Disney Females Club
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added by LightningRed
added by LightningRed
Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all? This is my senarai of prettiest Disney females, mainly with imej followed sejak a quick huraian of what I like the most about each of them.

20. Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
Her skin is green, but I think she's pretty anyway.
What I Cinta the most about her: lips, smile, eyebrows, makeup, hands, elegance, even her horns.

19. Eilonwy (The Black Cauldron)
One of the most underrated Disney beauty. She reminds me my prettiest one.
What I Cinta the most about her: eyes, lips, smile and hair.
 Princess Eilonwy
Princess Eilonwy

18. Aphrodite (Hercules)...
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added by LightningRed
added by LightningRed
Source: LightningRed
added by LightningRed
added by MegaraRider
Source: MegaraRider
added by MegaraRider
Source: MegaraRider
added by MegaraRider
Source: MegaraRider
added by MegaraRider
Source: MegaraRider
added by MegaraRider
Source: MegaraRider
added by MegaraRider
Source: MegaraRider
added by MegaraRider
Source: MegaraRider
added by LightningRed
added by LightningRed
added by gemma4scott
added by SM1791
added by LightningRed