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posted by Gabstaaa
‘Vampire? anda are vampires?’
‘Including you.’ Murmured Carlisle with a hint of regret
Vampire? Wait, I’m a vampire. Vampire vampire vampire.
‘I’m so sorry Harley.’ He’s been saying this the whole time.
‘I just… Need to get used to it all. May anda pass me some lebih animal blood please, Rosalie?’ I asked in my most polite voice. Ever since I’ve woken up they’ve been forcing animal blood down me. It’s not like I don’t want it, because I am always thirsty, but they say it’s to help me handle the ‘vegetarian’ side of things. The Cullen’s do not feed from humans and Carlisle is trying a new way of getting me onto animal blood. His theory is that if I solidly drink animal blood and not come into contact with anything human for awhile, it will be much easer for me to be around humans.
‘Here. Are anda still OK? Not feeling too thirsty?’ Rosalie asked. She has been so kind to me ever since I’ve been here. She answered all my soalan with great patience and has never left my side since. She taught me everything I needed to know along with her husband’s help. Emmett is a real lad. Yet he’s so funny and loves to tease and torment me. He did scare the life out of me when he first appeared, but that soon changed.
‘No. The blood is really helping.’ And it was.
‘Harley?’ Called Esme. Esme is the nicest most adoring person I have ever come into contact with. She has welcomed me with open arms and I am so grateful for it. Her motherly ways fascinate me. anda can tell just sejak the sound of her voice that she loves her family ever so much and I am now adopted into this amazing family of vampires.
‘Yes?’ I answered. I also tried to sound surprised but I knew what she was going to ask.
‘Are anda sure you’re all OK with this? We are not forcing anda into this family?’
‘Esme. I have never ever, in my whole 18 years of my life, had a loving and adoring family like anda have here. My mother died when she had me and my father soon became an alcoholic and blamed me for my mother’s death. I have had to grow up much quick than any other children I know and I can’t repeat my childhood again, so this is my one and only chance to have a proper family.’
‘Oh Harley, I’m so sorry to hear about that. We will always be your family and are always here when anda need us. Do anda need anything else.’ Esme asked again.
‘Actually, I wouldn’t mind something normal to wear. These pyjamas are starting to irritate me.’ Oops. Wrong thing to say.
‘Harley!! I was waiting for anda to say that.’ That melodic, chiming voice could be heard from miles away. I looked around Esme to see Alice pop up like she always does. Happy-Clappy Alice is what I call her. Apparently she was waiting to dress me up through these past 4 days but I always turned her down because I was still getting used to everything.
‘Have anda got a dress atau something Alice?’ I felt like wearing a lovely floral dress to match the way I feel right now, surrounded sejak my new family that I loved.
‘Wait right there Harley. anda need a mirror. anda need to see what anda look like.’ Squealed Alice.
‘Fine. Get me a mirror if anda must. But I’m sure I look the same as I always do.’ I slouched back on the sofa and waited for Alice to come back. My thoughts began to drift to how much I would just Cinta another cup of blood. The burning desire for it was starting to return now and soon I couldn’t think about anything else but my thirst.
Suddenly I heard gasps from all around me. I flicked around to see all my family starring wide eyed at me.
‘What?’ I questioned. Had I suddenly grow a third eye atau something?
‘Harley? How did anda do that?’ Carlisle eventually said.
‘Do what?’
‘Look around you.’ And Carlisle nodded to the meja, jadual behind me.
On the meja, jadual were hundreds of cups filled with a red liquid. Blood? How did they get there? I didn’t ask for them. It was animal bloody because I could taste it in the air.
‘What were anda thinking about just then?’ He questioned me.
‘I felt like a cup of… wait! I was thinking about my thirst and blood.’Carlise seemed to take a step back, examine me, and remain stunned.
‘Really? Can I try one thing? If anda could just close your eyes and think about…um… an orange.’ So I did. I squeezed my eyes closed and repeated in my head the word orange. I thought about the texture, the colour, the shape. lebih gasps echoed around the room. I opened my eyes, and there before me lay an innocent little orange.
‘I think anda have a special ability, Harley.’ Carlisle commented.