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This oneshot was written for Quizilla as step one in a series of George Weasley oneshots I'm Penulisan using my updated OC.

(Thanks once again to Ronnichu@DA for the signature)


The summer holiday was finally coming to a close, and Cora Collins was lebih excited than ever to return to Hogwarts. She was a 6th year, which meant she would finally have frequent breaks between classes and even some off periods. She was looking ke hadapan to these breaks mostly because she wanted that extra time to spend with her friends, Fred and George Weasley and Lee Jordan. As if that weren’t reason enough, something exciting was taking place at the school this year, and everyone was on needles wondering what it could be.

Using what little information Cora had gathered, she effectively planned out the entire first term before even boarding the Hogwarts Express car, and it wasn’t until she was securely in her kerusi, tempat duduk and discussing these plans with the devilish trio that she thought she might have forgotten something.

“Cora…” George said, waving his freckled hand in front of her face. “You kind of spaced out for a saat there. Are anda ok?”

“What? Oh yeah, sorry. What was I saying?” Cora asked, physically shaking the thoughts from her mind, causing her shoulder-length dark brown hair to tangle towards the ends.

“You were just telling us your theories on what’s going on this year. anda sort of trailed off mid-word.” Fred was smirking at her with curiosity.

“I feel like I’ve forgotten something important. I can’t place what it is though.” Cora’s face was scrunched in thought. Through all of the excitement of the new term, her packing had been a little less than organized. It was possible she forgot a lot of things, which wouldn’t be too devastating. She could always owl her parents. But this felt lebih serious, somehow.

“Never mind that, anda can worry about it when we get to school. I liked where anda were headed with the plan for this year, let’s go back to that.” Fred said, as he moved from his spot sejak the window to sit seterusnya to Cora, as if him being in closer proximities would help her stay focused.

“It’s Henri!” Cora exclaimed, nearly shaking the car as she jumped in her sudden realization.

“Interesting theory,” berkata George, stroking his chin in mock thought.

“I see what anda mean,” berkata Lee, mimicking George.

“No, not about that! I forgot Henri, my cat.” Cora sat back down between the twins and put her face in her hands and her hands on her knees.

“Oh…” the three boys replied, not nearly as upset about the fact as Cora.

Henri was Cora’s Turkish Angora cat and no one seemed to think he was as perfect, loving, and intelligent as Cora did. In fact, ask the majority of the Gryffindors what they thought of him, and they would tell anda that on lebih than one occasion they’ve ‘lightly nudged’ the cat with their foot when he was in the common room. No one would ever admit this around Cora.

“That’s no big deal. I’m sure anda can manage being without him until Krismas break. Then anda can go utama and get him.” Lee was proud of this logic, and was ready to brush the topic off and alih on. Cora wasn’t satisfied.

“It’s not going to be easy. I’ve had that cat since 1st year. He’s part of a tradition.” Cora looked from one face to another and quickly realized that it was pointless to continue the conversation. It was obvious sejak their vacant expressions that the boys didn’t understand and couldn’t care less about her feelings for Henri.

“Just forget it. We’re almost at the castle. Let’s change into our robes; I expect we’ll find out what the big surprise is soon.” Cora pulled down her batang from the overhead bin, and the group excitedly made their preparations to enter Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry once again.

Over a bulan had passed since the start of term. The cool autumn air was setting in and excitements were high as the start of the ‘secret surprise’ of the tahun drew near. During the start of term feast, Cora, the twins, and Lee learned along with the rest of the school that Hogwarts would host the Tri-Wizard Tournament, an event that was finally reinstated after years of being discontinued.

Delegations from Beauxbatons Academy and Durmstrang Academy had arrived at Hogwarts to determine who the champions would be. Once chosen, the champions would then participate in a series of contests to determine who the Tournament winner would be. For the first time in tournament history, there was also an age limit. Champions must be 16 years of age to participate.

Between lebih advanced classes and homework, the excitement of the upcoming tournament, and Fred, George, and Lee trying to develop an aging potion to trick the Goblet of api, kebakaran which would pick champions, Cora barely had time to miss Henri. It was lebih of a nagging ache in the pit of her stomach, but in the late nights and early mornings it was worse.

One Saturday night, Cora had stayed up late in the common room, tutoring Neville Longbottom in potions. Most of the other Gryffindors had long gone to sleep, and as Cora nodded off in an oversized armchair, she subconsciously began stroking the bantal in her lap. It must have been a ridiculous sight because Fred teased her for three days afterward, even though Neville had tried to take the bantal away before anyone else saw.

A Wednesday morning she woke up bright and early, wandered into the 4th tahun boy’s dormitory and practically tackled Harry Potter to the ground trying to get his Marauder’s Map. She wanted to use it to sneak into the kitchens before anyone else woke up so she could grab some susu for her cat. It took several minit for him to remind her that Henri wasn’t there, and the susu would most likely curdle before making the trip to London.

Things were becoming increasingly hectic for everyone at Hogwarts. The champions had been chosen (unfortunately Fred and George’s aging potion was a disastrous failure), and Harry Potter was among them despite the fact that he was only fourteen. With everything that was going on, it looked like Cora wasn’t going to be able to make it utama for the holidays, which meant that she would not be able to pick up Henri. Something that would be so simple and unimportant to most people was starting to wear on her nerves and her good mood.

If nothing else, Fred and George could be trusted to cheer up a friend even if they didn’t completely understand why that friend was so upset. It was a rainy hari and Cora could hear the twins before she could see them. She had taken up her post in the chair sejak the api, kebakaran in the common room, and Fred and George were running down the corridor outside, Filch hot on their feet for dripping mud through the castle.

“Cora! We have a surprise for you!” She heard Fred yelling as he crawled through the Gryffindor entrance.

“It’s brilliant, you’ll Cinta it!” George berkata after his brother. Both twins were in plain view now and they looked a mess. Cora laughed as she stared from Fred’s muddy nose to George’s matted hair. It was several saat before she noticed what they held in their hands.

“Awww…” Cora berkata (read squealed) as she spotted the matching ginger kittens, one in Fred’s hand the other in George’s.

Fred and George just smiled. “I’m not even going to make fun of anda for that disgusting display of girly affection,” berkata Fred, cuddling the kitten in his hands. “George did the same thing when we first saw them a couple of weeks ago.”

Cora grabbed the kitten George was holding and started rubbing it against her face. “You guys knew about these weeks lalu and didn’t tell me! They’re so adorable, where did anda find them?”

“We didn’t tell anda because we wanted it to be a surprise,” berkata Fred.

“Yeah, we wanted to wait until they were old enough to leave their mother. So anda could have them,” berkata George, now smiling bigger than ever.

“You mean…these are… mine?!” Cora could barely contain her excitement. Two twin kitties and they were all hers. “You never answered my question, though. Where did anda get these guys?” Cora sat on the floor as Fred and George followed to form a bulatan so the anak kucing could play with each other on the inside.

“Hagrid actually found them near the edge of the forest. Apparently there are a few feral Kucing that live there and one had a litter,” George said, removing his finger from the painful grip of a kitten’s firm jaw.

“Hagrid was caring for the litter and we saw. That’s when George here had the idea to pick one out for you, only when we saw that there were two that were identical, we thought they’d be perfect.” Fred said, as he picked up one kitten and handed the other to George.

They held the anak kucing close to their face as George berkata “The resemblance is uncanny, right?”

Cora laughed. It was true; the ginger anak kucing looked and acted a lot like their human counterparts. She couldn’t believe how thoughtful her Friends had been, and even though Cora had no intention to let the anak kucing replace Henri, the sentiment was very nice and she would give the anak kucing a proper utama until summer, and then it would be up to her parents as to whether atau not they could be hers permanently. “Thanks so much anda guys,” she said, hugging them both. “They’re perfect! What are we going to name them?”

Fred and George looked from each other, to Cora, to the Kucing playing on the carpet.

“Well, we sort of thought that was obvious, isn’t it?” Fred asked.

“Yeah,” berkata George, “That one there is Fred and this one’s George.” He pointed to Kitten Fred then picked up Kitten George and lovingly kissed the bahagian, atas of his head.

“That could get confusing, don’t anda think?” Cora asked, raising an eyebrow at her friends. “I was thinking lebih like Thing 1 and Thing 2. I used to read the book a lot when I was a kid and I think those names are perfect.”

“What book is that?” George asked, feeling dejected and not very pleased with Cora’s name choices.

“You know, Dr. Suess,” she said, matter-of-factly.

“I don’t get it. Is he a doctor atau a cat?” Fred asked, holding tightly to Thing 1 (read Kitten Fred) as if he was regretting his decision to give it to Cora.

“All right, fine. But don’t yell at me when I tell Fred to stop licking George’s tail and people get the wrong idea.” Cora said, laughing.

“That’s just what we were hoping for, actually.” Fred gave his trademarked mischievous grin.

“Exactly,” berkata George.

Later that night Cora smiled as she saw Fred sprawled out on the sofa with Fred asleep on his chest. George was still awake and was playfully jumping out from behind tables at George. This was definitely the happiest Cora had been all year.

Cora walked to where human George was sitting and sat seterusnya to him. “Hey,” she whispered, trying not to wake the Freds. “I just wanted to thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Cora. And you’ve thanked us loads enough already. Besides, these guys are cute and funny, so really it worked out for everyone.” George smiled and nudged Cora’s shoulder playfully.

“Yeah, I know. But I wanted to thank anda specifically.” Cora berkata slowly.

George furrowed his brow. “Why me specifically?,” He asked.

“Because it was your idea. Fred’s great, but I know this would have never happened if it weren’t for you. So, thanks,” and with that she stood, pet Kitten George on the head and walked towards the girl’s dormitory.

Kitten George wobbled to follow her, and as she turned to pick him up she caught a glimpse of George Weasley, staring into the fire, a giant smile on his face and his cheeks a little too flushed to be a product of the flames.