Clay and Quinn Club
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Chapter 1: And it all comes crashing down

“Ryan, can anda please come out of your hiding place?” Quinn shouted as she ran around the house trying to find the mischievous toddler, “Come on baby, mommy is getting tired.”

“Finally feeling your age?” Nathan asked teasingly as he walked into the dapur having heard the last of Quinn’s rant.

“Very funny,” Quinn berkata rolling her eyes, looking under the dining meja, jadual to see whether her son was hiding there atau not, “And anda try running after him all day, then we’ll talk.”

“Been there, done that,” Nathan berkata smirking, “You don’t think Jamie was born an Angel do you? He was just as hyper, if not more, as Ryan. He kept Haley and I on our toes all the time.”

“Did anda just say Haley and I? After 10 years of being your tutor, my grammar is finally rubbing off on you,” Haley berkata grinning as she came to stand seterusnya to her husband.

“It was going to happen sooner atau later,” Nathan laughed wrapping his arms around Haley.

“So the little monster’s gone missing again?” Haley asked looking as Quinn’s disheveled state.

“Yes,” Quinn groaned in frustration, “Ever since he has learned to crawl I haven’t had a moment of peace in my life.”

“Ah, I remember when Jamie was at that age. Those were some of the most worrisome days of my life. All I wanted to do was tie him in his high chair, but he would have none of it,” Haley berkata smiling fondly at the memory.

“Yeah, I remember when we tried doing that in the middle of the night one day, I swear that kid screamed so loudly that he woke up the entire building. Lucas swears he has never been able to hear properly after that incident,” Nathan agreed.

“Well looks like anda guys are approaching that phase all over again, soon you’ll be running around the place after Nat,” Quinn berkata distractedly.

“I am trying not to think of that day. Nat is at her best stage at the moment, she’s finally sleeping all night, she smiles all the time unless she’s upset of course, and most importantly, she loves me lebih than Haley. I am in no hurry to alih past this stage,” Nathan berkata seriously.

“Nathan Scott, Natalie does not Cinta anda lebih than me,” Haley gasped, turning indignantly towards her husband.

“She totally does Hales. I am the only person who can calm her down no matter how upset she is, and she smiles at me all the time,” Nathan berkata smugly.

“That’s only because you’re always playing with her and making stupid faces at her that she finds amusing for some stupid reason. And anyways she’s supposed to Cinta me more, I gave birth to her,” Haley berkata narrowing her eyes as if waiting for Nathan to contradict her.

“Oh please, not the birth card. anda know she loves me more, you’re just making excuses,” Nathan smirked. He knew he was pushing his luck, but seeing Haley all aggravated like that still gave him a thrill.

“Quinn, back me up here. Nat loves me lebih right?” Haley demanded of her sister who had now moved to the living room searching for her ever missing son.

“Haley Nat is two months old, anda really can’t judge who she likes lebih at the moment,” Quinn berkata shaking her, “But…if I did have to pick one, I would say she loves Nathan more.”

“Quinn!” Haley berkata looking appalled.

“Hah, there anda go,” Nathan berkata smiling victoriously, “Even Quinn admits it.”

“I am sorry Hales, but she is the most content around Nathan,” Quinn berkata shrugging.

“This is so unfair,” Haley berkata pouting, “I carried her for nine months, I went through 10 hours of painful labor, and now my daughter loves her dad more, and he didn’t even do anything.”

“Hey, anda nearly broke my hand while giving birth,” Nathan protested.

“Oh wow, what a tragedy,” Haley berkata sarcastically.

“It is. If anda broke my hand, my career is the NBA would be over,” Nathan berkata dramatically.

“Yeah for like 3 months,” Haley berkata moodily.

“Oh come on Hales, don’t be like that. I was just messing with you. Nat loves both of us equally,” Nathan berkata trying to calm her down.

“No, she doesn’t. She does Cinta anda more. Everyone can see that,” Haley berkata clearly upset.

“It’s just natural,” Quinn berkata coming back in the kitchen, “Girls are always closer to their dads. Remember how you, Viv, Taylor and I would always take dad’s side over mom? She used to get so upset about it.”

“Yeah, I remember,” Haley berkata smiling slightly, “I guess it’s okay if she loves anda a little bit more, as long as she doesn’t start hating me.” The statement was meant as a joke, but Nathan could hear her fear beneath it.

“Haley, I don’t think there is anyone in this world who can hate you. Least of all your children. They Cinta your lebih than anything else in the world, and so do I, so don’t ever think like that,” Nathan admonished.

“I am sorry, I am sorry,” Haley sighed, “My hormones are still all over the place, I really didn’t mean that.”

“Well as long as you’re okay, it’s all good,” Nathan berkata Ciuman her softly.

Before Haley could reply, they heard Jamie shout from his room, “Hey dad, can anda come up here a second?”

“Coming,” Nathan replied, and giving Haley’s arm a slight squeeze, he turned around and walked out of the kitchen.

“I can’t find him anywhere,” Quinn berkata in a panicked as she walked back into the dapur after checking the backyard for any sign of Ryan, “I am a terrible, terrible mother. I have Lost my son, oh my god, I have seriously Lost him.”

“Quinn calm down, he’s got to be here somewhere. All the doors have security alarms on them, and anda know how creative Ryan can get with his hiding spots,” Haley berkata trying to soothe her completely frazzled sister.

“Haley I have looked everywhere. Under the bed, in the bathroom, under the hayun, swing set, in your cabinets, everywhere, he’s...”

“Right here,” Nathan berkata walking back into the kitchen, with a giggling Ryan in his arms.

“Ryan, oh thank god,” Quinn berkata quickly taking her son from Nathan’s arms and hugging him close to her chest, “You scared mommy, baby.”

“Where was he?” Haley asked.

“In Jamie’s room,” Nathan replied as Quinn’s eyes snapped back to him.

“Jamie’s room? But I just asked him if he saw Ryan and he berkata he didn’t,” Quinn berkata confused.

“Jamie found him under the coffee table, and took him to his room without telling anda to play with your head a little,” Nathan berkata grinning as Jamie walked into the dapur looking sheepish.

“James Lucas Scott, why would anda do that to your kegemaran aunt?” Quinn questioned playfully, a lot calmer now that she had her son in her arms.

“I didn’t want to ruin his game. He looked like he was having so much fun,” Jamie berkata innocently.

“Yeah, a lot of fun scaring his mother to death,” Quinn berkata mock glaring at the innocent face of her son.

“Well he’s selamat, peti deposit keselamatan and healthy, so no harm done, right?” Jamie asked hopefully looking from Quinn to his mom.

“I’ll let anda get away with it this time, young man. seterusnya time, don’t scare your aunt like that,” Haley said.

“I won’t, I promise Aunt Quinn,” Jamie berkata nodding, “Thanks mom.” And with a quick hug to his mom, he was gone.

“Well I am going to upstairs and take a shower,” Nathan announced getting up, “But feel free to sertai me anytime, Hales.”

“Oh ew. There’s a baby in the room,” Quinn berkata looking disgusted as Nathan laughed.

“Well how do anda think he got here?” Nathan asked jokingly, but immediately regretted his words as Quinn’s face fell, “Shoot, I am sorry Quinn, that was insensitive.”

“No, no, it wasn’t. anda didn’t say anything wrong, don’t worry about it,” Quinn said, avoiding eye contact with both her sister and brother-in-law.

Nodding, Nathan quickly turned around and walked away.

“Quinn,” Haley berkata once Nathan was gone.

“Don’t Haley. It’s okay, seriously. I am over what happened, it was my fault anyways,” Quinn berkata shaking her head as she absentmindedly ran her hand through Ryan’s hair.

Looking down, she was reminded once again just how much he looked like his father’s. . His hair, eyes, face structure, mannerisms, everything, he was a carbon copy of his dad. And that was what made everything so difficult. She wanted so badly to forget him but the constant presence of Ryan ensured that he would always be a huge part of her whether she wanted it atau not.

“Quinn, Quinn, anda in there?” Haley asked waving her hand in front of her sister’s face who seemed to be in some sort of a daze.

“What? Oh yeah, I am here. Just got Lost in some thoughts,” Quinn berkata coming back to reality.

“So, do anda have any plans for today?” Haley asked as Quinn placed Ryan in his high chair and poured him some lucky charms cereal.

“Yeah, I am planning to take Ryan to the pantai today. We haven’t been there in a while, and the weather today just screams ‘beach’”, Quinn said.

“Teetch?” Ryan asked looking up a huge smile on his face.

“Yes, beach,” Quinn berkata laughing as a look of complete excitement filled Ryan’s face.

“Someone’s a big peminat of the beach,” Haley noted as she saw Ryan struggling to get out of his high chair.

“Ryan, we’ll go to the pantai when anda finish your cereal. So anda can struggle all anda want but we’re not leaving unless you’re done eating,” Quinn berkata sternly.

“You’re talking to him as if he understands what you’re saying,” Haley berkata teasingly as Ryan continued struggling. “You might as well take him out of the high chair, and take the cereal to go. He’s not going to stop struggling.”

“I shouldn’t have berkata the word pantai around him, seriously it’s like taboo,” Quinn berkata giving in as she freed Ryan from the high chair.

“Teetch,” Ryan berkata giggling clapping his small hands together.

“Yes, we’re going to the beach,” Quinn berkata shaking her head, a small smile on her face.

“Wait Quinn, is that his first word? I don’t think I have heard him say anything so real sounding before,” Haley asked interestedly.

“No, it isn’t,” Quinn answered shortly, and before Haley could ask any lebih questions, she got up and walked out of the kitchen.


5 minit later, Quinn and Ryan appeared again, this time completely ready for their outing.

“Aww, my godson looks so cute,” Haley said, coming over and giving Ryan a kiss.

“Yeah, that’s the one thing he is good that,” Quinn berkata laughing, “Anyways, we’ll be back sejak dark.”

“Alright, have fun,” Haley berkata walking them to the door.

“Ta ta,” Ryan berkata as he waved and gave Haley a flying kiss.

“Oh aren’t anda just a charmer,” Quinn berkata as she strapped him to his car kerusi, tempat duduk and gave him a quick Ciuman on the forehead.

“See anda in a couple hours,” Quinn berkata to Haley, and with that she got into the car and drove away.

“Like father like son,” Haley muttered shaking her head sadly.


She had just walked back inside the house, when a knock stopped her in her tracks.

Wondering who could be calling in the middle of the afternoon, Haley turned around towards the door, and quickly opened it. However, the person on the other side caused her to blink in surprise. Surely she was imagining him here, she hadn’t seen him in almost 2 years and all of a sudden he was there standing on their doorsteps.

“Hey Haley,” the guy greeted, looking slightly uncomfortable.

“Clay, what are anda doing here?” Haley asked once the shock had worn off a little, and she was sure she was not hallucinating him there.

“Well nice to see anda too,” Clay berkata smiling slightly.

“I am sorry, that was so rude of me. Come on in. anda just took me sejak surprise, anda were the last person I was expecting to see—”

“Haley, who is it?” Nathan asked coming downstairs. When he noticed Clay, his face broke into a smile, “You came.”

“I came. I don’t think I could have refused an offer like that,” Clay berkata seriously.

“What offer?” Haley asked curiously, “Nathan, were anda expecting him to tunjuk up.”

“Yes and no,” Nathan berkata as he led them to the living room, “I was hoping he would tunjuk up, but I wasn’t sure. That’s why I didn’t mention anything to anda Haley.”

“What? What are anda talking about?” Haley asked beyond confused.

“Nathan offered me a deal to become his agent again, he has been after me for the past six months, it was only a matter of time before I cracked,” Clay explained.

“You and Nathan have been in touch for the past six months?” Haley asked shocked, “How did anda know where he was?”

“I ran into him in a bar in Charlotte, and I haven’t left him alone ever since,” Nathan answered, “So have anda thought about my offer? I know you’ve been dealing with independent clients for the past tahun and a half but this is a great opportunity—”

“I know it is a great opportunity. That’s why I am here. But I have a question,” Clay berkata looking straight at Nathan.

“What is it?” Nathan asked curiously.

“Why are anda doing this for me? anda didn’t seem to give a damn what happened to me atau my career before I left, so why now?” Clay asked bluntly.

“Because I was an idiot. I was angry that anda screwed up my deal, and at that time I just wanted anda gone. But when I found out what anda had done for me—”

“So this is just some sort of a repayment for what I did?” Clay asked.

“To a certain extent, yes, but mostly it’s an apology. anda messed up, but everyone makes mistakes, and I shouldn’t have ended anda career because of that. It was selfish and I am sorry. But sejak the time I realized that, anda had already left, and when I found out what anda had done for me, I felt so guilty that I tried hunting anda down, but it was like anda had vanished,” Nathan explained.

“Yeah, I was lying low for a while,” Clay admitted, not wanting to go into lebih detail about the dark days that had followed his dismissal from ISC, “Anyways, I have thought a lot about your proposal, and if Ken is willing to negotiate the deal, then consider in done.”

“Seriously?” Nathan asked grinning.

“Seriously,” Clay berkata smiling slightly, “I’d be an idiot not to take the deal.”

“You won’t regret it, I promise. And believe it atau not, Ken is very excited to have anda on board again. According to his secretary he missed having anda around.”

“Kinda disturbing, but hei if it gets me the job then he can miss me all he wants,” Clay joked.

“Okay, I really don’t appreciate being this uninformed. What the hell is going on?” Haled asked.

But before Nathan could answer, Natalie stated crying from upstairs, her voice echoing loud and clear from the baby monitor placed nearby.

“I have to go see her, but this conversation isn’t over,” Haley berkata looking at Nathan as she got up.

“Oh yeah I heard anda guys had a baby girl,” Clay said, “Congratulations.”

“Thanks, her name is Natalie, and she will bring down the house if I don’t go check on her,” Haley berkata laughing as she turned around and quickly walked out of the living room. Soon, the two men heard the baby monitor shut down, indicating that Haley has gotten the situation under control.

“How does it feel like to be a dad again?” Clay asked after a couple minutes.

“Honestly, it feels amazing. Last time I became a dad, I was 17, so 25 is definitely an improvement,” Nathan berkata laughing, “But it’s great. She’s so amazing Clay, she makes everything worthwhile.”

“You’re a great dad, Nate, Your kids are lucky to have anda and Haley as their parents,” Clay berkata sincerely.

“Thanks,” Nathan berkata quietly, “So it looks like you’re my agent again.”

“Looks like it,” Clay nodded.

“So you’re moving to pokok Hill? atau are anda planning to stay in Charlotte?” Nathan asked.

“Nah, I am moving back here. I talked to Ken on the phone yesterday, and he is willing to give me back my office back and everything,” Clay said, “Plus, this place has felt lebih like utama to me than any other place I have been in ever since Sa—a long time.”

“Well it’s good to have anda back,” Nathan berkata sincerely, “I know things aren’t ideal between us, but I am sorry for what happened, and I hope we can work things out again.”

“You aren’t the only one at blame Nathan. We both made mistakes, we both acted rashly. But like I told anda that night on the rivercourt, anda were the best friend I had, and while we might not be at that point right now, I am pretty sure we’ll get there again,” Clay berkata quietly.

“Yeah,” Nathan nodded, then deciding they had shared enough feelings for one day, changed the subject, “So do anda know where you’re staying?”

“My pantai house is still empty, so I am going to go back to living there. I sent in my furniture yesterday, so it should be all set sejak the time I get there,” Clay said.

“Well if anda need anything else, we’re here for you,” Nathan said.

“Yeah, I know. Thanks,” Clay said, “But I really should get going, I have a lot of things to do before I start work on Monday.”

“Alright, I’ll see anda later then,” Nathan berkata getting up.

“Yeah, definitely,” Clay berkata opening the door and walking out, “I’ll call anda if something comes up, but the dealings look pretty final, so I am pretty sure we don’t have much to worry about.”

“I hope so,” Nathan berkata as Clay got in his car, and with a final wave, he drove away.


30 minit later

“He left?” Haley asked as she came downstairs with a gurgling Natalie in her arms.

“Yeah, about ½ an jam ago,” Nathan berkata as he immediately took his daughter from Haley’s hands.

“So he’s back in pokok bukit for good?” Haley asked nervously, sitting seterusnya to Nathan on the couch.

“Yeah, Ken’s agreed to give him back his old office back and—holy crap he’s moving to pokok Hill,” Nathan’s eyes widened as if something had just dawned on him.

“What are we going to tell Quinn?” Haley asked anxiously.

“I have a feeling that he will get to Quinn before us,” Nathan berkata with a sinking feeling in his stomach.

“What do anda mean?” Haley asked urgently.

“You berkata that Quinn was at the pantai right?” Nathan asked.

“Yeah,” Haley nodded.

“Clay’s moving into his old pantai house,” Nathan berkata quietly, and sejak the small gasp Haley emitted, he knew that she understood the situation.


Quinn was standing on the pantai staring at the endless ocean in front of her, while Ryan played with his sand toys a few feet ahead of her. This pantai held so many memories for her, both good and bad, and she didn’t know which ones were lebih overwhelming. She had had hati, tengah-tengah fixed and broken here sejak the same man here, and no matter how hard she tried to escape it, he was everywhere. This pantai was their “spot”, for those 2 blissful weeks, this place was their haven, but that happiness was short lived.

Unconsciously, her eyes drifted to the place where everything fell apart.


“You’re very quiet tonight,” Quinn observed as she ran her finger through Clay’s hair while he lay on her lap.

“Just thinking,” Clay muttered quietly.

“Anything important?” Quinn asked gently.

“Just my miserable life,” Clay berkata bluntly.


“No, Quinn, don’t. anda know as well as I do, that I am in hell right now. Your words aren’t going to change the way I feel,” Clay snapped.

“I was just trying to help,” Quinn berkata softly.

“Well don’t. I don’t need your help. I brought this upon myself. I got careless, I deserve this,” Clay berkata miserably.

“You don’t deserve this Clay, nobody does. anda made a mistake, it happens. It’s not fair that anda have to pay such a big price for it,” Quinn berkata stubbornly.

“Nothing in my life has ever been fair, I am kind of used to it sejak now,” Clay berkata bitterly.

“There has to be some way out of this situation,” Quinn berkata desperately.

“There is,” Clay berkata quietly after a couple of minutes.

“What is it?” Quinn asked eagerly.

“I have been thinking about it for a while, and I think this will be the best way to go- for both of us,” Clay berkata softly.

“Both of us?” Quinn asked confused.

“Yes, both of us,” Clay berkata taking a deep breath, “Quinn, I think we should stop seeing each other.”

“What?” Quinn asked shocked, “Where is this coming from?”

“That’s the way it should have been in the first place. This, this thing between us should have never happened. Nathan told me to stay away from you, and I should have respected his wishes. Ending this relationship, atau whatever anda want to call it, before it escalates, will be good for both of us,” Clay berkata as he gazed at the dark sea in front of him.

“You don’t know that Clay, you—”

“I do know that Quinn,” Clay interrupted, “This has affected both of us, I mean anda and Haley aren’t even speaking to each other anymore.”


“I need to fix the mess I made, Quinn. I need to prove to Nathan my worth, and somehow get him on the Bobcats again. I need to do this sejak my. I can’t do that with anda around,” Clay berkata quietly, hating every word that came out of his mouth.

“So that’s it? This is over? Just like that?” Quinn asked quietly.

“Just like that,” Clay berkata softly, trying to not let any emotions show.

“Alright then,” Quinn berkata quickly getting up, she didn’t want him to see how much he had hurt her, “I am sorry. For everything.”

“Quinn, none of this is your fault,” Clay berkata grabbing her hand. She had to understand that he didn’t blame her for anything that had happened. She had been the best thing that had happened to him since Sara, and now it was all over. Over before it even started.

“Somehow it feels like is,” Quinn berkata quietly, and freeing her wrist from Clay’s grasp, she turned around and quickly walked away, leaving a miserable Clay behind.

-End Flashback-

Shaking her head, Quinn tried to unsuccessfully pry her head away from all the unpleasant thoughts that plagued her every time she looked at that particular spot. She knew she was just hurting herself sejak continuing to relive those memories, but she couldn’t find an escape from them.

Forcing herself to think about happy thoughts, she turned her attention towards her son who was still playing in the sand. He was trying very hard to build a mountain of sand, but every time he reached over to get lebih sand, the rest of the pile would fall off. Quinn laughed slightly as his sand mountain collapsed once again and was just about to go and help him, when she heard a voice she thought she would never hear again.


Spinning around, she felt her eyes grow wide as she realized that it was in fact him standing in front of her. After almost 2 years of silence, he was here, in front of her, without any warning.

“Clay?” Quinn gasped once she could get her mouth to function, “What are anda doing here?”

“Taking a stroll on the beach,” Clay answered in a ‘duh’ voice. He knew what she meant, he just felt like playing around with her a bit.

“No, I mean what are anda doing in pokok Hill?” Quinn asked rephrasing the question. She snuck a quick glance at Ryan and was glad he was facing away from them.

“I live here, now,” Clay answered, wondering how she would react.

“What? Since when?” Quinn asked thunderstruck. Of all the things he could have berkata this was the last thing she had expected atau wanted to hear.

“ISC gave me a deal, they want me to come back, and Nathan wants me as an agent, the offer was pretty awesome, so I accepted it,” Clay explained.

“Oh, that’s great,” Quinn berkata uncomfortably, sneaking another glance at Ryan.

“Yeah, after the life I have been living for the past 2 years, it is—is there some cute behind anda that anda keep sneaking glances to? I know it’s none of my business, but anda seem so distracted. If this is bad timing for you—”

“Yeah it is kind of a bad time. I really have to get going—”

“You’re hiding something,” Clay berkata looking at her closely.

“No, I am not,” Quinn berkata quickly.

“Yes, anda are. I can tell,” Clay berkata stubbornly.

“Don’t pretend like anda know me Clay, this is really not the time,” Quinn snapped.

“Well then if you’re not hiding anything, let me see who anda keep glancing towards?” Clay challenged.

“No, that’s a bad idea,” Quinn berkata hastily as she stepped in front of Clay. Bad move. Because in trying to prevent Clay from walking ke hadapan and see Ryan, she had telah diberi him a perfect view of him.

“Were anda looking at that kid?” Clay asked confused.

“No, I wasn’t. Why would I be looking at that kid?” Quinn asked laughing nervously.

“I don’t know. anda tell me,” Clay said.

“Clay, look please, just drop this. This is not the time atau the place. I’ll talk to anda later—”

“He’s your son isn’t he?” Clay asked quietly, stopping Quinn in between her rant.

“What?” Quinn asked stunned, as he moved around her and started walking towards where Ryan was sitting playing with his toys, completely oblivious to the world around him.

“He’s your son,” Clay repeated again, but this time it was lebih of a statement than a question.

“Clay, anda really don’t want to do that,” Quinn insisted grabbing his arms before he could turn to come face to face with Ryan.

“Why not?” Clay asked confused. “Are anda ashamed of him atau something? Because I am pretty sure he’s a cute kid, I mean look who he has for a mom.”


“I just want to see him,” Clay insisted, his interest being peaked at what Quinn was trying to hide, “Come on, its not like one look at him would be the end of the world.”

And with that, he gently pried her numb fingers away from his arms, and walked around so that he was face to face with Ryan.

“See, nothing—” However, at that very moment Ryan chose to lift his head up to meet the stranger, and Clay felt his words die in his throat.

“It is the end of the world,” Quinn whispered as she took in Clay’s horrified expression.

“Clay?” Quinn asked after he hadn’t berkata anything for lebih than two minutes.

“Say it,” Clay whispered. His eyes were still fixed on Ryan who was staring at him curiously.

“What?” Quinn asked confused.

“Say it,” Clay repeated in a much harsher tone.

“Say what?” Quinn asked desperately, but when he raised his furious eyes to meet hers, she immediately understood what he wanted her to say.

“Clay we can—”

“Just say it god dammit,” Clay almost hissed. He knew he looked completely inhumane, but he didn’t care. He needed to hear the truth from her, and he needed to hear it now.

Shaking, Quinn took a deep breath, and looking straight into his eyes repeated the words Clay had berkata only a couple minit earlier, “He’s your son.”

And with those 3 words, Clay felt his world crash into pieces all around him.

A/N: So this has got to be the hardest thing I have ever written. I don’t know how I feel about it, but this is an idea that has been in my head for a long time, and I couldn’t seem to get rid of it. So I decided to put it on paper and make a story out of it. I have the whole plot planned, and I am kind of excited about how I am going to make this work, since this is such a new couple.
So, let me know what anda think

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One Tree Hill
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One Tree Hill
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Source: OTHjovana