Being a peminat Updates

an article telah ditambah: Kickstarter for Soul Saga! A J-RPG sejak Disastercake hampir setahun yang lalu by MisterH
an answer was added to this question: WHO IS YOUR FAV IDOL? and why? hampir setahun yang lalu by sandy6789
an answer was added to this question: WHO IS YOUR FAV IDOL? and why? hampir setahun yang lalu by lipa_shinoda13
an answer was added to this question: WHO IS YOUR FAV IDOL? and why? hampir setahun yang lalu by Sholoh
an answer was added to this question: WHO IS YOUR FAV IDOL? and why? hampir setahun yang lalu by RobinFan360
a question telah ditambah: WHO IS YOUR FAV IDOL? and why? hampir setahun yang lalu by emma-may