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Things That Make Me Uncomfortable About Ghostbusters

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called The Horror Digest: Things That Make Me Uncomfortable About Ghostbusters
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Things That Make Me Uncomfortable About Ghostbusters
Alright that\'s all I got. But seriously, doesn\'t it make anyone else uncomfortable to see Zuul parading around in a provocative curtain dress, flaunting his (her?) newly acquired female parts for the benefit of getting it on with the Key Master?
 I just don\'t picture those demon dogs being too knowledgeable in the sex department. Not to mention I\'m still confused about why Vinz Clortho is such a moron and Zuul is like the sexual demonic equivalent of Jenna Jameson.
 Also---how did Zuul whip up that provocative curtain dress so quickly? Does he/she have a sewing machine handy in the refrigerator? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS.
Oh wait I do have more things that make me uncomfortable.
Isn\'t it funny how Dana wants absolutely nothing to do with Peter Venkman prior to the Ghosbusters\' super success montage? After unceremoniously throwing Peter from her apartment she then begins a steady incline towards the Venkman fanclub. First while doing crunches in front of her TV set, next, chopping veggies with a smile on her face listening to Casey Kasem and finally engaging in full on flirtation after a strenuous orchestra rehearsal. She even flaunts her flirtation for her musician friend to witness. Why the change Dana? Could it be that now that Peter Venkman is famous you suddenly want a piece of that sarcastically awesome pie?
Why did I never spot this before? Their relationship is a sham I tell you. A sham!
Okay that\'s really it is this time. Listen, Ghostbusters is probably one of my top 10 all time favorite movies, but on my last viewing I just couldn\'t shake these uncomfortable thoughts. It also got me thinking--instead of a Ghostbusters 3----can we have a prequel that details the life and times of Ivo Shandor--the architect behind Dana\'s apartment building in NYC?!
Read this exchange about the building\'s history and just try to tell me that this would not make an amazing movie.
Dr. Egon Spengler: The architect\'s name was Ivo Shandor. I found it in Tobin\'s Spirit Guide. He was also a doctor, performed a lot of unnecessary surgery. And then in 1920, he started a secret society...
Dr. Egon Spengler: After the First World War, Shandor decided that society was too sick to survive. [He pauses, glancing nervously around at the holding cell crowd]
Dr. Egon Spengler: And he wasn\'t alone, he had close to a thousand followers when he died. They conducted rituals up on the roof. Bizarre rituals, intended to bring about the *end of the world*, and now it looks like it might actually happen.
According to the IMDB Trivia, the original form that Gozer was supposed to take was of Ivo Shandor and Paul Reubens was supposed to play him. SOMEONE MAKE THIS MOVIE RIGHT NOW.
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Writer. Cat enthusiast. Horror movie addict. Blood lover. Argento and Hitchcock stalker. Martha MacIsaac look-a-like. Video Game nerd. Plus, I\'m awesome.
Things That Make Me Uncomfortable About Ghostbuste...
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