Caroline Forbes Club
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added by quinnbee
added by othgirl_peyton
by: LoveSucksManiac
caroline forbes
The Vampire Diaries
candice accola
by: missfriendsfan101
caroline forbes
The Vampire Diaries
Blair Waldorf
added by iheartvampiresx
caroline forbes
The Vampire Diaries
Caroline possesses the common powers and weaknesses of a vampire. She possesses superhuman strength with a undefined but well within the lower tons at least , tremendous speed which appears to the human eye as a blur , agility, superhuman senses and reflexes. She can heal from any minor wound instantly. Yet, telah diberi the fact that she is a new born vampire, having lees than a few days since she was turned, Caroline is weaker than older Vampires such as Stefan and Damon. Her vampire abilities have not gained their potential however, as they are supposed to extend telah diberi time. She was able to overpower Mason Lockwood, a Werewolf in human form and Tyler Lockwood another werewolf making her far lebih powerful than Serigala Jadian in human right at least. Caroline also has a daylight ring, made for her sejak Bonnie, that allows her to be in sunlight unharmed. Caroline lifted a heavy stone door to the tomb with little to no effort.
added by Makeupdiva
added by Makeupdiva
added by Ieva0311
added by Makeupdiva
added by damon_elena
caroline forbes
The Vampire Diaries
caroline forbes
stefan salvatore
added by Any_SJ
added by damon_elena