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posted by egyptprincess7
Currently, my char has been training in using dark magic from the help of a guy named Dark. Now, it seems odd that she'd want to learn how to use such power when she has her light magic. She feels weak, useless, like a damsel in distress. In her eyes, her power is insignificant compared to the others. That it...serves no real purpose, that she just gets in the way.

So she tries to strengthen herself, tries to find her purpose. She wants that fear she gets when she's around a strong enemy to vanish. To stop grabbing a hold of her. But most importantly...she wants her Friends to feel proud of her. To praise her.

So here we have Dark, he radiates an aura filled with power. She's hooked on the idea of getting stronger. Stronger than Mistory, stronger than Tim. She wants to become stronger. She craves it. So what does she do?

She searches for a way to strengthen herself. Searches for someone who'd teach her lebih than just one thing (Smiting) while giving someone else a book with all sorts of things she can learn from.

So she searches and finds him. He wasn't willing at first, she had to prove herself to Dark. Which she did and he took her in. He didn't go easy on her. It hurt her severely sejak using the dark magic he was teaching her. But she kept her pain hidden from everyone, thinking the ends justify the means.

She was aware of the purple orb, several different colored orbs actually. They gave the person inside of them the dark magic they seeked for overnight but with the cost of pain. It hurt them...a lot. Egypt handled it though. She always kept her emotional and physical pain hidden.

Like when she absorbed Haka's stomach (shot) wound. It hurt a lot, but Egypt had her stomach DESTROYED before so she handled it pretty well. She prefers being physically hurt over emotionally hurt actually. So the purple orb didn't really hurt much. Getting out of the orb is a bit tricky for some.

Egypt dyed her hair white. She no longer sees herself as pure, as clean, as light. So why would she dye her own hair white? To represent purity. To hide behind the mask of her Lost purity.

She's filled with darkness now, she Lost her innocence. So the white is a lie to everyone that she's fine. That she's still the same old Egypt. Despite the fact that on the inside, she's shattered, broken and lost. She's a mess, she thinks.

She's not worth anything, she thinks. She had developed bad habits: smoking and drinking. She has also tried to kill herself when she Lost her arm, thinking that she'd be a burden on her Friends with only one arm and that she'd be needing to be saved even more. She has also...self-harmed. Her self-worth is low despite the fact that she hides behind her mask of self-confidence.

So yeah, there anda go. This is just a little insight on my character's emotions and all. I'm probably missing a lot.
added by egyptprincess7
posted by egyptprincess7
-MAIN-Queen Egypt:
Made the kingdom of Adrisal

A clone that Egypt made because she wanted a sibling. She’s the temporary Queen if anything happens to Egypt atau she is out of the kingdom to save the world atau something

Her oldest son. He’s an elemental user of lightning. He’s still training and learning how to use it. Oh and he’s adopted.

Her middle child. Mia used to be the daughter of Aieon but her memories were erased and she was brought back to life and became Egypt’s daughter.

Egypt’s biological child. She’s the daughter of both Reiner and Egypt. Possibly...
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added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
posted by egyptprincess7
She has no memories of where she was born atau her parents. When she woke up in a hospital in Puddinland after being out for a week. She wasn't interested in going to school so she was taught in the temporary location she lived in. Eventually she had to alih on. Eventually she met other people and become Friends with them too.

While she was walking through the market she ran into an old woman. She was naive and followed the old woman to an alley way. She was confused when she noticed the black smoke but soon it was too late. For a demon had possessed her. Lucky for her though, her Friends managed...
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posted by egyptprincess7
So I forgot to include her on the first one but this one is about Princess Marie.

She was born in [Insert the correct spelling of her kingdom here] which is a magical kingdom. Her father and mother were the king and Queen of the kingdom. When she was 16 she was already prepared to take the takhta and was expected to marry a prince from a neighbouring kingdom. Her parents ended up having an emergency meeting in a far away kingdom and they haven't returned yet. She currently is the ruler of her kingdom.

She grew up with a man named Waru. He saved her when she went out once and got...
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added by egyptprincess7
posted by egyptprincess7
Okay, so already she's been getting stronger. Obtaining the white flames and as well as getting better at using her Light magic. But she IS a Moon Goddess after all, she shouldn't be so powerful in just one instant no. But over time and that is what I am trying to do. Her uh..stronger powers like telekinesis and the white flames will be used when she loses control. Smiting and her light magic will be used when she is in control.

Her personality... gonna change that. Maybe she'll end up being darker and colder towards others. atau she'll just be more...distant I guess. She'll keep her feelings...
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added by egyptprincess7