Gymnastics Club
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The 2012 Olympics held some great moments and some- not so great for gymnastics. I thought it would be fun to, about a tahun later, look back at my kegemaran moments for rhythmic (5) and men’s (3) and women’s (5) artistic gymnastics. I’m not that into trampoline, so I’m not ranking it. There’s a video at the end of each of the routine descriptions so anda can watch it for yourself- if anda can’t remember it!

Rhythmic Gymnastics
5. Evgenia Kanaeva- Ribbon All Around Final
This ribbon routine is just amazing. And, of course, I had to have a Zhenya routine! Other than a little flub at the...
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posted by utie1015
strong bones- it's no secret that gimnas, anjuran enjoy stronger muscles due to their training, but the sport can boost bone health as well. Gymnastic evolved from sports practiced sejak the strength.Gymnastics requires great skill, flexibility and agility.Spartans used gymnastics to train their citizens for war.Mary lou retton was the first female gimnas, anjuran to win the individual all-around emas medal in the olympics.Gymnastics has been the best thing that has ever happened to me
My support to the people from the country that has produced some of the best gymnasts the world has ever seen.

1991 was the last tahun when the Soviet Union competed in gymnastics international competitions as the USSR; a tahun later in 1992, they competed for their own republics at the European Championships.

At the world championships held in April 1992 and at the 1992 Olympic Games, they competed as the Unified Team, but they were not the same anymore. While all the gymnasts in the Unified Team that competed at the Barcelona 1992 Olympic Games were from former Soviet Union Republics, only 12...
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