Arthur dan Gwen Club
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    Agravaine is inspecting his sword when the door of his chamber opens and Katrina walks in, looking extremely angry. He hangs the sword back in its holder and turns around to meet her.

    “Good evening, Sister, what can I …” he never got to finish his sentence as Katrina nears him and slaps him.

    Rubbing his cheek, his expression turns from casual to stunned. “Oww … what was that for?” he asks, looking extremely horrified.

    “For screwing up a simple task!” she hisses as she whispers to him.

    Agravaine look surprised sejak the sudden accusation but is lebih stunned sejak the slap he received from Katrina. This is the first time she has slapped him and it takes him sejak surprise. “What task?” he rubs his cheek.

    Katrina looks to her left and right and sighs, shaking her head. “To finish off Tristan!” she hisses again. Clenching her hands into a fist, she pounds the sides of her thighs in anger.

    ‘What the …’ Agravaine thinks to himself. “I did … I sent out an assassin to finish him in the woods. I told anda a while lalu that I’d finish the task off myself, didn’t I?”

    “Yes, and that stupid assassin of yours only managed to wound him, not kill him!! Was it so hard to carry out a simple instruction like this, Agravaine? All I asked was to kill that annoying knight and anda have to screw that one up as well! And how can I expect anda to carry out any other tasks when anda can’t even do this?”

    “What do anda mean, wound him?” Agravaine asks loudly.

    “Shhh … lower your voice!” Katrina warns, pressing her fingers to her lips. She knows the guards are patrolling the istana, castle upon Arthur’s instruction and would be listening to this conversation should they hear anything suspicious. And she doesn’t want things to get nastier at this moment. Things are pretty messed up at the istana, castle and she prefers to avoid any lebih trouble.

    “What do anda mean, Tristan is wounded? My man berkata he finished the job!” Agravaine whispers back. “He told me himself!”

    “Looks like you’ve been fooled, Brother!! Like before …” Katrina tells him and walks over to the bed. Sitting down, she sighs. “Tristan isn’t dead … god, he is not even fatally wounded! He is injured because the arrow, whoever shot it, just pierced him in the shoulder ... missing his heart.” she stares at Agravaine. “Don’t anda know the difference between a shoulder and a heart, Agravaine? I don’t believe anda …”

    “Enough, Sister …” Agravaine snaps back in anger and walks over to his table. He pours himself a goblet full of mead and drinks it. ‘That assassin told him he finished Tristan off in the forest and collected his reward. He lied …’

    “If only he was dead …”

    “How was I supposed to know the assassin would screw up?” Agravaine shouts and when Katrina presses her finger to her lips, asking him to quiet down, he slams the goblet on the table, spilling the mead on the table. “I don’t care ... let them hear!!”

    “And be caught for your stupidity? Look, Agravaine, I worked hard to be here … to be what I am today and if anda try to snatch that away from me … I’ll kill anda myself!! Calm yourself down and finish your drink. anda are never the same person without your mead!” Katrina snaps back. Agravaine may be two years older than she is, but when she is angry and determined, he always seems younger than her.

    Agravaine tries to answer her back but Katrina’s piercing look was enough to silence him. He picks up his goblet and finishes his drink.

    “Come here!” she calls him when he is done with the drink.

    And he obliges without question. He walks towards his sister and sits down beside her.

“I thought he finished him off … he told me he did. I trusted him, I did …” Agravaine starts off. “How am I supposed to know he didn’t?”

    “And anda paid him handsomely, I guess?”

    Agravaine nods. And he curses himself for being fooled sejak the assassin. Agravaine doesn’t care much for the Lost payment but his sister doesn’t trust him anymore and now he’s been made to look like an idiot in Katrina’s presence.

    Katrina shakes her head and buries her face in her hands, unable to believe what she hears. “Tristan will be fine, according to Gaius. They brought him back a while lalu and the mark missed his hati, tengah-tengah sejak several inches.” She looks up at him again. “Whom did anda choose this time?”


    “What?” Katrina stares at Agravaine in disbelief. She thinks she hears wrongly and straightens up. “Jared? anda berkata Jared? anda chose that idiot? Didn’t he screw up on the attempt at Uther’s life before?” she asks him in disbelief. “You chose him again … on something as important as this? How can anda be so stupid?”

    “He was the only one available. Besides, he knows us and would not open his mouth if caught.” Agravaine tries to defend his selection.

“Agravaine!!!” Katrina shouts as quietly she can and then stops. She raises her hands to choke him but stops, slamming her fists on the katil instead. “I’m very disappointed in you, Agravaine. Very.”

“Look …there is still time, I will get someone …”

“And screw up again?” Katrina finishes for him bitterly. “I … don’t know what to say of you, Agravaine. If anda were not my brother …”

Agravaine becomes silent. He understands Katrina is upset with him and nothing he says atau suggests right now will comfort her. He’d rather wait until she is calmed before trying to talk to her again.

“Did anda know that Arthur is investigating this matter?” Katrina looks at him, still angry with her brother.

“That boy?” Agravaine laughs. “What does he know?”

“Don’t underestimate Arthur, Brother … that boy might be a womanizer but he isn’t an idiot.” Katrina tells Agravaine. “He is smarter than anda realize.”


“Yes … his intelligence is masked sejak the philandering behaviour he opts to follow. Should he decide to cast all his troublesome behaviours aside and reform his ways, Arthur is almost ready for the throne. He is smart and his senses are extremely acute … he already smells a traitor within the walls of Camelot. And haven’t anda noticed the guards patrolling outside? Who do anda think suggested that to the king?”

Agravaine arches his brow and scoffs. Surely Arthur couldn’t be this smart. “Come on, Katrina … anda worry too much. Arthur might be smart but he is easily distracted. Just toss him a woman and he’ll wag his tail and run off after her.”

“No, Agravaine … not this time. When he puts his mind into something, he really gets down to it. He is … like his mother and his intelligence comes from her side of the family,” Katrina says.

“Are anda saying Uther is an idiot?”

“No, I am stating that Uther can be distracted but not his son, especially now that the victim happens to be his uncle. I noted how disturbed Arthur was when he conveyed the message to me about Tristan. He holds the knight close to his hati, tengah-tengah because Tristan is his sole connection to his mother … and that’s why we need to worry should Arthur starts an investigation.”

“Then distract him … with the wedding.” Agravaine tells his sister. Katrina looks confused.

“Women will not work on Arthur at the moment, but the wedding will be … distracting. Make him busy, talk about his bride … anything but not this. Pull him away from thinking about his uncle,” Agravaine suggests to his sister.

“Finally, Brother … you’ve berkata something useful and used your brain for good,” Katrina smiles. “But just a warning, and do take heed … Arthur is not one anda can discard easily. He might have his problems, but he is proving to be a fine young man and trust me when I say he will make a wise king.”

“And we can’t allow that to happen can we?”

“No we can’t, and that’s why we cannot afford to make any lebih mistakes … Whatever mess you’ve caused, clear it up. I don’t care how anda do it, but just get it done! And we’ll leave the plans to finish Tristan for the time being. We’ll deal with him after the wedding. But clean this mess up before Arthur finds something. Get it?” Katrina warns him.

“Noted, Sister … noted,” Agravaine finishes. “But anda take care yourself.”

“I will … it’s anda I am worried about,” Katrina says.

“I promise I’ll clean it up,” Agravaine promises.

Gwen pulls her jubah, berjubah tightly around her and walks past the butcher stall cautiously. Old man Gale has known her since she was a baby and his wife had been a close associate of her late mother. The Gales don’t have any children of their own and looks at Gwen as their daughter, doting on her. So she certainly isn’t a stranger in their household. Just like Gwaine, these people are a part of her life. But today she feels like a stranger. After the announcement made sejak Arthur in the tavern about her upcoming marriage to the crowned prince of Camelot, Gwen has been hiding in her house all hari yesterday. She feared facing the people she grew up with. She didn’t know what to say atau how to answer their questions. She just didn’t know what to do at all and would rather spend the hari cocooned in her utama than face anyone. She would have spent another hari in her utama but there isn’t anything to cook for her father when he comes utama for lunch. So like it atau not, she had to come out. She already braved various types of looks in the market; envious looks, happy looks, sad ones, grateful ones and concerned ones. And thankfully no one approached to ask her soalan though they were all murmuring amongst themselves. Gwen knows they are talking about her because she senses their eyes on her. She didn’t have to see them; she felt them on her right from the moment she entered the market. She bought her things as quickly she could and left. But right now, another hurdle awaits her. She needs to buy meat and Gale will definitely soalan her about the marriage. Gwen wonders if there is another way she can do this, but there isn’t. She needs to face him and she decided to do it bravely. Taking a deep breath, she walks into his shop.

“Good morning, Gale.” Gwen smiles as casually she can and greets him.

Gale looks up from his task and smiles broadly. “Gwen, darling, come in. Just the person I wanted to see today,” the butcher smiles, stops his work, wipes his hand on his apron and circles the meja, jadual to get to Gwen. “Marissa, come and see who’s here,” he calls for his wife.

Gwen smiles back at him but prays he doesn’t ask soalan she’s afraid of answering. She pretends as if everything is fine and looks around the shop.

“How are anda Gwen? I haven’t seen anda for some time,” he asks, nearing her. “How’s Tom?”

“Father’s good … urmm, I need some fresh meat if anda don’t mind.”

“Of course, dear … anything for you,” he informs her and his wife; Marissa joins him from the kitchen.

“Gwen, darling … What a pleasant surprise?” she greets Gwen and embraces her. “Look at anda … how are you, sweetheart?”

“I’m fine, Marissa. How are you?”

“How do we look?” Marissa glances over to her husband and he chuckles, slicing the meat for Gwen. She turns back towards Gwen. “We are as good as ever.”

“That’s nice to hear.”

“There anda go,” Gale hands the meat over to Gwen and stands sejak his wife.

Gwen puts the meat into her basket. “Thank anda Gale. How much is this?” Gwen asks as she takes out her money.

“There’s no need for that, girl … it’s on the house,” Gale says with a smile.


“It’s free, from us.” Marissa adds, leaning against her husband.

Gwen doesn’t understand. “But why?”

“Hmm …” Gale looks at his wife for words. “You tell her.”

“Because you’re getting married to the prince and we wanted to give anda a gift … this is all we could give for now,” Marissa completes for her husband.

‘Ahh … here goes. I was wondering when this was going to come out.’ Gwen thinks to herself. This was bound to come out sooner atau later and from the way both the husband and wife are beaming with joy, Gwen knows they are genuinely happy for her. But the problem is, she didn’t like talking about it.

“Are anda happy, dear?” Marissa asks.


“With the marriage, of course. Are anda happy?”

“Hmm …” Gwen nods politely with a smile. Should she tell them?

Marissa and her husband exchanges glances and Marissa walks towards Gwen, inching closer and taking Gwen’s hand in her own hands. “We know what anda are going through, child, and anda don’t have to fear us. anda can tell us everything. I can sense the unhappiness in your eyes when I brought the subject up. That’s why I asked anda that soalan … anda can tell me atau not. But don’t think we don’t care about anda because we do. anda are like our daughter as well.”

Gwen’s eyes well up with tears and she embraces Marissa tightly, feeling all her ache and hurt residing back in her heart. She holds the other woman as tightly as she can, never letting her go. It’s like embracing her own mother.

“What is wrong, dear?” Marissa rakes through Gwen’s hair.

Gwen releases Marissa and thumbs off the single tear streaking down her cheek. She feigns a smile and sniffs. “Thank you, Marissa.”

“For what?”

“For caring about me.”

“Dear … anda still haven’t answered our question. Are anda happy with the marriage?” Gale asks from behind his wife.

“What do anda think? And are anda all happy?” Gwen asks them instead.

“We all are, sweetheart. But we will only be if anda are happy. Now stop asking us soalan and give us some answers,” Marissa says.

The truth. What truth should Gwen tell them? That she’d been waged in a game? That the prince been eyeing her since the beginning? That she and the prince have had a confrontation earlier and he is merely avenging his humiliation? atau should she tell them that she is starting to have feelings for the prince? That the decision to marry the prince isn’t as bleak as she thinks? What should she tell them?


“The truth is … I don’t know, Marissa.” And this is the truth. She isn’t sure of her feelings and it’s turning her world upside down. She’s been having sleepless nights because of this and she hates it. “I want to be happy, yet I don’t know if I will be … but I know I have to try for my father’s sake.”

“This is your life, dear, and only anda can decide what’s good and not,” Gale says. “No one can tell anda what to do, not even your father.”

“I fear what the villagers will say, which I why I decided to stay utama all hari yesterday,” Gwen tells her. “I really had no idea why he chose me …”

“The prince chose well, Gwen. We are all happy for you,” Gale informs.

“I don’t think everyone is …” Gwen adds sadly. “I noticed how they all looked at me in the market this morning. I can still feel their looks burning my skin.”

“Ahh … don’t bother with the envious ones. They are just jealous of you. But genuinely, the rest of us are happy for you. We will have a commoner, someone from our own people, for a princess and later for a queen. The prince trusts you, as do the king and the queen. Doesn’t this say something about the rule of the Pendragons?” Marissa comforts Gwen. “When we heard the news this morning, Gale was so happy that he gave away a whole cow free to his customers today,” Marissa informs as Gale laughs behind her.

Gwen is surprised to hear what Marissa just said. She didn’t know the villagers actually think the marriage is a blessing in disguise. She thought the villagers would hate her for it, well some do, but like Marissa says: pay no attention to the envious ones. It’s people like the Gales with whom she should be concerned. And if they say they are happy for her, then they mean every word of it. “Really?”

“Gwen, dear … actually I noted your absence yesterday and your father expressed his concerns about anda to me. He was here last night, talking with me and Marissa about all that happened. He didn’t shy from the truth yet he was very ashamed of what happened. If he could correct the mess he caused you, he berkata he would,” Gale explains, much to Gwen’s surprise. “He was very disappointed in himself and berkata he wish he could do something to undo what he caused you. As much as it hurts you, it hurts him as well.”

Gwen chokes back her tears. Her hati, tengah-tengah aches.

“He fears the marriage will destroy anda and fears for your future. But I don’t think it will. I told him he might be your father but there is so much he doesn’t know about you. anda are a Brave girl, Gwen. anda never shy from making yourself heard and anda trust in the truth. anda are not easily broken and failure makes anda stronger. I told your father that there are reasons for this marriage to happen and we have to be patient to see the rewards,” he adds.

“Oh, Gale …” Gwen didn’t know how a simple butcher could know lebih about her than her own father. “ I … don’t know … what to … say.”

“The truth is, this was our prayer. We wanted someone kind like anda to marry the prince and change him to be a better person. But god chose anda and we couldn’t ask for more. I won’t tell anda if anda should atau should not marry the prince, but if anda do … anda have all our support,” Gale finishes. “And we want anda to be happy as well.”

Gwen closes her eyes, tears sliding down her cheek. Marissa comes ke hadapan and hugs her. Gale closes in and tilts Gwen’s chin.

“Be happy, child … is all that we want for you. But if this marriage doesn’t give anda that … then don’t do it. The choice is yours … yours alone,” he tells her.

Gwen sits down, thinking back to Gale’s words this morning. She was surprised her father told him everything. She didn’t realize he’d do it but then Gale isn’t just a friend. He is almost like family and one to whom Tom would confide all his troubles. But Gale’s words made sense and they gave her comfort. Gwaine ignited her strength but Gale made it stronger with his counsel. She is starting to feel better about the wedding and whatever doubts she had seem to be evaporating for good. A knock at the door distracts her from her thoughts. She makes an annoyed face.

“Hmm … who is it?” she isn’t expecting her father so soon, so who could it be?

“Please open the door,” the voice was gruff and Gwen doesn’t like the way it sounds. Standing up, she walks briskly to the door and pulls it open.

“Now … If anda don’t mind …” her words stops and she stares in disbelief at the sight of Arthur, standing at her door step. Her words stall. He looks at her without blinking.

“Hello, Guinevere,” Arthur greets her.

“Hello … S-sire,” Gwen struggles for words. She tries to look away but no matter what she tries, her eyes are fixed upon his lips. ‘What are anda doing Gwen?’ she thinks to herself. ‘Calm yourself … calm!’

Arthur’s lips curves into a smile. “Now, there’s no need for formalities … anda are going to be my wife soon so anda can call me Arthur, Guinevere,” he tells her. He reaches out, takes her hand and kisses it.

The touch of his lips on her skin makes her quiver. She closes her eyes and savors the moment. When Arthur releases her hand, Gwen swallows back her blush and curtsies. She doesn’t answer him back. ‘Why are anda here? And why are anda doing to me?’ she thinks to herself.

“What have anda done to her, Arthur?” Katrina asks, as she weaves through the way and comes to stand before Gwen. “Guinevere?”

Gwen’s hati, tengah-tengah leaps out from her ribcage at the sight of the Queen before her. She gasps and covers her mouth. After a saat atau two, she curtsies to the queen. What is happening to her today? Why is the Queen here? Did the villagers see them both coming? What will they all say? Will she be another topic of discussion tomorrow?

“Come, child …” Katrina steps in and takes Gwen’s hand in hers. Smiling, she pats Gwen’s hand softly. “There is no need to be afraid of us …”

“Your highness …” and again words just stalls in her mouth. She is still in shock having the Queen at her doorstep. And it will take a while for her to resume back to herself. But before that, she has to entertain not one but two royals in her home.

“She’s trembling, Arthur, anda frightened her?” Katrina scolds Arthur and leads Gwen inside. “Come, dear … sit down,” she tells Gwen. Arthur follows them both inside.

“Your highness … this is a surprise. I shouldn’t be … anda are … it’s not …”

“Gwen … there is no need to be afraid of us. Please, calm yourself down. Come sit with me,” Katrina invites as she asks Gwen to sit down. Guinevere obliges and sits down beside the queen. She is still trembling. It’s not everyday someone gets to sit down on level with the Queen.

Katrina smiles. Looking at Gwen, she exchanges looks and smiles with Arthur. “You chose well, Arthur. anda are right, she is beautiful.”

Arthur smiles back. “Didn’t I tell you?”

Gwen can feel his watchful eye behind her, burning into her skin and she dared not turn around and face him. She is afraid if she does, she might not be able to take her eyes of him. And that is not something she is ready to face right now.

“How are you, Gwen?” Katrina asks looking around the house. .

“I’m … fine, your highness.” Gwen jawapan back, twirling her fingers.

“You didn’t ask why we are here?”

Gwen shakes her head. There are plenty of suggestions running in her mind right now, but she cannot come up with a proper one right now. Too much happened today and she rather leave the explanation to the queen.

“I came to get your measurements for the wedding dress … anda don’t mind, do you?” Katrina asks.

‘Wedding dress.’ Suddenly Gwen is afraid. ‘Why did the Queen come sejak herself? She could have asked her servant …’


“Huh, yes, my queen?”

“You keep drifting off, don’t you?” Katrina asks.

Gwen looks embarrassed. This is not the way she should be behaving in the presence of the queen. She needs to buckle up, tunjuk the Queen that she is Tom’s daughter, the Brave girl who challenged the crowned Prince and later won his heart. She must not tunjuk glimpses of her fear to the queen. What ever she feels inside must stay within herself. It’s hers to menanggung, bear alone. Right now, she must get back to her usual self. She turns back towards the Queen and smiles shyly. “Yes, quite often today. I am sorry, your highness. Everything is happening so fast for me and I am still getting used to the idea of this marriage … thank anda for coming, but anda could have asked me to come to the palace, my lady, this must have been a trouble for you,” Gwen jawapan as casually as she can.

“No, dear … this is no trouble at all. It is a pleasure, actually. If anda don’t mind,” Katrina looks over at Arthur. “Can anda ask Mandy to come in, Arthur?”

Arthur nods and leaves for the door. Opening it, he calls for the istana, castle seamstress. A woman appearing to be in her late forties steps in. She is short and slightly plump. With a happy smile on her face, she walks in towards the Queen and curtsies.

“Thank you, Arthur, and if anda don’t mind …”

“I’ll be outside, Mother,” Arthur says quickly and steps outside, leaving her mother with Gwen and the seamstress.

“Mandy, this is Guinevere, my future daughter-in-law and Arthur’s future wife. I am sure anda know what to do,” Katrina informs Mandy.

“I do your highness,” Mandy says with a nod.

Katrina turns to face Gwen. “Mandy will get all the needed measurements for the dress, Gwen. If anda need to adjust atau add anything, please feel free to tell us.”

Gwen nods as Mandy prepares to get Gwen’s measurements.

    “So, what does she look like? The girl who Charmed your heart?” Leon asks as he and Arthur rests in the guest chamber while waiting for Mithian to be ready for their makan malam, majlis makan malam with the king and queen. Leon is wearing his official uniform while Arthur is comfortable in his casual red tunic.

    “Beautiful, but I’m not going to reveal much … anda have to see her yourself and be the judge,” Arthur replies, smiling and winking at Leon.

    Leon laughs. “Very smart, Arthur. Fine ... at least tell me how she Charmed you?”

    “You wouldn’t believe how we met.”

    “Why is that?”

    “It started with a dispute. I knocked her father down and she demanded that I apologise. She practically humiliated me in my friend’s presence.” Arthur rakes through his hair.

    Leon looks at Arthur in shock. “Really? This is unbelievable! Arthur, being challenged sejak a peasant? I must be dreaming!” he tells Arthur, closing on him. “I thought you’d be the one to make such a demand … someone trumped you, I guess.”

    “Who’s dreaming what?” Mithian asks as she enters the chamber and walks in, joining the men. Mithian is a beautiful woman, elegant and sophisticated. She is a princess sejak birth and despite her status; she has no air of arrogance about her. Like Leon, she too thought little of marriage until she met him and it was Cinta at first sight for both of them. Now, happily married to a man with the same mindset as her, Mithian is hailed as both a kind and generous future Queen of Orion.

    “Arthur’s bride, dear. Did anda know he met her in a dispute? She challenged him and he Lost his hati, tengah-tengah to her,” Leon jawapan as he leans down and accepts the peck on the cheek from his wife.

    “That is so sweet, Arthur … I kept asking when are anda going to get married because you’d been too eager with ours. Then finally when Leon informed me about the news of your marriage, I was so thrilled that I asked him to prepare the journey here. I needed to ask anda myself,” Mithian informs. “Is it true … that anda met her in a dispute?”

    Arthur smiles. “It was unexpected.”

    “Love is an unexpected event, Arthur.” Mithian tells Arthur. “You can never predict it and yet, it happens.”

    ‘Now, not another one.’ Arthur thinks and smiles again. “You think so?” he tries to play along.

    “Look at us?” Leon adds. “How did anda think we got married?”

    “I always thought I had some sort of an influence on you?” Arthur says. “Didn’t I?”

    Leon laughs. “A bit, but the rest was love, Arthur.” Leon looks at his wife and smiles at her. “I have to admit Cinta is really a fickle subject. anda can never predict the outcome of it but just when anda least expect, it performs wonders.”

    “I am not really sure about that one, but I know I like her. And she will make a fine Queen of Camelot.”

    “Does she Cinta anda as well?” Mithian asks.

    Arthur turns to answer her but stops. He doesn’t know what to tell Mithian and he doesn’t know what the answer is. He didn’t ask Guinevere this when he met her this afternoon. In fact, he didn’t say much to her except for the greetings and goodbyes at the end of their visit. He knows she must be disappointed for the way he proposed to her but does she like him? She did say she couldn’t bring herself to like him because of his status but now that they are to be bound in marriage, does she have anything in her for him? atau is there anyone else in her life? Arthur doesn’t know anything about her at all. What sort of a man is he? He hardly knows her. Yes, he stalked her, but he didn’t stalk her hati, tengah-tengah as well. Surely he must speak with Guinevere to know about her thoughts on him and the wedding. But that requires time and patience; does he have both? The wedding preparations are already underway and though he’s not involved much, he still has the knights to train and prepare for the wedding. And then there’s patience. He loses his patience quite fast and if she intends to drag the matter, he fears he might lose his cool.


    “Hmm, oh yes … hmm, I am not sure, Mithian,” Arthur is genuine in his words. He didn’t like lying to both Leon and Mithian; they are almost like siblings to him.

    “Care to be lebih precise, Arthur?”

    “I don’t know if she loves me atau not, I didn’t ask. I didn’t find out from her,” Arthur tells Mithian.

    Mithian and Leon exchange looks. “I don’t get it, why wouldn’t anda know? anda Cinta her don’t you? anda both Cinta each other, right?” Leon asks.

    Arthur purses his lips and closes his eye. “Not exactly Leon.”

    “You’d better explain in detail, Arthur, because I’m getting confused sejak your explanation,” Leon jawapan him back.

    “Actually,” Arthur starts. “It wasn’t a proper meeting, between Guinevere and myself. I was enraged because she humiliated me and I wanted to avenge that … but after meeting her twice and stalking her…”

    “Stalking her!!!”

    Arthur ignores Leon and carries on. “Yes, stalking her, I actually discovered I liked her. Cinta atau not, I don’t know, but I want her as my wife. And I … wasn’t courteous when I asked her to marry me.”

    “What did anda do?”

    “I asked Merlin to challenge Guinevere’s father into a game of checkers and when he lost, I kind of tricked him into wagering his daughter to me … so I could marry her.”

    “Arthur Pendragon!” Leon says loudly while Mithian just stares at Arthur.

    “I know … I know, it was not the right thing atau the right way to do it. I been lectured and counseled about this sejak Merlin all this week and I understand it is not courtly, but I haven’t got any other way, Leon. She doesn’t entertain me at all and I don’t how else to get her so …”

    “And anda behaved like this? This is …”

    “I know Leon, I know …” Arthur walks towards the window and stares outside. “I understand what I did isn’t …”

    “Look, Arthur,” but Leon stops when Mithian places her hand on Leon’s arm, halting him. She then walks towards Arthur and stands sejak his side.


    “I know, Mithian … this isn’t the right thing to do, I know what anda are going to say … but…”

    “I was going to say I understand why anda did it,” Mithian jawapan him.

    Arthur turns to face her, his brow arching in curiosity. “Really, anda do?”

    She nods. “But I don’t support the manner anda did it, that’s for sure.”

    Arthur nods back. “I know, I don’t expect anyone to, but do anda really … understand, Mithian, because I know you’ve good hati, tengah-tengah and I also understand anda don’t want to see me hurt. I need a genuine opinion, from the both of you. I don’t want anda to tell me what anda think I want to hear. So do anda really understand?”

    “I do, Arthur, honest,” she adds. “I can feel that anda do like her a lot.”

    “I really do, Mithian.”

    “It’s love, Arthur, and when anda are in Cinta with someone, anda tend to do anything to get them. It might not seem right in the eyes of others, but it seems to be working out for you. Regardless of your methods,” she advises.

    “Mithian …” Arthur sighs. He’s had enough of this Cinta talk and its irking him to the bones, hearing that word alone. Why are they all thinking it’s Cinta that brought him to Guinevere. Can’t a man genuinely like someone and decide to marry her? Why does it always have to be Cinta that binds two people together? “I’m not … sure about the Cinta part. I like her, yes, but …”

    “How can anda say that Arthur? anda have gone to the extreme measures to get her, isn’t that love?”

    “Why can’t it be something else? Passion, lust, like, … anything but love.”

    “I don’t understand, Arthur. anda speak about her very honestly to us, describing her in the most beautiful way anda can imagine, anda tell us how low you’ve stooped to get her and worry if she will like anda atau not yet, anda claim it’s not love,” Mithian tells him.

    “I don’t know anything about love, Mithian. I really don’t …”

    “What anda are telling us right now about Guinevere … that is love, Arthur,” Mithian says with determination. Arthur looks at her. She nods.

    “How can …”

    “She’s right Arthur, that’s love. All that feelings you’ve been describing about her to us, that’s love. anda don’t talk about someone like that if anda don’t Cinta them … it’s right there, my friend, and only anda don’t realize it,” Leon adds, pointing to Arthur’s heart. “You’ve been confused with the real meaning of that word because you’ve been in the wrong types of relationship all these years, Arthur,” Leon adds. “Let me speak first,” he adds quickly when Arthur opens his mouth to answer back. “I don’t mean to offend, I hope anda understand that. All I am saying is, Cinta is what makes a marriage works. anda decide to marry someone when anda start to love, and in your case, anda Cinta Guinevere but anda don’t realize it because of your confusion. I can’t say it’s entirely your fault, either. Things happened in such a way where you’ve been a victim of the moment, but I believe now that you’ve learned to Cinta a person and anda want to marry her, your life will change. And it will do anda good. Believe me, marriage and Cinta will bring the happiest moments in your life and those moments can never be replaced sejak anything … not even sejak the all the wealth in the world,” Leon advises.

    Arthur listens silently.

    “Don’t get us wrong, Arthur …” Mithian chips in as she is worried Arthur might get offended sejak what her husband said.

    “No, Mithian … of course not. Thank you, Leon.”

    “You need to open up, Arthur. anda need to talk to her and let her know of your feelings and listen to hers. She might Cinta anda but since you’ve shut your hati, tengah-tengah off, she might have reservations about revealing hers to you,” she says, smiling. “Talk to her. Before the wedding. It will do both of anda good.”
    “Sure, Mithian …” Arthur promises with a smile.

    “Good … now that we have that resolved, how is your uncle, Arthur? I feel sorry for him,” Leon tells Arthur.

    “He is recovering. Thanks for asking, Leon. Gaius mentioned the Arrow missed his hati, tengah-tengah sejak inches so he will be fine sooner than expected. I am just worried for Father. He seems traumatized sejak what happened to my uncle.”

    “This is the saat time Tristan been targeted. I remember the first time he was ambushed and almost killed if it wasn’t for Balinor’s interference. And now this … does Tristan has any foe within Camelot?”

    “I am not sure, but he is known for his bluntness in the council and perhaps that has irked someone … I don’t know. But I am investigating this very closely. They could have targeted my father as well.”

    “Yes …” Leon says and stops when someone knocks on the door.

    “Come in,” Arthur instructs.

    The door opens and a knight pokes his head in. “The king and Queen await your presence, Sire.”

    “Good … come Leon, Mithian.” Arthur leads them out.

    Gwen stares at the kalung in her hand for a long time. It was a beautiful necklace, with intricate details especially handmade for a special occasion. And it’s from Arthur, his wedding gift to her. The Queen gave her the kalung this morning when they came to measure her for the wedding gown. In the beginning Gwen didn’t feel like accepting such an expensive gift from the prince but the Queen insisted, stating this was the first time Arthur had telah diberi someone an expensive gift like this. And he had it specially made for her. Gwen accepted it and promised to wear it for the wedding, but up until now, she still feels slightly disappointed with the event. She loved the necklace, and learning it was from Arthur warms her heart, but why didn’t he give it to her himself? It would have made so much of difference. The Queen gave it to her instead, and Gwen, despite the agreement to wear it, feels sad. She would have loved if Arthur had telah diberi it to her himself. But he didn’t. What was he afraid of? Didn’t he like to do so himself? Is he ashamed of her atau the place she lives? Why? Gwen shakes her head and sets the kalung back in the box and places it on the table. She recalls back the queen’s words.

    “This is for anda Gwen. A gift from Arthur.” Katrina hands a box to Gwen. It was a very luxurious looking box, tied with red ribbons.

    Surprised, Gwen takes the box from the Queen and stares at it.

    “Open it … go on.”

    Gwen unties the ribbon cautiously and opens the lid of the box and almost drops it because the glitter from the kalung blinds her eye. It was one of the magnificent pieces of work she has ever seen. And no one has telah diberi her jewels before, let alone anything as beautiful as this. She turns back towards Katrina, unable to say atau komen anything.

    “What do anda think of it dear? It’s beautiful isn’t it?”

    “I … I … don’t know …I …”

    “It’s all right, Gwen. I understand,” Katrina comforts Gwen sejak placing her arms around her shoulders. “He wanted to give anda something special. He had it handmade for you, especially for you. He hoped it would make anda happy.”

    “I’m … I’ve never had anything like this before … this is beautiful, thank you,” Gwen tells the queen.

    “Don’t thank me, thank Arthur,” Katrina says and before Gwen can stop her, calls out for the prince.

    Arthur walks in and Katrina with a smile reaches closer and kisses Gwen’s cheek. “Thank anda for changing Arthur and making him sensible. And I can’t wait to have anda as my daughter-in-law. Take care, Gwen.” She says softly and leaves. As she passes Arthur, “Go, talk to her.” And she was out from the small house.

    Gwen swallows and waits, like waiting for her penalty. She doesn’t know what to say atau even expect. All throughout the afternoon, Arthur had been waiting outside the house while she got measured sejak Mandy. And they hardly conversed apart from their earlier greetings. And now, what should she tell him?

    “Thank you.” It was all she could think of and she made it quick.

    Arthur smiles. “Do anda like it?”

    She nods.

    “Good,” he turns to leave.

    ‘What? That’s it? Is this all he has to say?’ she thinks to herself and bites her lips in frustration.

    Arthur stops and turns around, his eye gazing deep into hers. “Wear that on our wedding day. It’s yours … goodbye.” And he was gone.

    Gwen gapes after him. She heard the Kuda and after a while there are no lebih noises outside. What on earth did he just say? That was it? No talk of why he had to propose her in such a despicable manner atau why he used Merlin in his plot? No apologies about why he acted brashly atau why he did what he did? No proper proposal, no smile atau proper words to explain what to expect after the wedding … nothing. He acted as if she is nothing but a subject to him, just one of the villagers getting married to him to fulfill a condition. And he is still arrogant! What was he even thinking? Gwen tosses the box and jewelry on the meja, jadual carelessly and walks towards the fireplace. She thrust a log into the api, kebakaran and watches the api, kebakaran brighten up. She is angry and extremely disappointed. Shaking and taking a deep breath, she gets back to her work.

    The knock on the door brings her back from the short hari dream she’s been having. “Who is it?”

    “Tom.” Her father says from outside the house.

    “Be there in a minute, Father,” she tells him and gets up to her feet. She adjusts her gown, the apron and walks as quickly she can to the door. She unlatches it and yanks it open.

    “The Queen came here?” her father asks, his face worried. He enters with a load on his shoulder.

    “Yes but how did anda know?”

    “I heard the whole village talking about it.” Her father sets the Buah he brought back on the meja, jadual and his tools down, sejak the cupboard. He wipes his hand on his pants. He is sweating and looks tired.

    “Yes. She was here.”


    “She wanted to measure me for the wedding gown,” Gwen explains, sighing thinking back to the events in the morning.

    “Oh,” Tom says shortly and his eye falls on the jewelry box on the table. “What’s that?”

    “Wedding gift from Arthur … a necklace.”

    Tom looks as surprised as she’d been when she first heard the news. “He gave anda a gift?” He didn’t believe it. And Gwen doesn’t blame him, she didn’t either.

    “Something to wear during the wedding.”

    “Hmm,” Tom says sadly and goes to wash his face. Gwen watches him sadly. Very soon, he will all alone in this house. Will he take care of himself like she does him now? She loves her father and knows Tom will fall sick without her. Will Arthur allow her to visit her father atau will he disconnect all relationship she has with her father? She doesn’t know. Arthur seems to be unpredictable and if she wants to retain her relationship with her father, she has to ask him, herself. And she will do. There is no way she will allow Arthur to control on her freedom. No way.


Gwen is worried. It’s been hours and still there’s no sign of her father yet. He left to meet his Friends at the tavern in the morning and now it’s almost seven in the evening and he isn’t back home.

    Gwaine has left for his home, promising to visit her again tomorrow along with a gift he bought for her father. It was nice talking to Gwaine after such a long absence. And she managed to confide her troubles to him, which makes it even better. Gwaine is the only person she’ll talk to without any worries in the world because he understands...
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posted by chngeyuratitude
Episode 1
My first huraian of this episode was EPIC, if this is the standard of what we are going to see throughout the season, then I'm glad I'm on this journey with them, and everyone here.

The moments I loved -The knights banter - although minimal, it showed the friendship they have, Gwaine with the apple, Percival/Gwaine with the Makanan oh and I loved the dapur scene with the servants, Percival/Elyan with the 3 children & Leon/Elyan.
Merlin/Arthur - I loved their friendship in this episode, their banter, as it should be, although going sejak the BTS with Merlin & the Knights in a...
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Part 2: link

Am taking requests now to continue the game. These seterusnya three are requests from some of my lovelies. Feel free to send me your suggestions, too.

    “Arthur, remember to be quiet. It’s late; Gwen might be sleeping,” Merlin says softly outside the doors to the royal chambers.
    “Merlin, Guinevere always waits up for me, anda know that,” Arthur replies, but Merlin does notice that he is speaking in hushed tones as well.
    Merlin opens the door carefully and Arthur walks in. The room is mostly dark,...
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Bardley James
Angel coulby
Bardley James
Angel coulby
added by VampyreFey
Angel coulby
Bardley James
added by MISAforever
Source: me
added by MISAforever
Source: elysean-tumblr
No seriously what is this god damn theme anda have with physically and mentally abusing a good soul?

What, is it so perfectly natural in order to keep your sorded gay-baiting bullshit viable instead of actually having both men have a good positive relationship as friends,partner against evil? No because anda want/need to appease a very small portion of this fandom who suffer from a lack of self esteem when they look in the mirror, what with emulating jabba the hutt in general appearance and thereby subconsciously finding this way to deal with the fact that, male bait they are not atau possibly...
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Well, guys, here we are! Are anda ready?? After a long winter with not much happening, slow spring with little news, things started picking up during that first Pierrefonds filming in June. Ever since then we’ve been on a fast track all through the summer with spoilers of all sorts trickling in and the past few weeks they’ve gotten us so excited with the reviews, promo shots, photoshoots, interviews, that I for one feel like I do when that big game is about to be played with my kegemaran team in the playoffs. Today is the day. We have finally got here—the first episode of Season 5 is being...
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added by EPaws
Source: Arwen - NSK
added by Bonne-Bell
Source: Merlin's Keep
added by ellarose88
Source: euphoria1001
added by EPaws
Source: albionwillrise
added by EPaws
Source: nikascott
added by EPaws
Source: nikascott
added by EPaws
Source: Neptune47/FYeahArwen
added by EPaws
Source: Neptune47/FYeahArwen
added by EPaws
Source: brigwife