jaime glared at the speedster.
    “What was that for? anda freaked us all out!”
Bart grinned, and Jaime shrank back slightly. He didn’t like the look in his friend’s zamrud, emerald eyes.
    “Seriously, Bart,” Jaime hissed, quieter this time. “Why the hell did anda do that?”
Bart didn’t respond. The Impulse cannot be trusted. came the familiar computerized drone of his scarab. Retreat is recommended.
    “I’m not gonna--” Jaime hissed, but stopped himself, seeing the look on Bart’s face.
    “Why don’t anda take it off?” Bart asked, raising an eyebrow.
    “The scarab? But we already established that it won’t--”
Bart laughed. “Not the scarab, the armor.”
    Jaime looked at the speedster, perplexed. “But what would that do?” He carefully studied Bart’s expression, but couldn’t discern anything. He sighed. “Fine,” he muttered and against his--and surely the scarab’s--better judgement, willed the blue-and-black armor covering his body to recede into the scarab on his back. Almost immediately, he realized his mistake.
    “Bart, anda little--”
He was cut off, however, sejak Bart’s lips pressed firmly against his. His dark eyes widened with surprise as Bart kissed him passionately, leaning slightly upward so they were at eye level. He felt Bart’s fingers in his coarse black hair, every crease and dry patch on his lips, the tiny flecks of pale blue and gray in his otherwise green eyes. Bart’s pale skin was smooth to the touch, despite a few rough patches on his jaw from normal teenage acne, and his copper-brown hair was soft and silky. When Bart finally pulled away, Jaime realized that he had closed his eyes, and his body was still tingling with the pleasure from the kiss. Almost immediately, however, he was brought crashing back down to earth.
    “Bart, what the hell was that?”
    “What?” Bart asked, feigning innocence. Jaime glared at him; he tried to block out the snickering coming from the stalls to his right, but to no avail. Yes, Jaime and Bart had expressed their affection for each other before, but never like this. Jaime’s dark eyes were shooting daggers at his more...forward friend; well, they tried, but the glare fizzled when Bart kissed him again, on his neck this time. As Bart sucked at his skin, Jaime let himself go limp in Bart’s grasp. He noticed that Bart was wearing his long sleeved tee-shirt from earlier, and feeling Bart’s fingers sliding up and down his bare chest, he wondered if the speedster hadn’t changed yet into his hero suit for this specific purpose. He felt Bart’s teeth begin to nibble at his neck, and he quickly pulled away. He couldn’t tunjuk up to the mission with a hickey...although come to think of it, what they were doing wasn’t exactly private. Bart seemed to get the message, though, and returned to Ciuman Jaime’s mouth.
After a few minit of passionate Ciuman and minor groping, the boys had decided that the tiny stall didn’t give them very much room, so Bart density-shifted them into the seterusnya one over, which was larger as it was handicap accessible. Even so, it was not ideal, but at least they now had room to breathe. With the extra space, they situated themselves on the floor, and Jaime was content to lay on his back with Bart straddling him with his legs. When Bart’s kisses started up again, Jaime let the outside world fade away; he no longer heard his Friends a few stalls over, no longer felt the cold tiles of the floor, no longer saw anything except for Bart on bahagian, atas of him. He sighed with pleasure as he felt Bart’s lips moving down his chest, his fingers tracing the outline of his abs and running down his bare sides. He squirmed and shivered as Bart’s hands reached the sensitive area on his waist close to his groin, and when Bart slipped his fingers inside the waistband of Jaime’s shorts, probing the skin around his member, he couldn’t help but moan. Bart laughed quietly and began to slide Jaime’s shorts down his legs, following with his boxers. Jaime hesitantly undid the first button on Bart’s shirt, pausing for some sign of approval from the boy, but Bart didn’t protest, so Jaime continued until the baju was completely undone. Bart shrugged it over his shoulders, and Jaime’s eyes widened at Bart’s muscular chest. For some reason, he hadn’t expected the boy’s abs to be this well defined.
“My, what big muscles anda have,” he murmered, laughing. Bart grinned.
“All the better to fight with, my dear.” Jaime laughed at their little roleplay, and Bart, beaming, slid his pants and seluar dalam off in one motion. Jaime suppressed a shiver.
“My, what a big dick anda have!” This time, his astonishment was completely real. Bart seemed even lebih pleased at this, and he kissed Jaime’s face quickly, causing Jaime to writhe in pleasure at his touch.
“All the better to fuck anda with, my dear.”
Jaime began to laugh, but it quickly turned into an unrestrained moan as something slammed into his hole. He hadn’t even remembered them changing positions, but somehow he was on his stomach now. After the momentary shock of pain, Jaime squirmed wildly as Bart’s fingers slid out. Bart looked down at Jaime, concern painted on his freckly face.
    “Too soon?”
Jaime quickly shook his head. “Nooo....”
    Bart laughed. “I’ll take it a little slower, k?”
He kissed him again, and Jaime let himself once lebih grow limp in Bart’s grasp. They twisted and rolled over so Bart’s mouth was positioned at Jaime’s dick, a perfect 69 position, and Jaime squealed as the tip of his member was passed through Bart’s lips. Moaning and squirming, hips bucking wildly, Jaime forgot to do the same to Bart as Bart eagerly sucked Jaime’s erect cock. He consented with taking one of Bart’s nipples between his teeth, but he mostly let Bart do the work. Their position changed slightly; Jaime had placed his legs over Bart’s shoulders for easier access to his dick, and he latched onto the sides of the toilet for support as his hips bucked madly, his back arching of its own accord. Suddenly, a wet feeling washed over him, and Bart slipped Jaime’s cock out of his mouth.
    “Bart?” he asked quietly, blushing. “I think...I think ‘m gonna cum...”
Bart laughed, coughing slightly. “You’re really new to this, aren’t you? anda just did.”
Jaime blushed even harder. “I d--oh. R-right.”
Bart laughed. “It’s okay. Say, what about a change of pace?”
Before Jaime could respond, Bart had flipped him onto his back, and he felt Bart’s cock slam into him. Moaning loudly, he felt Bart thrust into him, and now Bart’s cries of pleasure joined Jaime’s. Jaime had to cling to the slippery outer surface of the toilet as Bart thrust harder and harder, moaning all the while.
A few stalls over, Tim and Roy listened to the noises of their Friends with unrestrained curiosity and confusion. “They really don’t have a great sense of privacy, do they?”
    Roy jumped. He hadn’t even notice Tim crawl under the barrier into his stall, but he nodded. “They sure don’t.” They stood seterusnya to each other in silence, listening to Jaime and Bart in the handicapped stall at the end of the row. Roy glanced over at Tim, to see him detaching his cape from his costume. He looked at the younger boy, perplexed, as Tim tossed it over to the corner and bent down to unzip his boots.
    “What’re anda doing?” he asked, an edge in his voice, as Tim unhooked his mask from his face. Tim just stared back at him, blue eyes round and innocent, and tossed his mask and tali pinggang in the growing pile of clothes. Finally, understanding washed over Roy and he looked oddly at the Boy Wonder. Tim shrugged.
    “Why not?”
Roy laughed and, on impulse, took off his own mask. Tim grinned at him and, without warning, leaned in for a kiss. When they broke away, Roy was beaming. “Yeah, why not?”
It is selamat, peti deposit keselamatan to say that the Alpha squad’s mission did not go exactly as planned that evening. When they returned to the team’s makeshift home, Nightwing was not pleased, to say the least. The four boys had to face the humiliation of being publicly lectured sejak their leader about the dangers of, as he put it, “performing intercourse during a covert stakeout”. Afterwards, when they left to go to their own rooms, they flashed each other a glance that berkata clearly, “I regret nothing.” All in all, it was a rather satisfying night.